Regenerate plain-text automatically in MailChimp
I am new to MailChimp and after sending my first campaign, realized that my plain-text version was the old content of when I started editing my campaign.
I finally found the extremely well hidden button to regenerate the plain-text version, fine, but I was looking to have this done automatically for me before I send a campaign. I am sure I will forget to do it if it's not automatic.
In the previous marketing email platform I was using (which shall remain nameless), there was an automatic setting. I have not found the equivalent in MailChimp, have not found anything in the KB when searching for "regenerate", and have not found anything when googling.
Is it at all possible? I have a free account if it matters.
If that feature doesn't exist, where can I submit a suggestion? I also didn't find a way to submit feature requests on the MailChimp website.
Thanks in advance.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison