What Affiliate Course Is good and has results to prove it.
I have been eyeing Unstoppable Affiliates and after research I learned that they build a site called www(dot)capsiplexWarning(dot)com . However here is my concerns: If the course is good then the demo should also be doing good right? unless they just abandoned it. After one year from the launch of the demo site, I look at the rankings for this site - pr 1 - Low domain authority in site explorer, I just thought it would have done better... I still think this is a great course and may still buy it, because I have not been able to find better.
Another Review...about the use of senuke... So I followed a wso that I Found here about how to use it and the best practices. The site that they demoed on is not doing well at all... PR0, alexa ranking in the 200000000.... site explorer almost 0....
I guess as a new noob... there is so much to learn and no real good examples.
Are the any videos out there that have actual demos that are still doing well.... If not then why not... I see there are ton's of people who claim to be a guru and give a lot of opinions... but that is just it.. I'm sure there are hundreds of noobs on this site with money in pocket looking to buy the video that will show them how to do it... but there are none I have found... that prove.. from beginning all the way to the current date,,, that there methods work..... and are documented to proove it... IE show... the beginning no traffic.. show the backlinking strategies and show over time the traffic coming in... I do not care about see how much money is made but that there are actual commission being earned...
So far all I have seen fall short of this task....
If anyone knows of one, please let me know....
I hope and welcome all thoughts on this...
If someone is wanting to create a video with a noob like me... demoing how this can be done and having a real noob express all the dumb noob questions... I think this would make a killing. If anyone is interested please message me.
Ta Ta for Now.
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