Magic Members Membership Plugin Nightmare
Magic Members Membership Plugin is a nightmare to use.
I purchased the Unlimited License (first mistake!) to MM in November to just make an easy and free membership site. All I needed it to do was:
- Have a squeeze page
- They enter their information
- They get a Username & Password
- They get in.
No payment processing. No fancy-schmancy stuff. A basic free site. Put your email and name in and you get in. Simple, right? Not with Magic Members!

First, their support videos are amusingly short and bleak. Take a look:
Support Videos | Magic Members Wordpress Membership Plugin
(The music alone can drive you crazy.)
Then, much of the trouble I had was because of outdated and quite inaccurate documentation. To be fair, on each "module", there is a link to a short video. Over 80 in all! Nice, but they don't show you much. Here they all are on Vimeo:
magicmembers's videos on Vimeo
They were up on Vimeo for over 6 months and they *just* put them into the plugin a few weeks ago. Amazing.
But the amazing thing was that I was asking for the plugin to do BASIC stuff. For instance, a "thank you page" where, after you register, you are directed to a "thank you page".
Basic, right?
When I sent in a support ticket, they replied:
"We also released an update about custom thank you pages..." (They did it after I pointed out the flaw.)
Well, that's nice, but why isn't this already in there?
Another time, when you registered as a member it would send you an email. Basic stuff. But the email was all HTML characters and messed up.
I emailed support and they fixed it. Fine... but I just felt like I was the only customer using Magic Members and I was debugging it for them. For $297, I am not paying for a Beta version.
One day -- and I am not exaggerating even a little -- I spent a bit over 13 HOURS trying to get Magic Members to work. It's a free site! No shopping carts! No credit cards! Nothing! I mean... how hard is that?!

They, of course, refused any refund (I actually asked to downgrade to the Single license since I never was able to get this working on even ONE site). Okay, fine. It was past the 30 days, but really. Okay, I'm over that.
So, what did I do?
I bought Digital Access Pass and got it set up in three hours.

I just sent an email to DAP asking to upgrade to the Unlimited License. At least I know it works!
Magic Members, I hope many people read this. It's all true.