For Beginners: The niche you will always make money with.

122 replies
We all did hear about the interesting niches, the niches that make the BIG bucks. We also know that if the niches is enormous, you have to bring you're A-game to be successful.
Sure there are IM who are successful within days, but let's be honest for each of them 99 fail in the same niches. Infect most of you probably know this from first hand.

1. You start
2. You invest
3. You FAIL!

Why do you fail? Several reasons.
1. You don't know your niche good enough
2. You don't have the budget
3. They niche is overcrowded
4. You don't know what to write about
5. It's boring and dull
6. It feels to much like a real job
7. You give up to fast
8. Etc. etc. etc.

But what if there is a niche that takes most of it away, that is almost a guarantee for YOUR success?

Well there is, that niche does exist. And the good thing is.
1. It's almost never overcrowded
2. You always have material to write and generate content
3. It never feels like a real job
4. And you WILL make MONEY!!

So what niche am I talking about?
The niche you have is the one thing you really like in life. The thing you care about. Your passion, your hobby, the fun factor in life.

Example, some years a go, I made my own cat furniture, downstairs in my garage. This because I LOVE CATS. So I made my own website about cat furniture, not to make money, but because I love this subject. And what happened, I became the number one information website for cat furniture in my country. Companies start calling me, to advertise on it, I added affiliate campaigns and more to it, and the money came in. I still have the website, I work 2 hours a year on it and every month money comes in.
Why did I stop, because I started with something new. I like also modified cars, so I created a website for modified cars. And the same happened again. This website is now a company and we are going global.

Why was I so successful, because IT NEVER FELT LIKE WORK!
My niches where never picked on potential income, but on potential passion, possibilities and my drive to keep going on in this niche.

So whatever your passion, hobby or line of interest is, start it as your niche and you will be successful.
#beginners #make #money #niche
  • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
    Your recommendation is one of the evergreen alternative choices in the open-ended debate about "what's the best niche to choose" or "how do I choose a good niche," etc.

    You do make a compelling argument though with your own experiences in which you had success. I'm sure it's hard for people to set aside any or all considerations for making money as you suggested. On the other hand, working in an area (niche) for which one has a real passion will tend to reduce or eliminate the feeling of "working." And that's an attractive benefit.

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    • Profile picture of the author internetmarketer1
      Originally Posted by KenThompson View Post

      Your recommendation is one of the evergreen alternative choices in the open-ended debate about "what's the best niche to choose" or "how do I choose a good niche," etc.

      You do make a compelling argument though with your own experiences in which you had success. I'm sure it's hard for people to set aside any or all considerations for making money as you suggested. On the other hand, working in an area (niche) for which one has a real passion will tend to reduce or eliminate the feeling of "working." And that's an attractive benefit.


      Agreed, being able to do something and not feeling like you are working allows for you to not think about putting in the required work. I feel like a lot of people struggle on this part because they want to make money but at the same time focus on something they love to do. Find an equal balance, but for some, going straight to what they want brings in the cash.
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

    We all did hear about the interesting niches, the niches that make the BIG bucks. We also know that if the niches is enormous, you have to bring you’re A-game to be successful.
    Sure there are IM who are successful within days, but let’s be honest for each of them 99 fail in the same niches. Infect most of you probably know this from first hand.

    1. You start
    2. You invest
    3. You FAIL!

    Why do you fail? Several reasons.
    1. You don’t know your niche good enough
    2. You don’t have the budget
    3. They niche is overcrowded
    4. You don’t know what to write about
    5. It’s boring and dull
    6. It feels to much like a real job
    7. You give up to fast
    8. Etc. etc. etc.

    But what if there is a niche that takes most of it away, that is almost a guarantee for YOUR success?

    Well there is, that niche does exist. And the good thing is.
    1. It’s almost never overcrowded
    2. You always have material to write and generate content
    3. It never feels like a real job
    4. And you WILL make MONEY!!

    So what niche am I talking about?
    The niche you have is the one thing you really like in life. The thing you care about. Your passion, your hobby, the fun factor in life.

    Example, some years a go, I made my own cat furniture, downstairs in my garage. This because I LOVE CATS. So I made my own website about cat furniture, not to make money, but because I love this subject. And what happened, I became the number one information website for cat furniture in my country. Companies start calling me, to advertise on it, I added affiliate campaigns and more to it, and the money came in. I still have the website, I work 2 hours a year on it and every month money comes in.
    Why did I stop, because I started with something new. I like also modified cars, so I created a website for modified cars. And the same happened again. This website is now a company and we are going global.

    Why was I so successful, because IT NEVER FELT LIKE WORK!
    My niches where never picked on potential income, but on potential passion, possibilities and my drive to keep going on in this niche.

    So whatever your passion, hobby or line of interest is, start it as your niche and you will be successful.
    My passion is making Money and participating in the Process of building a full time business to support my Family ... hence that is why I am in the MMO Niche

    - Robert Andrew

    Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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  • Profile picture of the author JustAnotherOwl
    I hope this turns out to be true for my niche -- but if nothing else, I'm certainly having fun!
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  • Profile picture of the author skmyna
    Nice write up and thankfully I am going the right way.Having fun with what you do brings success quite easily then what you are forced to.
    See How To Go From $0 To $100K In A Year
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  • Profile picture of the author eac113
    It is always nice to be earning and learning in a field you love...
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  • Profile picture of the author pin9211
    What if the niche you like is already over crowded.
    I like programming specially c programming and I like to write algorithm for different problems and coding on c.

    But there are already a huge number of site avouit c programming which are running from more than 10 years.
    Now what happens if I open blog on same niche where will I exist.Will I make profit?
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    • Profile picture of the author JustAnotherOwl
      Originally Posted by pin9211 View Post

      What if the niche you like is already over crowded.
      I like programming specially c programming and I like to write algorithm for different problems and coding on c.
      Can you narrow that down to a more specific niche? What do people do with C these days, anyway?
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    • Profile picture of the author Christopher Deo
      It's very possible to succeed, even in an "over crowded" niche. It may take a bit more work and a longer timeline, but it is possible. In your case, I would recommend a high content (amount and quality) blog seeking to solve problems within your chosen field. Couple that with some creative product promotion/creation strategies and you will begin to see success. It may feel more like a loaded freight train starting off on an steep up hill grade, but it will ultimately gain traction and come up to speed. Just keep chugging away towards the goal and you'll get there.
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    • Profile picture of the author taxtorpedo
      Originally Posted by pin9211 View Post

      What if the niche you like is already over crowded.
      EASY ANSWER to this question.

      Go where the demand is. If its a crowded niche it means that there is great demand.

      YOUR SHARE of that great demand doesn't have to be huge for you to make a very
      comfortable living.
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  • Profile picture of the author shoregirl68
    I agree. I've heard of so many bloggers that write about what they are passionate about being very successful!
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  • Profile picture of the author pin9211

    I think c is used to develop computer software.
    I am interested in it. For borrowing the topic there should be a lot of content of it.
    I am just a basic learner and want to learn more and write more too.But this will be great challenge for me in front of other site.
    I don't know much application of c but I can write algorithms if required for any problem.

    c is used in shell scripting.
    In parallel programming
    in lexer and parser compiler design
    In can be used to write algorithm for any problem such as first 1000 prime number,sorting,palindrome,searching,binary to decimal,link list,priority problem,queing the task.
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  • Profile picture of the author stirling
    This is a great success story. I would add that the two niches were well chosen because they are sub-categories of two much larger high volume niches, namely, pets and automotive performance products. Both are in themselves large niches in which economic activity and interest abounds.

