CHALLENGE for you: How to put DOFOLLOW links in NOFOLLOW blogs
I'm a newbie here and I hardly know anything about SEO nor programming. Therefore I'd be very very grateful if any of you could help me solve my problem. My question is:
In a NO FOLLOW blog commenting, What should we type in the 'Name' coloumn and 'Comment' Box so that the links we put there become DO FOLLOW links, instead of NoFollow links? I think this is a possible thing to do in a No Follow blog, just like the one I've found below (see attachment below). All the other comments are NoFollow, and there are only very few visitors who were able to put DoFollow links in this (actually) NoFollow BLogs. How do we do that?
It'd certainly help us a great deal for it's been a HUGE problem for us all just to look for do follow blogs. Thank you so much for your valuable answers

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