How do I move a user to another segment after he triggers an action

2 replies
I am using Mailchimp for my newsletters.

I could not find online info useful to implement point b) of the following steps :

a) When a contact is inserted in my list "new contact", the series of newsletter "new contact" starts
b) when a contacts performs a certain action (clicking on a link inserted in one of the newsletters) he should be moved to another segment which will trigger a new series of newsletter (newsletter "user clicked on link a").

Can you help in suggesting how I could achieve point b) with mailchimp or other apps?

thank you
#action #move #segment #triggers #user
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10988773].message }}
  • There should be soe links that you have to direct the person to your rpoduct.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10990277].message }}

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