    One must always take care not to choose too narrow of an area to focus upon. If there is simply not significant public interest in any given business niche, all the passion on the world will not bring success.

    On the other hand, some internet marketers are successful who claim to have no passionate interests outside of making money. They are successful because the very act of making money in internet marketing is itself for them their passion.

    No matter what area of business one chooses, a passion for its success is a requirement, while the lack of enthusiasm and passion leads ultimately to failure.

    Interested in FREE and effective affiliate marketing training? How to implement a simple 3 step formula that can get you to the income level you need to quit your day job right away is revealed in this FREE mulit video set. Let Zxperts show you how to complete those first vital steps on your way to reaching financial feeedom

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  • Profile picture of the author Nick Logan
    I agree with you. Knowing your passion and making money out of it is ideal. But sometimes it can be just opposite. You find a niche, through the process you learn it, become passionate about it and start making money. Both ways are possible.
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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by stirling View Post

      No matter what area of business one chooses, a passion for its success is a requirement, while the lack of enthusiasm and passion leads ultimately to failure.
      Absolutely, small or big business when it starts passion and enthusiasm is leading.

      Originally Posted by shoregirl68 View Post

      I agree. I've heard of so many bloggers that write about what they are passionate about being very successful!
      And most of them started not because they want to make money, no they started because they wanted to share their passion with others.

      Originally Posted by pin9211 View Post

      What if the niche you like is already over crowded.
      I like programming specially c programming and I like to write algorithm for different problems and coding on c.

      But there are already a huge number of site avouit c programming which are running from more than 10 years.
      Now what happens if I open blog on same niche where will I exist.Will I make profit?
      First of all you will have no problem with starting the niche/blog, because you like it. And because you like it so much you can write a lot of content. This will be interesting content. If you write it down in the correct way, with a nice design, in time people will find it and link towards you.

      When I started my car website, I was in the middle of thousands of other car websites. But because I loved it so much, the content came, the visitors came... THE MONEY CAME!

      Originally Posted by JustAnotherOwl View Post

      I hope this turns out to be true for my niche -- but if nothing else, I'm certainly having fun!
      That is how I started, not to make money, just to share and have fun.

      Originally Posted by KenThompson View Post

      Your recommendation is one of the evergreen alternative choices in the open-ended debate about "what's the best niche to choose" or "how do I choose a good niche," etc.

      You do make a compelling argument though with your own experiences in which you had success. I'm sure it's hard for people to set aside any or all considerations for making money as you suggested. On the other hand, working in an area (niche) for which one has a real passion will tend to reduce or eliminate the feeling of "working." And that's an attractive benefit.

      Correct that it's a topic that we might have seen before. But still I see so many beginners that start with Weight loss or Finance and give up after some weeks/months because they have no more inspiration. If they would have start with something they liked, the chance of success would be much bigger.


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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Thomson
    well, I disagree with you if the niche is overcrowded that doesn't mean that I cannot make money in that niche I do that all the time
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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by Mike Thomson View Post

      well, I disagree with you if the niche is overcrowded that doesn't mean that I cannot make money in that niche I do that all the time


      I not think that you are a beginner, that you have problems choosing your niche and so on.
      There will be always people who start right from the moment they start. But most people fail, need time or have problems finding/choosing the right niche.

      For all those it is better to stay with their passion and field of interest.

      Because in every niche money can be made.


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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Autrey
    When you love what you do, you do it better, you're happier, and make more money!

    The good thing about this business is that "People don't succeed cause they aim too high and miss, no, they aim too low... and hit. Most people don't aim at all." (Les Brown)

    Not us... Not marketers. We live far above mediocrity. Always keep this in mind at all times..

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  • Profile picture of the author busybee
    That's the big question you're addressing here.... What niche to go into.

    What a great story to pass onto all of us.

    what I learn from this, is this..... Just pick a niche, and attempt to do your best in it.

    If nothing happens, move on to another one.

    thanks for your encouragement


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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    For all those it is better to stay with their passion and field of interest.

    Because in every niche money can be made.
    No, no it can't.

    Very few people can profit from their "passion." Very few.

    Go where the money is...
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

      No, no it can't.

      Very few people can profit from their "passion." Very few.

      Go where the money is...
      Yes you can, maybe you not see it, but in every niche there is money.

      The people that I personally know and are successful in IM, are all successful in the Niche they like, know and love.

      The people that I know that are less successful or not successful at all in IM, all tried to make money, where they think the money is, but have no passion for the niche.

      Off course there are always exceptions.


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      • Profile picture of the author joseph7384
        Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

        No, no it can't.

        Very few people can profit from their "passion." Very few.

        Go where the money is...

        So true Brent, go where the money is. I don't care how passionate you are, if there's not a viable market; your time will be wasted.

        Anyone can become passionate in any niche, I've done it myself in 3 unrelated niches that bored me to death and I hated it until I became passionate but not to the niche in itself. I became passionate in helping others find a solution to their problem.

        When you become passionate in providing value in solving problems, it becomes fun and addictive and the rest just falls into place.

        Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

        Yes you can, maybe you not see it, but in every niche there is money.

        Wrong wrong wrong, there is not money in every niche.
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        • Profile picture of the author allegandro
          Originally Posted by joseph7384

          So true Brent, go where the money is. I don't care how passionate you are, if there's not a viable market; your time will be wasted.

          Anyone can become passionate in any niche, I've done it myself in 3 unrelated niches that bored me to death and I hated it until I became passionate but not to the niche in itself. I became passionate in helping others find a solution to their problem.

          When you become passionate in providing value in solving problems, it becomes fun and addictive and the rest just falls into place.
          All people are different, and not all people have the quality, drive and determination to make money in niches that they don't know anything about and have any attachment with.
          That there are people that make money with niches they have no history with, I'm sure. but that is not what this topic is about.
          This topic is for those people that want to start, who are new in IM, and to start now. Those new bees should not only go in the overcrowded money making niches. They should follow their heart and they will make tons of money.

          You sad it yourself, you are passionate about helping people finding solutions. What means, you followed your passion in some kind of way. Your passion was not the 3 boring niches; your passion was finding solutions for other people. So in fact, you did follow your passion and made money with it.

          Originally Posted by joseph7384

          Wrong wrong wrong, there is not money in every niche.
          THERE IS MONEY IN EVERY NICHE, you just have to see it.

          If you want to try to make money in IM and you don't know where to start, make a list of 3-5 things that you really like in life. And there you will see that you can make money with them. Maybe with one more as with another. But there is money in each niche. If you don't see it Joseph, send me a PM and I'm happy to advice you.


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    • Profile picture of the author Geeked Labs
      The problem is a lot of people aren't passionate about anything. And they haven't been for their entire lives. They are more robot than animal if you get my drift.

      The only way the non-passionate are going to be successful is if they model a logical system that works right now.
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      • Profile picture of the author Slade556
        Originally Posted by Geeked Labs View Post

        The problem is a lot of people aren't passionate about anything. And they haven't been for their entire lives.
        That is true, and also very sad. Or, another way to put it, many people are afraid to follow their passion, or don't even know they have one because they don't have the right state of mind to try anything new.
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    • Profile picture of the author Brandon Sean
      Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

      No, no it can't.

      Very few people can profit from their "passion." Very few.

      Go where the money is...
      It took me 3 years to understand this truth.

