Problem caused by Thank you page

5 replies
i'm working on building email list and i manage to get 10 to 25 emails / day with free methods .
i created a my own Thank you page and the opt-in rate dropped to 0 or 1 .
Can anyone help to figure out what the probelm is ?

Squeeze page :

Thank you page :
#caused #email markeing #page #problem #squeeze page #thank you page
  • Profile picture of the author [Justin]
    Originally Posted by oldbboy25 View Post

    i'm working on building email list and i manage to get 10 to 25 emails / day with free methods .
    i created a my own Thank you page and the opt-in rate dropped to 0 or 1 .
    Can anyone help to figure out what the probelm is ?

    Squeeze page :

    Thank you page :
    On your squeeze page change the birthday cake to something else. Not everybody is thinking birthday when they're thinking dessert, and if they aren't thinking birthday and see a birthday cake there's a high chance they'll bounce.

    Your thank you page, re-write it, there's some wordings that sound weird, maybe English isn't your first language idk.

    Then also DO NOT try to get people to check out some other offer on your thank you page. That's like telling them that the thing that they just signed up for is not good enough and now there's this other offer, so they will just bounce, they don't want to be lead through hoops, they're gone.

    Let them actually get their free product, and then at the beginning fo it you can make a small mention about the other product and at the END of your freebie you can talk about it freely and openly.

    Let them finish the first thing before having them start the next.

    Don't try to hustle people onto level 2 when they haven't even started level 1.

    You need to lead your list creatively and cleverly, don't just throw sh*t at them and hope someone buys something.

    I'm not saying what you're offering is sh*t but it's going to feel like it is to people if you give them too many things to do. They are just going to bounce, people are simple so make everything simple.

    Your thank you page should simply tell them thanks for signing up and that there's one more step before receiving their free gift, and then tell them that step is to confirm their e-mail address.

    Don't mention any other products or anything, wait until the end of the product to tell them about your other stuff, and if you talk about it in e-mails make sure you wait to send the first one until you know they've had enough time to go through your freebie.

    Make it about them getting what they're looking for not about you getting money from them.
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  • Profile picture of the author oldbboy25
    this is the advice that looking for , thnaks you so much , and sorry for my language , i'm no native speaker , and this is my second venture in email marketing , and i want to succes this time .
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10429106].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author [Justin]
      Originally Posted by oldbboy25 View Post

      this is the advice that looking for , thnaks you so much , and sorry for my language , i'm no native speaker , and this is my second venture in email marketing , and i want to succes this time .
      You're welcome

      Nothing to be sorry about. I wouldn't worry about the wording so much since English isn't your first language, but take all the other advise.
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    when I use the double opt in, which you are using, I will put on the thank you page that to access their download they have to go to their email and confirm. I also tell them to check their spam folder for the confirmation email. I have the confirmation link take them to the download page


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author oldbboy25
    yeah agmccall , this is what i'm don't , i just wanted to profit from TY page first then go to confirm tier email ,but i figure out , this option work on single opting .

    Update :

    i make some change on TY , delete offer + change background pics of dqueeze page .
    i hope to see some good resultat by tomorrow
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