The 3 things you MUST have to be successful in Email Marketing

6 replies
Please listen carefully, with an open mind.
The three things that you ABSOLUTELY NEED
to be massively successful in email marketing:
1) Trustworthiness
2) Value
3) A trusting buyer
So, ask yourself these questions and be honest.
Are you trustworthy?
Do you have something valuable to share?
And do you have a list of people who trust you?
If you understand this concept,
then you're already ahead.
What's interesting is that 5 years ago,
I left my (great paying) job in hopes to find
the best "get rich quick" program out there,
to do a "one hit wonder" and cash out.
5 years later, after immersing myself and
spending thousands of dollars in programs that
promised me "overnight success",
I realized that I needed to shift my philosophy.
Here's the thing though, I actually learned so much
in Online Marketing and how businesses work.
I now know how to build websites,
optimize them through SEO,
do Video Marketing and rank the videos,
create positive and valuable content on Social Media,
and connect with relevant audiences.
I know how to generate leads for local businesses
and confidently speak directly to business owners,
because I know exactly what they "need",
and more importantly, what they "want".
I now have something "valuable" to offer people.
I'm telling you this, not to pat myself on the back,
but with the intention of EMPOWERING YOU,
to let you know that NOTHING is stopping you
from also being great at something.
So where do you start? Great question.
Hindsight being 20/20: If I were to start over again,
I would focus 80% of my energy in....
to be successful. Nothing should be as important
as building your email list.
The size of your list, will translate to the size of your wallet.
If you don't believe me, ask all the gurus out there
how big their email list is.

Great luck to you!!
#email #marketing #successful #things
  • Profile picture of the author Joyce Birmingham
    Yes, I learned the hard way that some people make money selling pie in the sky programmes. Having your own list really is key.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joshua Young
    I had a similar start. At first, I focused on selling my services to businesses. If I could go back and start my list in those earlier days... Thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author MortonHill
    Thank you for the article. It is interesting and holds a lot of inspiration in many ways.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mahmood99
    Thank you, going to start my journey on building a list really soon so this really helped.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChesterDan
    Thanks, this reinforces my efforts to build my list. Yes, the bigger the list, the more chances you have a touching the lives of others all around the world. I treat it like my own radio talkshow where I am the star and serving entertainment and education to all interested in listening.

    Believe. Act. Repeat. Succeed. Reward. Repeat. Get Richer in Friends Life Money Time

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  • Profile picture of the author mdallen
    Its so easy to try and just go for sales but list building is the long term strategy for sure. Thanks for sharing
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