How Do You Deal With the Haters?
I am a first time poster, long time lurker and I have a question about something that has been bothering me for some time.
How do you deal with the haters?
Let me provide some insight.
Even though I am somewhat new to online marketing, I have "dabbled" in it before. I remember years ago I produced an online show about reggae music that was meant to be kind of stupid and kind of campy. The cool thing was, a lot of people "got it" and we got a lot of fan mail, but once in awhile we would get some angry hate mail about how stupid the show was, etc... Whatever, no big deal. This would be my first experience with what I call "haters"
Now that I am trying this out for real, I built a niche site that is targeting the "home recording" niche, where people are trying to build and operate their own home recording studios.
I would say that I am more than qualified to write about this niche. I have been a professional audio engineer for over 18 years, and half of that time I was a professor at an accredited recording arts school. I know what I'm talking about....
When trying to use online niche forums as a way to promote my site, it seems to me that no matter what you're trying to do, some insecure person has to find some kind of problem with it. For instance, there was one thread where people are asked to post up a shot of their personal recording studios. I posted up a shot of my studio (which is modest) but people were giving me grief because I am running an older CRT style monitor on my computer. Really???
I am just trying to help people out and provide value, and for some reason a few bad apples can seem to find some fault with it no matter what it is.
My favorite, is when they try to use some part of your content out of context to try and undermine your credibility.
Now at the end of the day, I really feel sorry for these people because I know how sad and insecure they must really be inside.
So, for the most part, it doesn't really bother me, but the added stress is starting to wear on me a bit.
Has anyone else experienced this?
What (if anything) are you doing about it?
Thanks for all of your help everyone!
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