Stuck in email marketing . I need help

7 replies
Hy all please give me some help as i am very angry on the luck i have
I will tell my story to tell all necasary details
I start to colect subscibers with mailchimp and when i get like 200 subscribers i write my first email but unfortunately mailchimp blocked me without reason ,then i exported that list to sendlane .With sendlane everithing was working good ,i was had good open rates and click rates . Unfortunatly in one morning i got blocked and asking admin it tell me that it blocked Romania as someone makes fraud with their system , well it pass 1 week and i was still blocked ,then i dont suport anymore and i export my list of 500 subscribers to getresponse . Sending my first email they find something bad and they ask me for verification ,i just export the list throght copy and paste option . When i send emails with getresponse my open rates are dezastruos ,i check and yahoo mail go to inbox but gmail all go to spam folder .
Now i was thinking that getresponse its bad and i move my list again to sendlane ,and its worst from getresponse . Yestaerday i send an email to like 460 subscribers and only 3 people open my email .

In conclusion i think my list its detected by spam filters because i moved it to much ,even if i dont nothing wrong
Excuse me as english its not my first language
What do you think its this list lost ? i should start from scratch or i need to search for solutions ?
What its best autoresponder in terms of deliverability : Getresponse or Sendlane ?
#email #marketing #stuck
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  • Profile picture of the author posinfo1
    I think that you will have issues when you move your list around. I think that you should build your list using one of the tier 1 autoresponders such as Aweber or Getresponse.

    Think of it as being like building a house. Your autoresponder is the foundation. You need solid foundations. In terms of your emails, you may want to send to your list, emails that have been prepared by someone who is an expert in email marketing. A very successful online marketer from the UK called Michael Cheney has created email sequences that you can use to promote JVZoo products.
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    How are you collecting your data?

    What type of offers are you sending?
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    When you started a list your main priority was a "free" autoresponder. You were using 'introductory' periods for free and changing to another AR when the free trial expired.

    Mailchimp does not like affiliate offers - you were told that but signed up for the "free" acct anyway. ...and sent out affiliate offers and MC closed you down.

    What you are doing makes no sense. Sendlane has already told you it does not accept accts from your country - so why try to go back there again? Another free trial? They will close you down again.

    If every autoresponder you use has a problem with your acct - maybe it's your list building and emails that are the problem. You have started multiple threads about email lists but you focus on 'free for me' rather than on what you have to offer a list.

    Suggestion: Post your initial (first) email in your autoresponder here (without the product names or links) and let us see what the problem might be. Just post the text of it - hard to help when we have no idea what you are sending out.
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    • Profile picture of the author spartan14
      Not man its not that Sendlane dont accept my country ,someone from my country make something bad and they blocked my country and admin said he will unblock . My mistake was that i dont suport because it was pass one week and my country was still blocked and i was serious not only for trial, i pay first month . Then i move to getresponse as it offer free month trial, but i dont search for trials if you think that i ,then again sendlane unblocked my county . And now i try again sendlane as with getresponse all gets in spam . Its not my fault that i have so bad luck
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  • Profile picture of the author sendizo
    Originally Posted by spartan14 View Post

    In conclusion i think my list its detected by spam filters because i moved it to much ,even if i dont nothing wrong
    That could be possible that your list was marked. the process of moving from ESP to an other called Waterfalling.

    Don't worry. there away to fix that in case your listed was marked by spam filters. you just need to mix them with other lists. or split the original list to smaller batches.

    If you got banned from some ESP. simply because they suspect that your account may cause trouble to their deliverability. It could be complaints, Bounces rates, engagement, unsubscribe reason. or the type of contents you use. From email domain. urls in templates, your behaviour ..etc

    ESP don't usually discuss specific reasons for suspension with clients.

    You would wanna maybe try using SMTP relay. like SendGrid, MailGun..

    I can help you set up an in-house autoresponder. it is easy
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Did you ever set up SPF for getresponse?

    In another thread, you said all mail to Gmail was going to spam.

    Setting up SPF can make a day and night difference inboxing Gmail.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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