How to Write an Eye-catching Email Subject?

4 replies
Hi, i am newbie in email marketing field and using Mail Chimp to market my website but open rate and click rates are very low. My average open rate is 25 to 30% i want to increase it but don't have much knowledge about it.

Kindly share your experience and tell me if that open rate is average or low? and give me tips to increase my email open rate.
#email #eyecatching #subject #write
  • Profile picture of the author chyan007
    Here are My Tips

    First of all you need to think differently and treat your list as real persons

    We have all seen such sort of email sub -"Claim your 1000$ Commission " these sort of things do not work any more and result in high unsubscribe rate

    You also need to be aware that a person who is in your list may be on 20 other lists of different marketers ,so you need to stand out from the crowd

    What you can do is arouse some sort of curiosity like "Can you Really Make Money ? " ,"Is Fiverr Dead ?"

    "Get Paid to Surf Facebook ?" ,These are some of the things that i do

    To get a good subject always make sure to read the entire sales page first ,I am pretty sure you will get great ideas for Subject ,Hope this help

    Let me know if you have any other question
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  • Profile picture of the author johnfsander
    Hi Chyanit,

    thank you so much for your tips, i do email marketing for a web agency and i try to put a call to action in email subject for example, before two days i sent an email with this subject "are you satisfied with your existing website performance?" it was for website redesign call.

    Give your opinion, was it right approach or should i add re-design word in subject?
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    • Profile picture of the author Egyfitness
      Originally Posted by johnfsander View Post

      Hi Chyanit,

      thank you so much for your tips, i do email marketing for a web agency and i try to put a call to action in email subject for example, before two days i sent an email with this subject "are you satisfied with your existing website performance?" it was for website redesign call.

      Give your opinion, was it right approach or should i add re-design word in subject?
      25% is not low at all . Actually 25%-30% is very good.

      I found the curiosity piquing subject lines brings highest opens.

      Example for your case : "The one thing that slows your website down 35%"

      "How to" works to , How to increase your website speed 45% Instantly..etc,

      Numbers headlines are also strong. 7 strong tactics to increase website speed
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      • Profile picture of the author johnfsander
        Originally Posted by Egyfitness View Post

        25% is not low at all . Actually 25%-30% is very good.

        I found the curiosity piquing subject lines brings highest opens.

        Example for your case : "The one thing that slows your website down 35%"

        "How to" works to , How to increase your website speed 45% Instantly..etc,

        Numbers headlines are also strong. 7 strong tactics to increase website speed

        Thank you so much these very effective tips, next time i will keep in mind these points while doing email marketing and hope i will get better response.
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