      I totally agree with this!
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  • Profile picture of the author Natasha1992
    People who don't like their work, will fail. And it works for everyone and everything.
    But very often just having a great passion and work for it isn't enough. It also requires a lot of time, money and efforts. And a lot of people don't understand it. Sometimes you can start hating the things you love before (cats. for example) just because the luck isn't on your side. And then another great idea comes up in your mind and you start again.
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  • Profile picture of the author Samfakroon
    I totally agree. My love is also in Making Money and feels more pleasure when someone starts making money with my methods. I feel I have achieved. My aim is to be that helping hand which I never got when I started online marketing. That time it was too difficult for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author ThomasHere
    I think the best niche to be involved with these days is anything to do with advertising and driving traffic.

    Think about it. Everyone needs to advertise whether the economy is good and people have money, or if the economy is bad and people have no money. The fact remains people will always need to promote and increase their promotional reach.
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  • Profile picture of the author sreeprashanth
    A good write up and to the point info for beginners. This way they can make sure that they are not spending money on promotion.

    Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

    So what niche am I talking about?
    The niche you have is the one thing you really like in life. The thing you care about. Your passion, your hobby, the fun factor in life.

    Example, some years a go, I made my own cat furniture, downstairs in my garage. This because I LOVE CATS. So I made my own website about cat furniture, not to make money, but because I love this subject. And what happened, I became the number one information website for cat furniture in my country. Companies start calling me, to advertise on it, I added affiliate campaigns and more to it, and the money came in. I still have the website, I work 2 hours a year on it and every month money comes in.
    Why did I stop, because I started with something new. I like also modified cars, so I created a website for modified cars. And the same happened again. This website is now a company and we are going global.

    Why was I so successful, because IT NEVER FELT LIKE WORK!
    My niches where never picked on potential income, but on potential passion, possibilities and my drive to keep going on in this niche.

    So whatever your passion, hobby or line of interest is, start it as your niche and you will be successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlwaysTheBest
    I think starting with something you have a genuine interest in is good advice.

    Somebody gave me that advice when I first started. And I knew it was good advice.

    But I got side tracked and ignored it. It probably cost me over three years of struggling before I was able to get back on track.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrhmamun
    Lacking of knowledge, Without Patience and Proper guide newbies must fail.
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  • Profile picture of the author CPABeyondNetwork
    Nice info here, it can be helpful for people with lack of direction who don't know what to do.

    Best regards,

    CPA Beyond

    AM at CPA Beyond - #1 Private Network - Daily Payments (No Fees)

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  • Profile picture of the author KevinDahlberg
    When I started learning about internet marketing, I didn't take this approach. I tried a few niches, failed, and after enough failures, I gave up. I didn't think that I could make the money I wanted to make doing what I loved... at least online that is. I was able to find a full time job doing what I loved (DJing), so I quit my "real job" to focus on my passion.

    I picked the niche that I am in (Djing) because of a lot of the reasons you are talking about.

    It's my passion, I've been doing it for years, and I believe that I can help people in the niche with the experience I've gained.

    The thing is, I would still be doing what I am doing without the internet. Sure I might not be posting weekly blog posts, but I would still be spending most of my day DJing and promoting myself as a DJ. It is my day job after all. I'm just looking to take it to the next level, and not be tied to a particular gig if I don't want to be.

    The other niche that I am hoping to get into is very similar. It's something that I love doing, and I'd be doing it whether or not I could make money in it or not.

    If I could go back and tell myself anything as a beginner, it would be to follow the advice of your post. My real world and online career would have been very different.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steryle
    It's a good motivative advice. And it's greate that you turned your passion in something with what you can earn money.
    There is one thing that happens with almost every StartUp - people give up too easy. Yes, you can love what you do, be passioned by it but gave after the first thing that goes wrong.
    Of course for everyone who asks theirselves "How to earn money?" The best answer would be - "With something that you really like to do".
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    There is a niche that will always be evergreen and that is the make money online niche.

    As long as their are new babies born each day, when they get to be 18-25, they will look for a home based business online.
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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      There is a niche that will always be evergreen and that is the make money online niche.

      As long as their are new babies born each day, when they get to be 18-25, they will look for a home based business online.
      I not 100% agree with you. Yes the niche makes money, but if your passion is not writing about it, finding new ways to tell people how to and so on. Your blog, website or idea's will run dry and you will not make money in it.

      On the other hand, if you passion is horses, it will but much easier, to write about them, and find a way to monetize that passion. So theoretically you are right, particle seen not always.


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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Picking what you love to talk about all day is a great start for success.

    Along with this, you must also find problems within that topic that you can solve for other people.

    They'll tell you what these are, so it isn't difficult to find them.

    I made a nice picture about this:

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    • Profile picture of the author Terrance01
      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      Picking what you love to talk about all day is a great start for success.

      Along with this, you must also find problems within that topic that you can solve for other people.

      They'll tell you what these are, so it isn't difficult to find them.

      I made a nice picture about this:

      Love hit the nail on the head.

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  • Profile picture of the author gregstamper
    Couldn't agree more!

    Success follows passion. I think where some people get tripped up is that they confuse desperation with passion. Sometimes we're excited about the income potential and that wears off quickly once the "work" begins. It can be fuel to get you started but it won't carry you for the long haul.

    Kudos on your continued success!
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  • Profile picture of the author John Westbrook
    Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

    We all did hear about the interesting niches, the niches that make the BIG bucks. We also know that if the niches is enormous, you have to bring you're A-game to be successful.
    Sure there are IM who are successful within days, but let's be honest for each of them 99 fail in the same niches. Infect most of you probably know this from first hand.

    1. You start
    2. You invest
    3. You FAIL!

    Why do you fail? Several reasons.
    1. You don't know your niche good enough
    2. You don't have the budget
    3. They niche is overcrowded
    4. You don't know what to write about
    5. It's boring and dull
    6. It feels to much like a real job
    7. You give up to fast
    8. Etc. etc. etc.

    But what if there is a niche that takes most of it away, that is almost a guarantee for YOUR success?

    Well there is, that niche does exist. And the good thing is.
    1. It's almost never overcrowded
    2. You always have material to write and generate content
    3. It never feels like a real job
    4. And you WILL make MONEY!!

    So what niche am I talking about?
    The niche you have is the one thing you really like in life. The thing you care about. Your passion, your hobby, the fun factor in life.

    Example, some years a go, I made my own cat furniture, downstairs in my garage. This because I LOVE CATS. So I made my own website about cat furniture, not to make money, but because I love this subject. And what happened, I became the number one information website for cat furniture in my country. Companies start calling me, to advertise on it, I added affiliate campaigns and more to it, and the money came in. I still have the website, I work 2 hours a year on it and every month money comes in.
    Why did I stop, because I started with something new. I like also modified cars, so I created a website for modified cars. And the same happened again. This website is now a company and we are going global.

    Why was I so successful, because IT NEVER FELT LIKE WORK!
    My niches where never picked on potential income, but on potential passion, possibilities and my drive to keep going on in this niche.

    So whatever your passion, hobby or line of interest is, start it as your niche and you will be successful.
    Yes! Great little write up
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  • Profile picture of the author pakseoexpert148
    I'm also having the same problems. i have adsense verified account but don't know how i can learn
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  • Profile picture of the author Poprugan
    great post and so true! I didn't go down that route, but now I am comfortable online my next few projects are going to based on my passions in life..
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  • Profile picture of the author kdrinky12
    That's refreshing to hear. Most people from a young age have it drilled into their heads that work isn't supposed to be fun and that's why most people get stuck in jobs they can't stand. It's like this is what we were led to believe, so this is all their is. Great thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    allegandro great post! I always say, if you can be happy in life living only by yourself, then everything else after than only help to enhance your pleasure. It doesn't matter if it's:

    1) New spouse

    2) Successful internet business

    3) Kids


    Yeah... you will always make money with that niche. Get your happiness in life else, and all the great things that people explore and do will only enhance your quality of life.
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  • Profile picture of the author davidfern76
    there is money in every niche but not as much as the one where the money is
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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by davidfern76 View Post

      there is money in every niche but not as much as the one where the money is
      If the big niche has a potential of$ a year, and has 100.000 IM who are trying to make money with it.
      Then I prefer to be in the nice of 50.000.0000$ with only 1.000 competitors. Not only is my chance on profit higher, but because I love this niche, the chance that I will make serious money, is much bigger then starting in an overcrowded niche without having any passion or knowledge about the product.


