How Do You Deal With the Haters?

48 replies
Greetings everyone,

I am a first time poster, long time lurker and I have a question about something that has been bothering me for some time.

How do you deal with the haters?

Let me provide some insight.

Even though I am somewhat new to online marketing, I have "dabbled" in it before. I remember years ago I produced an online show about reggae music that was meant to be kind of stupid and kind of campy. The cool thing was, a lot of people "got it" and we got a lot of fan mail, but once in awhile we would get some angry hate mail about how stupid the show was, etc... Whatever, no big deal. This would be my first experience with what I call "haters"

Now that I am trying this out for real, I built a niche site that is targeting the "home recording" niche, where people are trying to build and operate their own home recording studios.

I would say that I am more than qualified to write about this niche. I have been a professional audio engineer for over 18 years, and half of that time I was a professor at an accredited recording arts school. I know what I'm talking about....

When trying to use online niche forums as a way to promote my site, it seems to me that no matter what you're trying to do, some insecure person has to find some kind of problem with it. For instance, there was one thread where people are asked to post up a shot of their personal recording studios. I posted up a shot of my studio (which is modest) but people were giving me grief because I am running an older CRT style monitor on my computer. Really???

I am just trying to help people out and provide value, and for some reason a few bad apples can seem to find some fault with it no matter what it is.

My favorite, is when they try to use some part of your content out of context to try and undermine your credibility.

Now at the end of the day, I really feel sorry for these people because I know how sad and insecure they must really be inside.

So, for the most part, it doesn't really bother me, but the added stress is starting to wear on me a bit.

Has anyone else experienced this?

What (if anything) are you doing about it?

Thanks for all of your help everyone!
#deal #haters
  • Profile picture of the author professorrosado
    I wear too many hats, do so many things and in each of them I deal with your situation. You're dealing with it from one activity - count your lucky stars!

    A peer of mine once told me, "Don't worry Rosado. No matter what you do, they'll always talk about you!" He was right and there will be no stopping them. In fact, what I've learned is that it's due to your upward mobility. That you are actually doing something - you "dare to run with us"!

    Today I see it as an indicator that I am pushing and making waves - this is good.
    Wanting to hear only good things is akin to staying in your comfort zone - which means, then, that you are not getting anywhere. Learn to love the criticism as they are actually recognition of your value and your efforts. So they criticize your car? It means that you should be driving a better car still! I can agree with that! They criticize your setup - it means that you should have the best setup possible! Again, that is both true and positive.

    We can go on and on - you get the point.

    With all the things that I do, I am sure to be criticized by hundreds for each - but then, I really should be criticized by millions! I am still working at this!
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
    I totally ignore them. I don't respond to them, I don't acknowledge them. I go on like they don't exist. Because to me they don't.

    They have the problem. Not you.

    If you argue with them, they win. That is usually what they want. They want to stroke their bent ego. Don't give them the satisfaction.

    And don't give them a second thought so stress does not build up.

    Rob Whisonant
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    • Profile picture of the author dana67
      Kill them with kindness and show them the benefits.
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      • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
        Originally Posted by dana67 View Post

        Kill them with kindness and show them the benefits.
        Well, I kind of agree with the 'Kill them" part of your post. lol

        Cheers. - Frank
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      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Originally Posted by dana67 View Post

        Kill them with kindness and show them the benefits.
        No thanks. I'll pass on the kindness because the real haters will continue to hate no matter how you treat them.

        It's a sickness , really !

        - Robert Andrew

        Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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      • Profile picture of the author alexchen23
        Originally Posted by dana67 View Post

        Kill them with kindness and show them the benefits.

        I don't think it's a good idea!
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    • Profile picture of the author MyIncomeReports
      Thanks for the replies guys...

      You both make some cogent points.

      I know that the first rule of Internet forums is "don't feed the trolls" So on that level, I pretty much ignore these guys.

      I guess the thing that is stressing me out is that my online reputation is new, and I'm trying to protect it at all costs.

      Some new guy visiting the recording forum wont know wether or not to trust my information based on a few wankers that are trying to throw salt in my game.

      My thought process is: "If I continue to produce quality content in my niche, the word will get around eventually that I know what I'm talking about."

      I'm not really one to "name drop" and talk about what artists I've worked with, or what studios I worked at and stuff like that.

      Since most of these guys are home recording guys and not professional engineers, they might be giving out some bad advice.

      I guess I should stop worrying about things I cannot control.

      Thanks everyone
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  • Profile picture of the author kk075
    Another great first post, that's the 2nd or 3rd I've seen today, That's very encouraging and I'm glad you are finally out of the lurker stage.

    To answer your question as bluntly as I can, "F@#k the haters."

