My First Squeeze Page
I'm looking for some help/guidance/suggestions etc.
I am on my first IM program. I have a book, newsletter & other products. I am now in the process of creating my first squeeze page. So right now I am looking to come up with my headline. I have searched & read freebie info across the internet for the past week. The questions that I want to throw out here to you, is help with maybe the best type of headline formats for my subject matter. My book falls in the health/dieting, low carb/ketogenic area. My giveaway product is a report on breaking your sugar addiction/cravings etc. The giveaway product is to obtain email addresses obviously. So my SP headline will be, example - "how to break your sugar addiction - so on. I have many headlines jotted down in many headline formats. So I am wondering if there are better formats for my topic area, or if I just have to figure out what formats are best for my specific book & giveaway. I know all of you have gone through this learning process a long long time ago, so maybe so quick suggestions for a newbie.
Anything to give me direction is most appreciated.
Take care all.
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