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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    I watched an interview with Mark Ling from affilorama. He was asked about niches he was into and if he had a passion for the niche. He kind of laughed and said his passion was in profit. And if a niche was profitable then he could become passionate enough to learn about the niche. (I paraphrased the answer but you get the point) While it might be fun and a good way to learn the mechanics of putting a website together, then go with it. but do research for finding a profitable niche.

    Do you think that all those people that have sites about Acne are passionate about acne and talk about it to friends and family at the dinner table? How about irritable bowel syndrome, talk about passion. Next time you meet a hot woman at a party, why not tell her about your passion for genital warts, I bet that passion is a turn-on


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

      I watched an interview with Mark Ling from affilorama. He was asked about niches he was into and if he had a passion for the niche. He kind of laughed and said his passion was in profit. And if a niche was profitable then he could become passionate enough to learn about the niche. (I paraphrased the answer but you get the point) While it might be fun and a good way to learn the mechanics of putting a website together, then go with it. but do research for finding a profitable niche.

      Do you think that all those people that have sites about Acne are passionate about acne and talk about it to friends and family at the dinner table? How about irritable bowel syndrome, talk about passion. Next time you meet a hot woman at a party, why not tell her about your passion for genital warts, I bet that passion is a turn-on

      I understand his point, but he and you are making a small mistake.

      Imagine, you just start as an IM and you decided that Acne is the niche that will make you money. So you make a website and do some research. You really start from scratch. And everything you write down, already is there on the internet. You have nothing new to add. In fact you are one of the 100.000 websites about the same subject. And because you really have nothing to add, nobody likes what you write and within some months after earning nothing you give up.

      Now let's think about a passion you really love. For example: WINDSURFING. A sport that was big in the eighties, but now almost nobody does it. Well, that is only just some million. You do it already for years and you love it.

      So you start writing, posting, telling friends. People like what they see, comment it and share it. And because there are still windsurfwebshops, and holidays for windsurfers, you find advertisers. And then you have clothing brands, sunglasses, travel insurance AND SO ON.

      Even when you make just a little money in the first months, you keep on going, because your passion is in it. And after 1 year, you have a great blog, 10K followers on Facebook, thousands of email addresses of other surfers. And while the Achene guy still is struggling to find something interesting, the surfing dude, is traveling around the world to new hotspots and making money!

      Following your passion, makes always money.


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      • Profile picture of the author agmccall
        Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

        I understand his point, but he and you are making a small mistake.

        Imagine, you just start as an IM and you decided that Acne is the niche that will make you money. So you make a website and do some research. You really start from scratch. And everything you write down, already is there on the internet. You have nothing new to add. In fact you are one of the 100.000 websites about the same subject. And because you really have nothing to add, nobody likes what you write and within some months after earning nothing you give up.

        Now let's think about a passion you really love. For example: WINDSURFING. A sport that was big in the eighties, but now almost nobody does it. Well, that is only just some million. You do it already for years and you love it.

        So you start writing, posting, telling friends. People like what they see, comment it and share it. And because there are still windsurfwebshops, and holidays for windsurfers, you find advertisers. And then you have clothing brands, sunglasses, travel insurance AND SO ON.

        Even when you make just a little money in the first months, you keep on going, because your passion is in it. And after 1 year, you have a great blog, 10K followers on Facebook, thousands of email addresses of other surfers. And while the Achene guy still is struggling to find something interesting, the surfing dude, is traveling around the world to new hotspots and making money!

        Following your passion, makes always money.
        I do not dispute what you are saying. But, what you are talking about, for the most part, is someone making a website and then making "a little bit" to supplement their hobby. What everyone else is talking about is a very profitable business. There is a big difference.


        "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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        • Profile picture of the author allegandro
          Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

          I do not dispute what you are saying. But, what you are talking about, for the most part, is someone making a website and then making "a little bit" to supplement their hobby. What everyone else is talking about is a very profitable business. There is a big difference.

          With a bit of money I mean 6 figures plus. For 99% of the IM marketers that is a dream come true. If 99% would follow just money, 90% would stop within 3 months, because they lost their motivation.

          What I recommend starters, is to first follow their passion, because there is a lot of money in it. When they are doing well, they can always try to become a IM on some main stream niches. But I doubt if they ever will make more money on it as on their own niche.

          In the Netherlands we say:"Schoenmaker blijf bij je leest" What means, stay what you know and you will do fine.


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    • Profile picture of the author gtgart
      One of the biggest passion killers for your efforts is poor results. No matter the niche or competition.

      Learning to overcome the traffic obstacle is primary to keeping passionate about what you are promoting, even if it is as boring as acne.

      I have a video that drives 10k visitors a month to one of my websites, each visitor is worth just 10c. So making about $1k from one small website and that video, mean I have a passion for figuring out how to drive 10x the traffic.

      Sure I understand the argument here, and that just follow your passion and it will work out eventually and so what, if it doesn't you are having fun. But the underlying principle is results.

      If the result you are looking for is fun, then yes I guess you win even if you make no money.

      From the comments above, it seems that the thing people want in this forum is a way to make a profit from their efforts and traffic is the number one hurdle to jump.

      Fail at traffic generation and your passion quickly subsides.

      Allegandro is right on one thing and that is there is money to be made in any niche, I just guess I would rather spend my traffic generating efforts on something that has a better ROI.

      The same amount of successsful traffic driving effort in a hot market will increase anyone's passion for the subject if you know how to win in this game.

      Want to learn SEO from a Pro? Sign Up - Free 2015 SEO Mastery Training Today!.

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  • Profile picture of the author solab
    fellow warriors, i am impressed by all your contributions to every newbies.
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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by solab View Post

      fellow warriors, i am impressed by all your contributions to every newbies.

      We all started as newbies, I hope you and others can learn from our mistakes and our success! Good luck.


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    • Profile picture of the author jimmyscott
      It's fun to watch the banter and opinions! Certainly, everyone has one! I think most of anyone's passion can be monetized. It is virtually impossible to be the only person with a particular passion or interest. I will say that while it is true, some passions can be monetized much easier than others, any passion or interest can be profitable with proper marketing and positioning.
      A wise man once said "If you do what you love, you will never have to work a day in you're life!"
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      • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
        Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

        So whatever your passion, hobby or line of interest is, start it as your niche and you will be successful.

        Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

        This topic is for those people that want to start, who are new in IM, and to start now. Those new bees should not only go in the overcrowded money making niches.
        Correction - newbies should not step foot into the IM money making niches if they've not made money themselves online or at the very least spent extensive time researching and testing how things really work.

        They should follow their heart and they will make tons of money.
        Yea, still not buying it. Many will follow their heart but if they have a niche that is not a buyers niche, they will not make "tons of money."

        THERE IS MONEY IN EVERY NICHE, you just have to see it.
        There is not the same money in all niches. And even is you see it, you still have to drive traffic to a site and get conversions.