    Seriously, why do you even care what a bunch of jerks think? If they are going to give you grief for joining conversations and being genuine, then their opinion definitely should not matter one bit to you. Unfortunately, there are just some angry people in this world and they want to trample on everyone around them to feel better about themselves...but that's their problem, not yours.

    So the next time someone posts something rude, do one of two things-

    1) Be the bigger person and ignore completely them
    2) Briefly talk about their mother and drug addiction

    Option one is probably the better route, but who am I to judge? That's what this post is all about to begin with. Just be yourself and people will appreciate you for you.

    Learn to sell like a pro through Web Synergy's marketing blog.

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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      It's different for everyone but I've found that people complain or criticize (many times the same people do both) and they'll look to ANYTHING to attack in a negative light.

      At first I tried to ration with them (not a good idea since it's like arguing with a wall), then i tried to diffuse their comments by responding positively but not really caring, but now i just don't care lol

      Whether it's an email that i send out, an affiliate promotion, the look of one of my sites, the way i worded a piece of content, what i do or don't reveal about myself...I've literally just come to the point that it doesn't matter and i just shrug off whatever they have to say.

      These people are more often looking for negative crap to say before there's anything to judge lol I even had a guy write me pages upon pages of critique (that i never asked for) and when i gave a single line response hoping he would go away, he gave even more critique LOL

      If you're working fast enough and well enough, the haters are inevitable. But that's a good thing if you think about it.
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by kk075 View Post

      A2) Briefly talk about their mother and prostitution.
      There ya' go. Fixed that for you.

      Cheers. - Frank
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  • Profile picture of the author 03navneetkumar
    In 2- Words, "Just leave them- don't respond" Being Silent and Doing your work is best reply for him. He wants you to get down but by doing this, he will be upset more than you so Just Chill and Keep Your Working. Best of luck
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Since most of these guys are home recording guys and not professional engineers, they might be giving out some bad advice.
      That's not a good attitude to have when joining a new forum. If you join any forum with the attitude that you know more than others there - have more experience or names to drop than others there - can correct "bad" advice others give....the haters will come out of the woodwork.

      One member here has a signature that might apply here: "If you think you are the smartest guy in the room, you're probably in the wrong room".

      It's sort of like walking into someone's home and telling them they need to hire a real decorator - you won't win any friends doing that.

      If you have 2-3 people bugging you on a forum - ignore them. If you have the problem repeatedly in forums you join....maybe it's your approach. Worth thinking about.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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      • Profile picture of the author MyIncomeReports
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        That's not a good attitude to have when joining a new forum. If you join any forum with the attitude that you know more than others there - have more experience or names to drop than others there - can correct "bad" advice others give....the haters will come out of the woodwork.

        One member here has a signature that might apply here: "If you think you are the smartest guy in the room, you're probably in the wrong room".

        It's sort of like walking into someone's home and telling them they need to hire a real decorator - you won't win any friends doing that.

        If you have 2-3 people bugging you on a forum - ignore them. If you have the problem repeatedly in forums you join....maybe it's your approach. Worth thinking about.
        I understand your point.

        I have approached the forum from the standpoint that I am providing value and trying to be a helpful member of the community.

        I've been positive and upbeat and respectful towards others opinions, so I'm not giving them a lot of ammunition to throw my way.

        I don't wield my knowledge around like a club, because the only thing I know for certain in life is this: "I don't know ANYTHING". I think coming to the epiphany that you know nothing is a step towards knowing something.

        The interesting thing about the recording arts trade, is there are many aspects of it that aren't necessarily "right or wrong" because as long as the final product sounds the way you want it to, no one really cares how you did it.

        I guess the part that bothers me in all of this, is even when people chime into the conversation to back me up and suggest that what I'm espousing is absolutely correct, those people are now getting crap for it.

        I guess the trolls are just part of this gig and I better get used to it. If they aren't open to what I have to say, I guess it's their loss.

        Thanks again for the reply.
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        • Profile picture of the author discrat
          Hey MyIncomeReports,
          Yeah , I had a couple in the last few months months. Just real haters. One on my List cussing me out and telling me I was BS. Another joined my List here and started taking things out of context to make me look bad right here on WF.

          The fact is there are ALWAYS going to be Haters.

          Thats Life. It seems cruel and tough to handle but the sooner you can the better off you'll be

          - Robert Andrew

          Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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        • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
          Originally Posted by MyIncomeReports View Post

          The interesting thing about the recording arts trade, is there are many aspects of it that aren't necessarily "right or wrong" because as long as the final product sounds the way you want it to, no one really cares how you did it.
          Not only that, but a different 'sound' for the same piece of recorded material appeals to some, but not others. That's how producers make their mark - from promoting their 'sound.' It's all subjective.

