How can I make sure my GDPR consent email ends up in primary inbox?

2 replies
We need to send a GDPR consent to our 20K users to confirm they want to get emails from us or not.

Almost all of Mailchimp emails ends up in promotions tab and I'm afraid many of our users won't notice it and we will lose a lot of our subscribers.

I have also sent test emails to a few addresses with plain text a CTA and the actual content and they all ended up in promotions tab.

I have recently received a lot of GDPR consent email in my primary inbox. even one of them I'm sure is sent by Mailchimp.

I wonder if there is a solution for this? How many others manage to send their GDPR consents to the primary email? Any tips or suggestions?

That will really help me out of this situation!

p.s. our domain is authenticated in Mailchimp and our emails are signed.
#consent #email #ends #gdpr #inbox #make #primary
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Are you using images?

    I've noticed the overwhelming majority of any messages I get that end up in the promotions tab have images in them.

    I don't use images and don't often land in the promotions tab.

    It's been my experience that anytime I test and the message does end up in the promotions tab that it is being caused by something in the body.

    Do you have SPF set up?

    Not having SPF is a big cause of not getting your message in the Gmail inbox. This is at least the case for landing in the spam folder.

    While not a real solution. You could send using free Gmail accounts if you want the highest probability of inboxing. I test unresponsive users using free Gmail accounts for deliverability issues.
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    • Profile picture of the author Maziar Firuzmand
      My last email to try had no images.

      SPF is set up.

      My test email was not the 'Mailchimp test email'. It was an actual email sent for a list of 1 member in Mailchimp.

      But how am I supposed to send email to 20K recipients through Gmail?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11377443].message }}
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