        Originally Posted by jimmyscott View Post

        It is virtually impossible to be the only person with a particular passion or interest. I will say that while it is true, some passions can be monetized much easier than others, any passion or interest can be profitable with proper marketing and positioning. (<---not true)
        A wise man once said "If you do what you love, you will never have to work a day in you're life!"
        You may not be working, but there is still no guarantee you will get any money out of it.

        "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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    • Profile picture of the author nzchick
      I wanted to thank everyone for sharing their thoughts here all the post have been truly awesome to read!
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  • Profile picture of the author Silverhoop
    Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

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    • Profile picture of the author aronprins
      Originally Posted by Silverhoop View Post

      Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

      So true - Which makes me happy I love marketing and web development haha!

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  • Profile picture of the author successproducts
    Well here is another way to look at this topic. You can start a niche in a very crowded competitive niche but if you know how to rank with long tail keyword and be #1 on Google you will make money. It's given that your site looks professional and you do answer the burning question whatever it is that the people find you on that chosen keyword.
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  • Profile picture of the author kmohan7466
    nice nice nice
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeAmbrosio
    This subject gets debated quite a bit. From my perspective, having the passion for your niche is not a bad thing, but it's NOT required. I found this out the hard way.

    When I started out, this was the advice I got too. Find your passion, etc. Build a business around it and so on. The problem was for me - I really don't have any "passion" in any niche. Oh, I have a LOT of interests and hobbies - but nothing I could ever call the kind of passion I would try to build a business around.

    And I know I'm not the only one who falls into this category.

    What I eventually learned was that for me, the building of the business and the profits became my passion. Not a passion for money per se - but the MAKING of the money and finding ways to increase the profits.

    Now I am building a new SAAS site which, the site itself is not the passion. But the process. I am increasingly excited every time I get updates from my programming team. I am chomping at the bit to work with my copy writer to shape the message. And I look forward to the launch.

    What I like about this is, that a niche I can get tired of. Or like what did happen to me when I HAD a niche based site that made money - I felt chained to it and eventually lost interest in not only the site, but the subject itself. You see, not ALL niches or marketers can create that "passion" site where you only need to work on it 2 hours per year. In fact, that is down right next to impossible for most people. So I won't push people on that anymore.

    But when your passion lies in the building of the business, then you can literally do this in ANY niche. Let's face it - I can know absolutely nothing about a subject. If in my research I see potential for profit, I can either learn about the subject or hire someone to fill in all the blanks for me.

    Like I said, your passion is great. You are indeed one of the lucky ones. But for most, this can turn in to a big let down. It did for me. But I found my passion and my strength and now it pays in spades.

    The key for anyone trying to make money on line is to really know yourself and your own strengths and weaknesses. You also need to know the fundamental difference between building and running an on line business and simply making money on line.

    My best advice? Connections. Finding a good partner (or partners) where you compliment each other - you each bring something to the table that the other(s) don't have. Because contrary to the "hype" making money in your underwear is the exception (for very few) - not the rule.

    Hey - if I can do it, anyone can. Just keep learning and trying.

    Are you protecting your on line business? If you have a website, blog, ecommerce store you NEED to back it up regularly. Your webhost will only protect you so much. Check out Quirkel. Protect yourself.

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

    So whatever your passion, hobby or line of interest is, start it as your niche and you will be successful.
    If online business were only that easy there is no reason we all wouldn't be millionaires!

    What you're not taking into account is the fact that many, many people are not cut out to be successful business owners regardless of the niche they choose. They don't have the skill, the temperament, the drive, the persistence, or the discipline to be profitable business owners.

    What you're saying is that passion for the niche is the only factor required for online business success. (Read your statement above again)

    It's simply not true and it's misleading to state that passion alone will overcome all your other deficiencies. I agree that using your passion as a way to get started is one good approach. There are many others. But business success is never guaranteed or automatic as you make it sound.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Robert02011
    I like your advice stick with your passion and you will make money.I just need to work out what my passion is then set up a blog and write about it! I have a few ideads thanksfor the advice.

    I`am looking for an honest legal business that can make real money online.
    I found one ??????

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  • Profile picture of the author terry6
    You have to start somewhere. Especially with the noise level of people pushing different things on you. Everyone shouts "my way!". The only way is what you have an interest in and believe in.. It could be fun or whatever else moves you.
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  • Profile picture of the author herrador
    Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

    So whatever your passion, hobby or line of interest is, start it as your niche and you will be successful.
    My passion is bog snorkeling... do you think that would work?

    OK,only kidding but it does raise a question, Not everyone has a passion or skill that is marketable so those guys and gals have to start somewhere and where better than a sub - sub - niche in a big market?
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  • Profile picture of the author FriendlyRob
    I want to agree with the original premise... I really do. But I really don't think there is necessarily profit in your passion. Agreed, it will allow you to work harder, but there still needs to be buyers.

    See What I'm up to Now The New Blog

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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by FriendlyRob View Post

      I want to agree with the original premise... I really do. But I really don't think there is necessarily profit in your passion. Agreed, it will allow you to work harder, but there still needs to be buyers.
      Give me any niche and I tell you where the money is to be made.
      But I even think I not have to tell you, because each niche has ways to monetize it.

      Originally Posted by herrador View Post

      My passion is bog snorkeling... do you think that would work?

      OK,only kidding but it does raise a question, Not everyone has a passion or skill that is marketable so those guys and gals have to start somewhere and where better than a sub - sub - niche in a big market?
      Bog Snorkeling? Just googled it, have to try it, and when I love it, I'm sure I can turn it into money.

      My topic is not about those people who not have the drive or skill to start and market their product. It's for those beginners who have the drive and skills to start, but find it difficult to find the niche they want to start in.

      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

      If online business were only that easy there is no reason we all wouldn't be millionaires!

      What you're not taking into account is the fact that many, many people are not cut out to be successful business owners regardless of the niche they choose. They don't have the skill, the temperament, the drive, the persistence, or the discipline to be profitable business owners.

      What you're saying is that passion for the niche is the only factor required for online business success. (Read your statement above again)

      It's simply not true and it's misleading to state that passion alone will overcome all your other deficiencies. I agree that using your passion as a way to get started is one good approach. There are many others. But business success is never guaranteed or automatic as you make it sound.

      Dear Steve, read my statement a little better.

      What I talk about is for new IM, who have the will, skills and drive to start. But find it difficult to start. Now by following their passion, the niche they know, love and understand their chance on success is much much much higher. Because in the world of IM skills and drive are not enough, if you see no results at all in your first months. 95% will step out. But if they add to their skills and drive a subject that is close to them, they will be able to be successful much easier.
      Then the question of success. What is that. For you maybe it's to become a millionaire, but for many IM starters making 1.000$ a month is a great success. Imagine what a $1.000 a month is in countries where the average salary is 100-300$ a month?

      Originally Posted by successproducts View Post

      Well here is another way to look at this topic. You can start a niche in a very crowded competitive niche but if you know how to rank with long tail keyword and be #1 on Google you will make money. It's given that your site looks professional and you do answer the burning question whatever it is that the people find you on that chosen keyword.
      Absolutely, if you have the skills to understand how to outrank others you are right. Still what if you could do that and you lke the subject. You would not outrank others on 1 long string keyword, but on 100.
      I own one website that gets a 100.000 visitors a month by Google, using over 30.000 different keywords.


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  • Profile picture of the author zdebx
    Hey allegandro, just came across your original post from 2014 - great read.

    You pretty much nailed and this kind of approach has been discussed in many books, courses, seminars, etc. It's a perfect foundation for a start, but as Steve mentioned above, your passion is only one of many things required to "succeed".

