What is the best lead magnet (or a bonus) when promoting Gold IRA Companies?

6 replies
Hi, I'm trying to create a great lead magnet or a bonus to make my offer really stand out from the rest, I'm helping retired people (with 401k) invest their money in gold and precious metals.
What do you think would be the best and irresistible lead magnet or a bonus to offer them, any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
#bonus #companies #gold #ira #lead #magnet #promoting
  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    Hi here are a few ideas of useful bonuses. Think in those categories:

    - help them achieve a result faster
    - help them get started
    - help achieve result easier
    - help implementing
    - help understanding
    - help them to stay in the game for example motivation/inspiration
    - save them time
    - save them money

    You can offer a consultation call and give them useful tips. People like it when they can simply talk to somebody.
    You can also offer a bonus exclusive webinar one on one and share your way of doing things.
    Another bonus type would be an information product which is about the topic and/or a case study.
    A great bonus is also give them more of what they bought. For example in your case when they want to invest in gold and other metals , give them one coin for free or something like that.

    If you have knowledge about or access to any types of softwares which helps them to save time that would be also a great idea.

    Maybe you know about an exclusive community and can give them access to this or other ressources or even a youtube playlist etc etc

    Hope that helped a bit
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    • Profile picture of the author alex knight
      Awesome answer, thank you very much for your help.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
    Originally Posted by alex knight View Post

    Hi, I'm trying to create a great lead magnet or a bonus to make my offer really stand out from the rest, I'm helping retired people (with 401k) invest their money in gold and precious metals.
    What do you think would be the best and irresistible lead magnet or a bonus to offer them, any help would be appreciated.
    Thank you.
    Create a lead magnet for each of the ones suggested by TobiMDD, then test each one a few times... which one performs best?

    There is no single answer, except to test, and keep testing. Subscribers respond to different things every day
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Handy
    Originally Posted by alex knight View Post

    Hi, I'm trying to create a great lead magnet or a bonus to make my offer really stand out from the rest, I'm helping retired people (with 401k) invest their money in gold and precious metals.
    What do you think would be the best and irresistible lead magnet or a bonus to offer them, any help would be appreciated.
    Thank you.
    Create an information product of massive value, something that you can even sell; you would be instantly building credibility. You don't have to create the product yourself; pay someone to do it if you have to.

    Example: Fin a couple of experts in whatever niche you are in, about two or three, do some interviews with them (in your case it should be financial experts' advice or a couple of persons who have made successful investments in gold and silver), videotape those interviews, bundle them all up into one product. Go to Fiverr and get an e-cover created for $5 or $10, get the interviews transcribed.

    You will then have three or four videos and transcribed interviews. So you can have an e-cover with three or four DVDs as well as the printed transcription. And here you have created a product of value. You can even add to the bundle an e-book about the basic principles of financial investment, written by an expert ghostwriter. This e-book can be about twenty pages for the most.
    The point I'm getting at is, create massive value and also, over-deliver. Your free offer should be something you could have sold and make money with. If you use this as a guideline, you will gain the trust of your subscribers instantly.
    Hope you find this useful.
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    • Profile picture of the author alex knight
      Awesome answer, this helps a lot. Thank you very much.
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