My First Squeeze Page

11 replies
Hi Warriors.

I'm looking for some help/guidance/suggestions etc.
I am on my first IM program. I have a book, newsletter & other products. I am now in the process of creating my first squeeze page. So right now I am looking to come up with my headline. I have searched & read freebie info across the internet for the past week. The questions that I want to throw out here to you, is help with maybe the best type of headline formats for my subject matter. My book falls in the health/dieting, low carb/ketogenic area. My giveaway product is a report on breaking your sugar addiction/cravings etc. The giveaway product is to obtain email addresses obviously. So my SP headline will be, example - "how to break your sugar addiction - so on. I have many headlines jotted down in many headline formats. So I am wondering if there are better formats for my topic area, or if I just have to figure out what formats are best for my specific book & giveaway. I know all of you have gone through this learning process a long long time ago, so maybe so quick suggestions for a newbie.
Anything to give me direction is most appreciated.
Take care all.
#page #squeeze
  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Anything to give me direction is most appreciated.
    #1 Check out the Copywriting forum.

    #2 Headlines are generally the biggest benefit offered by your freebie.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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    • Profile picture of the author KevinASA
      Oh wow thanks, will check..
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      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Hey Kevin,
        You can take a look at other people's Sq. Pages. I know I did a while back and learned a lot. I picked some pretty credible marketers and started to check out and study their Optin forms.

        Clickbank has some good examples. Of course , there are some 'not so' credible marketers out there too. So watch out for those

        - Robert Andrew
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        • Profile picture of the author KevinASA
          Ok cool thanks! Yes have looked at CB when I first started searching, will revisit thanks...
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  • Profile picture of the author gcbmark20

    Run a few headlines against one another in a TEST.

    Use the same squeeze page templates etc but only change the headline
    for each S.P.

    Then add some tracking links to each page and test to see which one
    converts more as in terms of opt ins and sales made once they enter
    your funnel.

    You could use the copywriting suggestion first then run a test on
    various headlines once you have an initial idea on how to construct
    your first headlines.

    Good luck.

    Originally Posted by KevinASA View Post

    Hi Warriors.

    I'm looking for some help/guidance/suggestions etc.
    I am on my first IM program. I have a book, newsletter & other products. I am now in the process of creating my first squeeze page. So right now I am looking to come up with my headline. I have searched & read freebie info across the internet for the past week. The questions that I want to throw out here to you, is help with maybe the best type of headline formats for my subject matter. My book falls in the health/dieting, low carb/ketogenic area. My giveaway product is a report on breaking your sugar addiction/cravings etc. The giveaway product is to obtain email addresses obviously. So my SP headline will be, example - "how to break your sugar addiction - so on. I have many headlines jotted down in many headline formats. So I am wondering if there are better formats for my topic area, or if I just have to figure out what formats are best for my specific book & giveaway. I know all of you have gone through this learning process a long long time ago, so maybe so quick suggestions for a newbie.
    Anything to give me direction is most appreciated.
    Take care all.
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  • Profile picture of the author amitdave
    Testing your headline is a great idea to find out how to get the best optin rate, another method I use is to test images...

    I just created this one for you get an idea of what I mean.

    Secret Cure for Sugar Addicts

    All The Best.
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  • Profile picture of the author Work1099
    You may consider so you can see the current control packages from large mailers. The benefit of these is that online you don't know if the squeeze page or ad you are viewing is the current control (the current best winner the company has), or just something they are testing that isn't yet proven. In Direct Mail, you can be sure you are looking at a control package, and only uploads the control packages which saves you time over finding them yourself.

    Also, the best writers tend to be writing for these large mailers as well, so it's much more valuable than trying to learn from random websites (which as you remember may be the control you are seeing or may be an unproven split test. if you base your page on a split test, you can't be sure you're learning the right things).

    Also this site is valuable because it shows the recent control packages, so you can see what is working right now in your market. I could recommend many ads you can find online to study, but studying recent winners is more valuable because what is working in the market changes over time.

    That being said, I do not have any stake in It's simply an incredible resource that I myself use.

    Work1099 Simplifies Self-Employment.

    Get 600+ Proven Business Models and Money-Making Ideas at:
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  • Profile picture of the author ninosem
    The design and type of landing page can be different depending on the niche, product and traffic source...
    You can take a look at other people's landing page in your niche... but the most important is to create 2 or 3 of them and run split test... This is the best way to find out which convert best for your product and type of traffic....
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  • Profile picture of the author KevinASA
    Thats cool Dave thanks!!

    Thanks 1099 , checking..

    Thanks ninosem
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    • Profile picture of the author tudexo
      Hey Kevin,
      With due respect to your product and sales copy, I personally think "how to break your sugar...etc." isn't appealing enough if that's exactly what you are planning to go with. Address the demand (also create it if required depending on your niche and traffic source), discuss a common problem that users can relate to and then offer a ground breaking solution - aka spice it up before you start split testing.
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      • Profile picture of the author KevinASA
        Thanks for your feedback I appreciate your suggestion.
        I expect it will take me a lot of testing , changing & testing.
        Thanks again for sure!!
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