    Also I like how you describe success difference from a person to person - it's definitely varied. Not all of us want to be millionaires, but possibly just extra $1-2k/month is all what some people want.

    Mike awesome reply too. It's very common that you meet people who literally have no idea what to do...No passion, no interests, no skills. I guess at the end of the day, if you want something REALLY bad and you're willing to put in it everything you've got, then it's just a matter of time of when your day will come.

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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by zdebx View Post

      I guess at the end of the day, if you want something REALLY bad and you're willing to put in it everything you've got, then it's just a matter of time of when your day will come.
      When you will discover if you have succeeded or failed. If you want to hear the unvarnished truth, that is.

      Cheers. - Frank
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      • Profile picture of the author zdebx
        Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

        When you will discover if you have succeeded or failed. If you want to hear the unvarnished truth, that is.

        Cheers. - Frank
        Are you asking me or in general?

        If the BigFrank starts promoting Hemorrhoids Vanished, I'll consider myself a "success".

        On a serious note, I don't think anyone fails, we just get experienced and move on, making our own conclusions whether what we've done was right or wrong.

        As for success, you WILL know when it happens, no need for any definitions...And besides, I wouldn't say it's just one magic moment, but more like a part of your life when you enjoy what you do and you're satisfied with your finances/health/relationships, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author simonmks
    hello, it's all true
    if you do not have passion for what you do, you will never get good results
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  • Profile picture of the author nurulls
    "The niche you have is the one thing you really like in life. The thing you care about. Your passion, your hobby, the fun factor in life."

    I'm hardly belief on THIS.
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  • Profile picture of the author Christian Swift
    Bang on the money allegandro!

    Besides, even if somebody did make a lot of money in a niche that wasn't their passion, that wouldn't make them happy and fulfilled long-term...

    We need more passion-driven internet entrepreneurs who are more focused on doing what they enjoy than making a quick buck!

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    • Profile picture of the author MikeAmbrosio
      Originally Posted by Christian Swift View Post

      Bang on the money allegandro!

      Besides, even if somebody did make a lot of money in a niche that wasn't their passion, that wouldn't make them happy and fulfilled long-term...

      We need more passion-driven internet entrepreneurs who are more focused on doing what they enjoy than making a quick buck!

      I guess that depends on your viewpoint. For some their business is not about their passion but rather about a means to an end. Financial freedom or some other goal. Trust me - if you suddenly won a multi million dollar lottery, you can find a way to be fulfilled and happy

      Are you protecting your on line business? If you have a website, blog, ecommerce store you NEED to back it up regularly. Your webhost will only protect you so much. Check out Quirkel. Protect yourself.

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  • Profile picture of the author Gabbarsingh
    I agree with allengandro... the first blog i built was the most successful in ranking in Google without much êffort..

    And it was because i had a passion for that niche .
    Starting a Blog Or Website? - Good Domains from 0.99 cents & Hosting from $1
    Get it here!
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  • Profile picture of the author Nabaleka
    I have been hearing this "follow your passion and the money will follow you" for damn too long but no one cared to explain with case studies but you did it and now I believe the stories.

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  • Profile picture of the author AhmedFouad96
    What if i don't have any passion or hobby? Should i QUIT IM?
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    • Profile picture of the author zdebx
      Originally Posted by AhmedFouad96 View Post

      What if i don't have any passion or hobby? Should i QUIT IM?
      You must have some kind of interest in something? What do you do day to day?

      And what are good at? Are you knowledgeable at a particular subject?

      If there's nothing you can think of, then the best thing to do is to go into 4-5 different niches and stay in them for 2-3 months.

      Then after that period, you will have a favourite that you enjoy working on - that will be the one you choose to do business with.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steryle
      Originally Posted by AhmedFouad96 View Post

      What if i don't have any passion or hobby? Should i QUIT IM?
      You should have at least some hobbies, but sometimes people can stop "loving" everything they do at this moment. Then, just try yourself in different niche. It worked for me.
      Better - try completely different niches and by some time you will find out what is the best for you.
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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by AhmedFouad96 View Post

      What if i don't have any passion or hobby? Should i QUIT IM?
      No but you should start living and enjoying live. Because if there is nothing that makes your world rock, it is time to make a change in your life.


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  • Profile picture of the author luane
    I found Youtube marketing to be both free AND fun...turns out it also became profitable when I began to promote Affiliate offers...starting in the dog niche with small breeds that are hard to potty train. Back when Squidoo sites were easy to rank, I began to write articles there, and then when those sites lost traction I turned to video. Some of the my first videos were U-G-L-Y, but it was pure volume meeting 1 problem = 1 solution - hard to train dog breeds (I had owned some Yorkies so I knew from first-hand experience).

    Yes, it is much harder to get up in the morning and work on something that resembles office WORK, unless you just LOVE it and would do it for free - that's why I honed in on Youtube marketing as my first real traffic just doesn't get any better than that in my opinion. Great thread!

    Kristie Chiles Arp
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  • Profile picture of the author austria
    Twitter, YouTube and Social Media - you will always make the most money, the easiest in this niche, if you know what you are doing.

    With Twitter and YouTube you will get tons of visitors, and the traffic from these two is the easiest to monetize
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    • Profile picture of the author steveo
      Originally Posted by austria View Post

      Twitter, YouTube and Social Media - you will always make the most money, the easiest in this niche, if you know what you are doing.

      With Twitter and YouTube you will get tons of visitors, and the traffic from these two is the easiest to monetize

      Yes well said and keep up to it dont give in
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      • Profile picture of the author austria
        Originally Posted by steveo View Post

        Twitter, YouTube and Social Media - you will always make the most money, the easiest in this niche, if you know what you are doing.

        With Twitter and YouTube you will get tons of visitors, and the traffic from these two is the easiest to monetize

        Yes well said and keep up to it dont give in
        What is more that nowadays there are so many tools that simplify and automatize
        all processes

        I heard a lot of people are having good results by using everyday tools
        as BufferApp, HootSuite or SocialFanMonster
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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    Most people don't like the concept of work!

    Even building a blog about what you love requires work.

    I love working, its therapeutic.

    However, if money were no object, I damn sure would rather be fishing, boating, or traveling.

    Unfortunately, doing these things takes money, so while I profess to love working, and find it therapeutic in the sense I am earning income...

    I often wonder would I consider working therapeutic if I never needed money again?

    I sincerely doubt it!

    All in all, if we want things, most of us gotta work to acquire what we feel is acceptible....but, most accept far less than they are truly worth.

    Edit: Added note, despite my strange erge to make a joke about it, I sincerely doubt marketing hemorrhoid products was/is the passionate pursuit to exploit @$$holes with problems, but rather a passion for for helping others solve there problems... As that can be a passion we all should pursue online & off.

    Ultimately, I believe we all possess a passion for helping people, and yet in the real world 'if' you extend a hand, you'll often lose a finger.

    In short, people need to realize that the only way to truly earn success is a delicate balance of knowing what others need, want, and/or desire, and providing those solutions. If you help enough people get what they truly desire, you; yourself will increase your ability to get what you need, want, and desire most...and oddly enough...

    I find a genuine act of sincerity & gratitude gets far more mileage than money!

    So recognition, meaning, and purpose can actually outweigh ones passion, especially, if enough people appreciate your efforts, and understand your purpose goes beyond money!
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Profile picture of the author dmaster555
    I have a passion for helping people lose weight ... wish me luck on this niche.
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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by dmaster555 View Post

      I have a passion for helping people lose weight ... wish me luck on this niche.

      Your passion is helping people to lose weight, so first off all you have a lot of information about this. Because you help people, people will recommend you, and build your strategy around that.
      You not need to make money with marketing; you will make your money with actually helping people to lose weight.

