Are CMS's for eCommerce taking over that businesses no longer need developers?

3 replies
If not, then which businesses need e commerce developers? At what point of their business history think that standard plug-in just doesnt cut it anymore ?
#businesses #cms #developers #ecommerce #longer #taking
  • Profile picture of the author zefriks
    For ecommerce that need extra customization, it would be good for developer task. But it's also depending on customer choice.
    Why customer should pay extra charge hundreds dollars to developer if they can make it by self for dozens dollars? At least the core features just "add to cart"
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  • Profile picture of the author jamie3000
    People outgrow Shopify and move to Magento etc for many reasons. Access to source code, no risk of Shopify just banning you etc
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  • Profile picture of the author one3rdnerd
    Many people prefer to bootstrap with something that doesn't involve lots of small to medium monthly fees which is why some folks prefer WooCommerce. Another reason is that it is native to Wordpress which is a firm favourite of internet marketers and SEO's.

    David - Web Designer / Digital Marketing Consultant

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