Anyone used Traffic Fresh successfully?

6 replies
Got an email promo about it and made a purchase.

It turned out to be an Adobe Air program and before I installed it, I got the "System Access: Unrestricted" warning message, which basically meant that the software will have unrestricted access to my computer.

I then realized I don't know the creators (Abhi Dwivedi and Ben Murray), so I tried to Google for reviews but came across the usual affiliate sites that were all plugging the product.

Then I came to Warrior Forum to look for threads about the program (and the creators) but found nothing except a promotional thread.

Can anyone vouch for them?

Has anyone installed the program and used it successfully?

Thanks for your time and replies!
#fresh #successfully #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Nefelim

    I buy and install it today.
    It looks to work fine without any problems.
    I know that the guys where selling other products like this one in the past so i don't think that something is wrong with this guys.
    Hope it helps

    Originally Posted by Harold Hsu View Post

    Got an email promo about it and made a purchase.

    It turned out to be an Adobe Air program and before I installed it, I got the "System Access: Unrestricted" warning message, which basically meant that the software will have unrestricted access to my computer.

    I then realized I don't know the creators (Abhi Dwivedi and Ben Murray), so I tried to Google for reviews but came across the usual affiliate sites that were all plugging the product.

    Then I came to Warrior Forum to look for threads about the program (and the creators) but found nothing except a promotional thread.

    Can anyone vouch for them?

    Has anyone installed the program and used it successfully?

    Thanks for your time and replies!
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    • Profile picture of the author Harold Hsu
      Thanks for the reply! Anyone else tried it?
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      • Profile picture of the author Nefelim
        Software have some serious bugs...i contact them but it looks like they are still unable to fix them...i will wait until next week and inform you.
        What about you? It's working after all?
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  • Profile picture of the author Nefelim
    Final Review - Opinion.
    Guys don't buy this Software!
    After having some serious bugs the support service is not even answering to my tickets!
    I am waiting 1 week now and nothing happen.
    They are offering a 30 days no questions ask warranty so i ask for that if they are unable to fix the bugs.
    Again NO ANSWER!
    I open a paypal case and the guys are already to my "black list" for some other and future products!
    Really BAD experience!
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    • Profile picture of the author over9000
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      • Profile picture of the author edwin3145
        I was not happy with TrafficFresh either. And the methods they suggest for use with the software involve a long and tedious process of brown-nosing influencers. Not a pleasant prospect at all...

        The software is indeed slow and buggy, another product that is not ready for prime-time. I processed a refund request, will see how that goes.
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  • Profile picture of the author teddys31
    I guess there are a lot of software out there that offer "influencer marketing" and "viral content" but there's a reason most serious people use buzz sumo or ninjaoutreach and among other reputable companies

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