      So no luck needed.


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  • Profile picture of the author Jacebeeny50
    Interesting post thanks! Guess I get to figure out some good ways to make money with Volleyball!
    Jace Beeny
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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by Jacebeeny50 View Post

      Interesting post thanks! Guess I get to figure out some good ways to make money with Volleyball!
      No problem, volleyball is sports a great niche, and by narrowing it down to just volleyball; you have a great opportunity to turn it in to money.

      Volleyball equipment
      Volleyball courses
      Volleyball Ebooks
      Volleyball game tickets
      Volleyball video games
      Volleyball massage
      Volleyball Injuries
      Volleyball sport insurance
      Volleyball travel.

      Should I go on, or will you use your own imagination?
      You love volleyball, that is your passion, so start a website about it.



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  • Profile picture of the author usmantech
    I absolutely agree with the OP. You can not persist with a niche you are not in love with. In that case you need to outsource your writing. But again if you do not know the topic inside out, how can you get a quality content. So go for the niche that fascinates you inside.
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  • Profile picture of the author LesterRussell
    Great write up! Most beginners often give up because they lack the knowledge of what to expect, so when things don't go as planned they give up thinking they've failed at it when all they experienced is a bump on the road to success.
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  • Profile picture of the author TLearyjr
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  • Profile picture of the author troy23
    What you said makes sense. I found selling software and videos tutorials were very lucrative models online,. If you have a passion for something it becomes a lot easier to provide value which people will pay for.
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  • Profile picture of the author peterse7ven
    When you love what you do, you do it better, very few people can profit from their "passion."
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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by peterse7ven View Post

      When you love what you do, you do it better, very few people can profit from their "passion."
      That is correct, but if you're new to IM, then staying close to your heart and your knowledge will take you much faster in to results as trying to do something you know nothing about.


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  • Profile picture of the author Asadullah72
    Consider it. Everybody needs to publicize whether the economy is great and individuals have cash, or if the economy is terrible and individuals have no cash. The actuality remains individuals will dependably need to advance and expand their limited time reach.

    You make a convincing contention however with your own particular encounters in which you had achievement. I'm certain it's hard for individuals to set aside any or all contemplations for profiting as you recommended. Then again, working in a zone (corner) for which one has a genuine energy will have a tendency to diminish or dispose of the sentiment "working." And that is an alluring advantage.
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  • Profile picture of the author 64wegrow
    I think you will never go wrong re-selling advertising services. People will ALWAYS need to market and promote no matter what the current state of the economy is. If the market is bad, people will need to advertise to make more money. If the economy is good, people will have money to be able to advertise more to make even MORE money lol.

    It's kinda like investing in alcohol. If peoples spirits are high, they buy booze. If their spirits are low, they'll still buy booze. Advertising and alcohol are somewhat silimar in that regards. Both being recession proof and always in demand.
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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by 64wegrow View Post

      I think you will never go wrong re-selling advertising services. People will ALWAYS need to market and promote no matter what the current state of the economy is. If the market is bad, people will need to advertise to make more money. If the economy is good, people will have money to be able to advertise more to make even MORE money lol.

      It's kinda like investing in alcohol. If peoples spirits are high, they buy booze. If their spirits are low, they'll still buy booze. Advertising and alcohol are somewhat silimar in that regards. Both being recession proof and always in demand.
      But what if you have no feeling for selling. I know guys who are great at creating a website, but they are not able to sell it at all.

      So yes, if you're passionate about selling and you have experience in advertising, GO GO GO. But if that is not you, look for something else, more close to you.


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  • Profile picture of the author aleatorio
    Very nice tip man. Many people (me included) fail because they start doing things that they don't like, and when you are doing something you really like the people notice it.
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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by aleatorio View Post

      Very nice tip man. Many people (me included) fail because they start doing things that they don't like, and when you are doing something you really like the people notice it.
      Exactly, when you do something and you like it, people will see it.
      Put me on a stage to sing, and I will fail. Not because I can't sing, but because I hate to sing in public. I would feel not comfortable at all. But if you love to sing in public, but you're not good at it, you will go on, until you're good. And when you are put on the stage, people will love the energy you present in your performance.


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  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

    We all did hear about the interesting niches, the niches that make the BIG bucks. We also know that if the niches is enormous, you have to bring you're A-game to be successful.
    Sure there are IM who are successful within days, but let's be honest for each of them 99 fail in the same niches. Infect most of you probably know this from first hand.

    1. You start
    2. You invest
    3. You FAIL!

    Why do you fail? Several reasons.
    1. You don't know your niche good enough
    2. You don't have the budget
    3. They niche is overcrowded
    4. You don't know what to write about
    5. It's boring and dull
    6. It feels to much like a real job
    7. You give up to fast
    8. Etc. etc. etc.

    But what if there is a niche that takes most of it away, that is almost a guarantee for YOUR success?

    Well there is, that niche does exist. And the good thing is.
    1. It's almost never overcrowded
    2. You always have material to write and generate content
    3. It never feels like a real job
    4. And you WILL make MONEY!!

    So what niche am I talking about?
    The niche you have is the one thing you really like in life. The thing you care about. Your passion, your hobby, the fun factor in life.

    Example, some years a go, I made my own cat furniture, downstairs in my garage. This because I LOVE CATS. So I made my own website about cat furniture, not to make money, but because I love this subject. And what happened, I became the number one information website for cat furniture in my country. Companies start calling me, to advertise on it, I added affiliate campaigns and more to it, and the money came in. I still have the website, I work 2 hours a year on it and every month money comes in.
    Why did I stop, because I started with something new. I like also modified cars, so I created a website for modified cars. And the same happened again. This website is now a company and we are going global.

    Why was I so successful, because IT NEVER FELT LIKE WORK!
    My niches where never picked on potential income, but on potential passion, possibilities and my drive to keep going on in this niche.

    So whatever your passion, hobby or line of interest is, start it as your niche and you will be successful.
    It is all about passion. Pick a niche that you are passionate about and you will succeed.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnrichardjack
    I like your idea of building a site around something that you love. However, if you love something that is really competitive such as video games, then it can be quite difficult to make a living. I think it is better to go into a niche without a lot of competition and learn to love it.
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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by johnrichardjack View Post

      I like your idea of building a site around something that you love. However, if you love something that is really competitive such as video games, then it can be quite difficult to make a living. I think it is better to go into a niche without a lot of competition and learn to love it.
      It's competitive because there is much money it.
      If you really love games and you want to try it in IM. DO IT

      Gaming reviews
      Gaming youtube video's
      Gaming blog
      Vintage games
      Game challenges

      AND SO ON

      Now it comes all on you creativity. But because you love games and you want to start IM, you have a much larger chance of making it then start promoting weight loss if you have no connection with that product at all.

      I would start with the games I love the most and go into it very deep, explain every detail, every fun fact. Make tons of video;s long and short. And my blog would have thousands of pages just about that game.

      At the same time, I would already be anticipating on the follow-up of that game. Find out all information there is, and start putting it online. The moment it comes online, you are in it. Share photos of you waiting before the door, make a video in the store and be sure you are one of the first who had gameplay online on the first day.

      If you do it well with a lot of content, you will be found.


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  • Profile picture of the author seriousmny
    I agree with johnrichardjack. Get the low hanging fruit that is easier to grab. I would rather spend time on something I will get results with financially than something I love that is high competition and won't pan out any money. I can always learn to love that low hanging fruit with that cash it brings in.
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  • Profile picture of the author towkayjoe
    Nothing beats doing what you love doing. Legally.

