23rd Of July. Are you ready for it?
I've been doing quite a bit of research as well as testing. So I'll share my thoughts and of course if anyone else has anything to add please feel free to do so
First off, OP 2 (Aka OptimizePress 2.0 coming out 23rd July 2013, Price $29/Mo $297/Year). I like OP 1 to be honest. It's sleek and has been the industry standard of Squeeze Pages (Of course with a couple of drawbacks which is said to be addressed in OP2) But I kinda feel as if OP is acting kinda like Apple except in the Squeeze Page industry. In the sense where they already had the technology to release features in earlier versions (In this case OP 1) but they've been saving up for later versions (OP 2) so that they can do a price bump. What are these features you ask? Features that competitors (Leadpages, Instabuilder for example) already have long ago released. No need for short codes, Optimization for phone devices. The coolest thing I find with OP 2 is that you have over 250 Pre-built Elements (However most of these are already seen with current SP Creators). So the question to ask is are current users of OP 1 going for the upgrade considering the monthly charges? To me the upgrade is kinda like switching from an iPhone 5 to an iPhone 5s (Arguably...this isn't much of course we don't know everything about the specs of OP 2 yet)
Secondly, SalesPressPro 2.0 (Coming out 16th July 2013, Price Point Unknown). Okay if you're like me, you'd be like 'What the heck is this?!' I've only recently found out about SalesPressPro. If you want to see the features list go to SalesPressPro. Just like OP, SalesPressPro is actually a WP theme in itself. However some of the features it has are pretty exclusive (At least to my knowledge). For example, Flip Conversion (Kinda like Fake Video Popups but IMO, better). Check it out here Flip Squeeze Demo. Other features include, Facebook Comment Integration, Their Inhouse Video Player Integration 'The Traffic Player' and 'The Covert Player'. Note that all these features are just from version 1. I can't seem to find the features of SPP 2.0 anywhere on the net but if you ask me I think it would be pretty awesome
10MP is pretty cool too. However the offer is temporarily closed so I won't go into details about it. However, if you want to join the waiting list for the relaunch go to 10MP
Then there is EpicSqueeze Plugin (It's priced at $17 for a Lite version, $47 for a Pro Version,You can find it here EpicSqueeze Plugin which comes highly recommend by the Solo Ad Tycoon, Igor Kheifets himself. What I like about ESP is that you can control the Opacity of your Optin Box. What this means is that you can set it from Transparent (To Blend in with your BG Image) to Opaque. It also has an Built-In Live Traffic Tracker, which I think is pretty sweet. But wait there's more! There is Geo-Targeting where you can Instantly localize your page. There is also a Geo-Redirecting feature where you can direct International traffic to a seperate squeeze page. Could come in handy when buying Ad.fly traffic (Though I've never tested this as I don't buy traffic from them). Overall I think ESP has some features that it's competitors do not have. The only drawback I see is that you can only create Squeeze Pages with it.
Then comes Instabuilder (Plugin at $47 Per site or $77 Unlimited, probably one of the underdogs in the game). I'm not going too much into this one because it's features is basically the combination of LP and OP 2. It does have a Smart-Opt In System where it can detect current subscribers so as to redirect them to your DL/TY page.
In conclusion if you ask me which ones I'm going to get. Well..probably SPP 2.0 and OP 2.0. I can't Vote which one is the best between these two yet because I've yet to seen what SPP 2.0 can do. But from what I can tell, it's going to be pretty sick. ESPlugin has some really cool features and It's a good addition to using a theme like OP 2.0 or SPP 2.0. I'm still kinda bumped that we need to pay a monthly fee for OP 2.0 (I don't really mind because I know I can make my investment back but still...)
Alright that's all folks. Remember, I don't consider myself to be a geek with regards to these stuff. So guys please add your valued input
PS: Oh and also I've not used LP myself. If there are any LP fans out there could you please sell it to me why you think it's good? I ask is because alot of OP 1 Users complain about the $29/Mo Cost but LP Users pay $37/Mo and no one seems to be complaining.
Caleb Prince
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