Free and working bulk email software

7 replies
Hi I am looking for a free bulk email software.We want to send an email to about 50000 people(please don't suggest programs like mail chimp)
#bulk #email #free #software #working
  • Profile picture of the author Iain Turville
    I don't think there is any free ones out there as bulk emails are sent from a server and that costs money. If you are marketing to 50,000 emails you should be getting enough sales (1-2% conversion) to afford a bulk email service.

    try get response. They offer a 30 day free trial without credit card. I'm not sure if you can send 50,000 at once.

    You could do it manually but could take a long time and most email providers set limits on how many emails they send.
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  • Profile picture of the author topcoder
    I doubt, you'll find a free service.

    If you get a VPS (Check with the host, to make sure they don't impose sending limits), set up a mail server (Free), use PHPList (Free)

    This way your cost is limited to the price of the VPS.
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    • Profile picture of the author empresa87
      Originally Posted by topcoder View Post

      I doubt, you'll find a free service.

      If you get a VPS (Check with the host, to make sure they don't impose sending limits), set up a mail server (Free), use PHPList (Free)

      This way your cost is limited to the price of the VPS.
      Do you know where I can find good information on how set up a mail server on a VPS?
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  • Profile picture of the author zarood
    You can try with Mail Chimp Software for Bulk Mailing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Diskretni
    You won't find one for free,at least not a good one.
    "Grind now, relax later!" - Me
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  • Profile picture of the author George Schwab
    you'll find many that let you mail a certain quota per month for free.

    or give you a limited subscriber quota, with a limited mailing quota per month, for free

    look and you will find yours

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  • Profile picture of the author james flynn
    Check out the following bulk softwares:

    1. e-compaign

    2. Big mass mailer

    3. Maillist controller

    4. Groupmail

    5. Sendblaster

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