    Thanks for sharing. Great post.

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  • Profile picture of the author manshetq8
    i think if you want be successful , you must choose direct and un-direct keywords for MARKETING .

    for example , if you want make marketing for Forex , The Direct keyword is Forex and the un-direct keyword is Property trade , because 80% of people like forex always like Property trade .

    anyway each AFF MARKETING have each style , and you can make unique Style if you working Every Day .

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    • Profile picture of the author ElGuapo
      This thread rings so true.

      I've come across some unexpected niches while browsing the web, all born out of some kind of love for the subject. Some that spring to mind:

      - MLB Trade Rumors. That site is a juggernaut, and a must-use for anyone involved in the baseball industry. It is regularly cited by players and the media. And yet it started as a simple Typepad site by a baseball nut who just aggregated the latest hot stove info from Twitter and online newspapers.

      - 100 Pull-ups. Does what it says on the tin. Presumably created by somebody with an interest in fitness and physical self-improvement. It is a minimal site focusing on a super tight subject, yet has become popular enough to warrant an app.

      - I can't remember the name of the site, but I came across a forum dedicated to the discussion of 1930s - 50s fashion. The site was absolutely swarming with threads and members discussing their latest fedora pick-ups.

      - Frasier Online. My favourite TV show of all time! A fan created a simple forum in which to discuss the show. As far as I can see, it is pretty much the only authority site dedicated to what was a great show. It owns the Frasier niche, and anybody searching for the show or its actors will likely come across it. I bet there would be a decent market in selling replicas of the props used in that very stylish show, as well as DVDs and mugs.

      - Celeb Heights. One of my all-time favourites for sheer quirkiness. Just about any celebrity from history has been listed on this site with a near-scientific estimate of their heights. Spirited debates rage in the comments as users submit photos to suggest shaving off a quarter of an inch. A hugely popular site.

      There really seems to be room for everybody out there. So if you're stuck for ideas, at least try building a website around a true passion. Try to corner and own that niche, even if it's just a website about the Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes movies, Ian Fleming's literary James Bond (i.e. no film talk in sight), or simple recipes involving four ingredients or less.
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      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Originally Posted by ElGuapo View Post

        - 100 Pull-ups. Does what it says on the tin. Presumably created by somebody with an interest in fitness and physical self-improvement. It is a minimal site focusing on a super tight subject, yet has become popular enough to warrant an app.
        Saw where they have one for 50 pullups but didn't see for 100.

        Interesting concept, though.
        As a fitness nut I honestly cannot even fathom doing 50 strict pul lups let alone 100.

        Unbelievable !!

        Something that so narrow of a topic is hard to believe much success could be garnered.
        So very interesting to see this and should make others take notice

        EDIT : Noticed also one for 20 pullups

        Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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        • Profile picture of the author ElGuapo
          Originally Posted by discrat View Post

          Saw where they have one for 50 pullups but didn't see for 100.

          Interesting concept, though.
          As a fitness nut I honestly cannot even fathom doing 50 strict pul lups let alone 100.

          Unbelievable !!

          Something that so narrow of a topic is hard to believe much success could be garnered.
          So very interesting to see this and should make others take notice

          EDIT : Noticed also one for 20 pullups
          Whoops, confused it for for 100 push-ups! There are similar ones for pull-ups and sit-ups. But yeah, for sure it shows how narrow you can go. Goal-oriented niches are a winner...
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  • Profile picture of the author ZenVision
    Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

    So what niche am I talking about?
    The niche you have is the one thing you really like in life. The thing you care about. Your passion, your hobby, the fun factor in life.
    Just as the adage "Do what you love, the money will follow" says, this is golden advice.

    I love cats as well and just started on my first cat blog.

    Thanks for this!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10367641].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by ZenVision View Post

      Just as the adage "Do what you love, the money will follow" says, this is golden advice.

      I love cats as well and just started on my first cat blog.

      Thanks for this!
      If you do it well, you can make a lot of money.

      Things to add.

      NEW VIDEO's, if you have cats you can make a ton of funny video's to promote your blog on YouTube & Facebook.

      Write about products, do it serious but with some fun. I got a lot of cat toys for free, just call the companies and tell them you want some test stuff.

      Don't overload your website with advertisements, less is more... and with more I mean more money.

      Stay on topic, but discuss things like cat insurance, holidays, funerals and so on.

      Write to all catteries and ask to share a link, it works when you're positive about them.

      And last but not least, keep going on, add new stuff every week/day.

      Good luck.


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      • Profile picture of the author ZenVision

        Purrfect advice! Much appreciated! On it!
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  • Profile picture of the author ma247
    Three niche can be promoted lifetime:

    1. Health
    2. Wealth
    3. Relationship

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  • Profile picture of the author Nutty
    Thank you for some good advice, makes goodsense
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    I have always felt excited to write about the things that empowered me in life, because I just KNEW that it would empower others as well... Honestly when I created my first product I didnt even realize it would make money.... I figured 400 bucks or something.... Man was that ever wrong.

    I wholeheartedly agree with OP... I know some write about generic things they have no hands on knowledge of but for me, I just cant do it. I feel like I would rather die than to just write dry dead words with no life in them, but I can write all day long about something I believe in and the passion comes across. Allen Says said a long time ago (and it really moved me) that whatever you feel when you are writing will absolutely come across. When you line up real excitement next to fabricated excitement, there is a noticeable difference in the way it feels.

    That DOES effect the success of an article. At least in my experience. Others have told me that is not necessarily true, but it has been for me.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      Allen Says said a long time ago (and it really moved me) that whatever you feel when you are writing will absolutely come across. When you line up real excitement next to fabricated excitement, there is a noticeable difference in the way it feels.

      That DOES effect the success of an article. At least in my experience. Others have told me that is not necessarily true, but it has been for me.
      John, so true. I know when I write an email I do it on the fly and spur of the moment. Instead of planning it out and constantly editing and reediting.

      I find that I am at my most innate "excitedeness " when I do it this way. And it definitely comes across to my readers

      Writing organically and natural like this is a skill people can do with practice !!

      - Robert Andrew

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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  • Profile picture of the author theskillsbox
    Ever since i took my love for sports and betting and turned it into a business i couldn't be happier!! Im just doing what I would be doing anyway, but being paid for it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Lumbergh
    Forex and Binary Trading systems
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  • Profile picture of the author RosanneS
    You will always make money if you offer some time of advertising service/product/solution.

    People love advertising when they have money, when they want evern more money.

    People need to advertise when they have little to no money because they want more money.

    Simple question. Simple answer.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    go with the obvious here.

    -- stock market [everyone is greedy]

    -- health [who does not want to live longer and be healthier]

    -- Relationship [people do not want breakups, and always want to be in love]

    These niches [ever green] have always done well before I was born, and will do well long and after I am gone from this plain.

    Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Streby
    I would have to think it's at least possible to earn a decent income off just about anything if you can reach the right people who are looking to buy. That could be hard to do however so then you would default to advertising revenues which again could lend it's self to some problems because if nobody (or not enough) people are buying then who's going to want to advertise anyway?

    I think the message behind the OP is an awesome one and probably is valid in the large majority of cases, but probably not all.

    Granted I did get my start way back when in my own passion which was art. I was a graphic artist who did a lot of work on video games which then led me into developing video games myself and I later became an Indie Game Developer. I made a decent living at that until I got burnt out and jumped into advertising after a chance encounter with a business owner. That then lead me into MMO but I got burned out from that and got into publishing which is where I am at now... and you guessed it, I'm looking to get out of it (burn out) I get bored, what can I say
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