1 replies
I would like to join up with an affiliate Network to enable be to earn a decent commission for leads..I came across Big Idea Mastermind that was setup to promote the Empower Network..at first i was wary after all I had heard of them from others

The top earner and founding member David Thornton sent me several inspiring emails about success that knocked me for six really..he has come across as a very professional and honest Marketer, even watching the video's on the site as well the vid by the founders of Empower left me wandering had I and many others been wrong about EN.

Why is their such a negative attitude towards EN and it's founders.? is it just jealousy at their success..
This is not a marketing ploy as I'm not a member, I would just like some honest opinions/thoughts about EN?

I am not interested in hearing from EN members who with an extremely low post count as they may well skew an honest opinions of more experienced Warrior marketers

#empower #network
  • Profile picture of the author cousinfizz
    For me it was just to expensive for what they offered. So I went with GVO and Pure Leverage. The reason is the tools and what they offer, which is a lot, for what I need to use for my internet marketing work it's just more affordable for me. And for someone like me (getting serious for once) it's a perfect fit. Hey I'm not here to promote what I'm in it's just right there with what you are asking. For me it was about my bottom line and the great tools that PL has.. (if money is no issue I've heard good things happening over there at EN) take care and all the best... Fizzzzzzz
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