How can I make sure my GDPR consent email ends up in primary inbox?
Almost all of Mailchimp emails ends up in promotions tab and I'm afraid many of our users won't notice it and we will lose a lot of our subscribers.
I have also sent test emails to a few addresses with plain text a CTA and the actual content and they all ended up in promotions tab.
I have recently received a lot of GDPR consent email in my primary inbox. even one of them I'm sure is sent by Mailchimp.
I wonder if there is a solution for this? How many others manage to send their GDPR consents to the primary email? Any tips or suggestions?
That will really help me out of this situation!
p.s. our domain is authenticated in Mailchimp and our emails are signed.
20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL