Advice on a new hosting provider/VPS

18 replies
I am looking for a new hosting provider. I have used shared hosting for years without any issues but the current provider has failed so many times, I need to move on. The biggest issue is email deliverability. We only send a very small amount (no more than 10 a day) but delivery is paramount.

I am thinking of going the VPS route with 1 or 2 unique IP's (supposed to have with current provider but on shared IP and you only know when something goes wrong and you start investigating). Prices seem to vary a lot and then there is the managed/unmanaged question.

I manage several PC's and MAC's but never managed a server so no idea what is involved.

Currently managed through cpanel (so guess that is linux) but not bothered what software as long as it does what i want.

I would probably like UK based but not essential. Site is UK focused but I understand hosting location not that important as long as Google and Bing know where you target is through webmaster.

The second part then has to be what size ram and number of cores (no idea what this means in the real world to me, other than the bigger the faster and therefore help to compare but the basic will probably meet my needs). Our site is at present a wordpress site and only small with a low volume of traffic, but that traffic very valuable to us. So reliability is important and it needs to be at least as quick as the shared hosting.

Budjet (there always is one) ideally would want to spend no more than $25 including essential software add ons etc. Blue hosts looked good, but they seem to get some bad reviews.

Anyone any experience and recommendations?
#advice #hosting #provider or vps #vps hosting
  • Profile picture of the author NatesMarketing
    If email is your main concern, you may want to look into Google Apps.

    I don't know that you'll be able to find a solid VPS for $25 a month.

    Mine is $60, and it's at the lower end of the "quality" VPS scale.

    If I were you, I would look into Google Apps for your email. That's $5ish/mo per user, then go with like an "enterprise" or "business" hosting at around $20/mo.

    I was on StableHost before switching to VPS and their Enterprise hosting was excellent (never had an issue with their emails either).

    My two cents.
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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Barber
      Originally Posted by NatesMarketing View Post

      Mine is $60, and it's at the lower end of the "quality" VPS scale.
      How do you know which are the Quality ones?
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    • Profile picture of the author jbyte
      Originally Posted by NatesMarketing View Post

      If email is your main concern, you may want to look into Google Apps.

      If I were you, I would look into Google Apps for your email. That's $5ish/mo per user, then go with like an "enterprise" or "business" hosting at around $20/mo.
      I second this. If emails are that important to you, I would strongly suggest using google. I have worked for companies that use google apps and rarely have I had any problems with this.
      You can then search for a decent shared hosting provider for your website.

      I fix WordPress problems, PM me if you need help

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    • Profile picture of the author Jaymes
      Originally Posted by NatesMarketing View Post

      If email is your main concern, you may want to look into Google Apps.

      I don't know that you'll be able to find a solid VPS for $25 a month.

      Mine is $60, and it's at the lower end of the "quality" VPS scale.

      If I were you, I would look into Google Apps for your email. That's $5ish/mo per user, then go with like an "enterprise" or "business" hosting at around $20/mo.

      I was on StableHost before switching to VPS and their Enterprise hosting was excellent (never had an issue with their emails either).

      My two cents.
      I agree Nate. If you're looking for a great VPS provider for $25 or under, you're going to struggle.

      When I first started out, I kept swapping my providers and inevitably ended up pulling my hair out. Chasing something that's cheap isn't always the best option. Well not in my book anyway. You've got to understand that your time is money too. If you're going to be spending your valuable time on changing VPS providers because you keep going after the cheapest options, you're actually taking something away from your Internet Marketing business.

      I've been using Offshore SEO VPS. They're charge more than the $25 a month you're looking for, but they're solid and you can actually speak to a real human being if something goes wrong. Anyway, I suggest you find a decent VPS host and get comfortable. The worst thing you can do is find a paltry one and end up moving after a month. Trust me, it's not what you want to be doing as a starter in IM.

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      • Profile picture of the author 1byte
        I don't know of any "quality" VPS in the $25 range I could recommend. As far as quality VPS host however, I've used Servint in the past, and they are really quite good IMO. Essential VPS plan, fully managed starts at about $55 per month at this time and you can scale it up from there. Good luck with your search.
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  • Profile picture of the author DanielBlue
    To get the most professional answers go to Also a lot of discounts are offered there.
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  • Profile picture of the author BWHadam
    for this low number of emails you dont need to go with vps. you can check a business shared hosting account. it will do the job for you. if you want successful delivered go ahead and purchase a dedicated ip address for it.

    if you are looking for a VPS, go with fully managed 1 gb ram vps at least. but seriously not required.
    I am a sys admin with 10 years of experience, feel free to contact me if you have any queries I ll be happy to assist my fellow warriors. skype client.panels

    P.S dont go with EIG hosts like bluehost, hostgator etc... search the list of EIG hosts , they are same under different names
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    • Profile picture of the author Sangfroid
      Check out Liquid Web. Good reputation.

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      • Profile picture of the author onlinecommerce
        Originally Posted by Sangfroid View Post

        Check out Liquid Web. Good reputation.
        I use liquid web and they are great. Vps is reliable and they have extremely quick response time on customer service.

        I use their most basic vps ssd for $50 a month to run a few sites each with their own IP address.
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  • Profile picture of the author aire
    DigitalOcean Love it!
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    $25 is a little low (no offence)
    Most decent vps start around $50-60

    I'd check out bluehost, liquid web, beyond hosting
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  • Profile picture of the author Everett and Carol
    Definitely check WebHosting Talk, you can get the best deals anywhere. Many hosts will give you a huge discount there, some with a recurring discount. Good luck finding exactly what you are looking for.


    Craigslist Posting Expert! Best Value and Service on the Web!

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  • Profile picture of the author Lipipaliwal
    If you are looking for the new hosting provider/VPS, then just contact with me at:

    I'll provide you better information and services at reasonable cost.
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  • Profile picture of the author newyard34
    Webhosting is quite complex and can get confusing. Go on webhosting talk and seek appropriate recommendations. One you have a couple of options, you can come back here to seek any personal opinions about them.
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  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    Originally Posted by Paul Barber View Post

    but never managed a server so no idea what is involved.
    WP is very limiting (which isn't necessarily a bad thing), so there is probably nothing about your current WP setup that warrants going unmanaged unless you desire to leave WP and go custom.

    Most people on entry level unmanaged VPS switched for the cost savings or the hobby of running their own server. Just be sure to consider the risk of losing stability or security because you didn't set it up right.

    Get one of the cheap plans at Linode, RamNode, DigitalOcean, etc.... and see if you can get it up and running via command line. These are of course unmanaged services, so you can't run to tech support like you can at managed hosts like HostGator. They expect you to know your stuff when you sign up. So if you need help you'll be relying on the community.

    I'm not saying do or don't do it. Just know what you are getting yourself into.
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  • Profile picture of the author ArielT
    You could consider Site5 shared hosting (which is enough at the moment for you) and choose UK location if you want

    And if you don't bother too much with UK location, you could go with (shared as well) for example: Stablehost, Liquidweb, and there are more as well

    Just in case, ask first about the email thing
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  • Profile picture of the author psyko
    That's absolutely tough to find with that range. I got 'offshore seo vps' for $40 and has pre-installed has seo tools. Also some other advantages with great support. It also depend on user after his demand. You may search will get perfect for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author multiplecloud
    Why you do not use service like mandrill or mailchimp? I think it better for delivery rate.

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