          I run an Internet radio station. I love it when as soon as I play a song that someone doesn't like, I suck, the station sucks and all my listeners suck. lol

          Cheers. - Frank
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  • Profile picture of the author WarGun
    No matter what area of life you deal with there will always be the "Hater".
    Stick to your beliefs and values and ignore the losers. As you begin to find
    success online you will realize that you do not have time to engage in activities
    that don't make you money. Press forward and don't look back.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
    Everyone is a critic. When you post something, helpful motives or not, you open yourself up to that. Either fight back or ignore them. For me it's better to ignore them.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlwaysTheBest
    Just ignore them and keep showing your expertise. Other people will realise that you have good knowledge to share.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    If you don't have any "Haters" you're probably doing something wrong. (Lol.)
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author icoachu
    I use their 'hate' to inspire me. I really do.

    When they say 'IT CAN'T BE DONE', I go into overdrive so I CAN PROVE THEM WRONG.

    When they say 'IT'S ALREADY BEEN DONE,' I think of ways to create a SUB-NICHE

    Haters actually HELP YOU.



    They TEST your willpower

    They FORCE you to step out of your EGO and into your sense of POSSIBILITY
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  • Profile picture of the author ben500
    How do you deal with haters?

    Put it like this - Have you ever known of a hater doing better than you?
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  • Profile picture of the author ElleMae
    Simply put: Bless and Release! There will always be "haters" but it can only hurt you if you allow it to. I always bless those who want wrong for me and release them to the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author JenniferGiacoppo
    I do like the kill them with kindness and let them enjoy the benefits. I guess it's called freedom of speech. If people are sending hate messages, you just gotta remember it's more about them then you. But if it is hitting a nerve with you then dig deep and find a way over time to change your thinking, Change will come gradually and it is important that you apply yourself in this way otherwise if it gets your attention for too long it will mess with your energy. You're not going to please everyone and you cannot control them....just find a way to appreciate them where they are and move on.....they're looking for your attention you want to give it to them? And if you do do it with kindness.....they will run in the other direction or fall in love with your stuff.....

    "Attitude is everything. Your mind-set is your attitude. It is the difference between success and the lack of it!"

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  • Profile picture of the author StevieT
    Just imagine the haters being leaves in the water, they float by and can't really harm you.

    I know it's easier said than done, I've had my share of hate comments and mail, but at the end of the day, I look at what I've done and what my intentions have been. They were all good.

    People are jealous of what you're doing and they try to minimize it with word... only if you let them.

    As far as I'm reading you're doing a good job, keep on going!
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  • Profile picture of the author Slade556
    Learn to ignore them. It's the best thing you can do. You should concentrate on the important things, these people are really not important and no matter what you do, they'll keep coming.
    One important thing to remember is not to let them affect you though. You shouldn't feel like giving up, if they had anything constructive to say, they would have done it in a civilized manner. Meaning, if you were awful at what you do, someone would have told you this by now, using proper English, and not foul language. So, keep on doing what you're doing and ignore these neanderthals
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Originally Posted by MyIncomeReports View Post

        I guess the thing that is stressing me out is that my online reputation is new, and I'm trying to protect it at all costs.
        If people (and when it comes to forum trolls, I use the term lightly) sound like they're hating on you just to hate on you, ignore them. They aren't fooling anybody, and they won't harm your rep.

        If they're nit-picking something about what you offer, see if you can turn a single response into your favor. For example, the incident you described where people jumped on you for having a CRT -- I would have simply said something like "that's what was available when I started this studio X years ago, and it still gets the job done, so why replace it?" Then let it go.

        Either way, once the trolls and bullies figure out that you have a tough hide, they'll go looking for easier game.
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      • Profile picture of the author SMworkcafe
        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        This made my day! Shake off!

        I don't have too many haters, maybe I'm still running slow.


        - Sana.

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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    I was actually a little down about a week or so ago because I had received an email from one of my former subscribers telling me what a "liar" I was, and how it's "impossible" to make money online, and how I should be ashamed to get people's hopes up when I know that what I'm telling them is all lies, etc, etc.

    Anyway, the email went on for a while. I knew deep down that it was all BS. What made it actually hurt though is that this was a person whom I had decided to help free of charge. And when I mean help, I basically set up the entire framework for a successful list building business for this individual.

    I made this person an entire funnel (including their own OTO product) and I even bought a couple of solo ads to test it out (converted at 37.8% and 40.4%, respectively). Then, I set it all up on their hosting account, and even set up a WP blog for them as well with several premium plugins installed that I owned developer rights to.

    In short, I took a liking to this person and pretty much gave them for free what others would probably charge hundreds for. Not to mention that I told them EXACTLY how I build my list and gave them almost all of my traffic sources, etc. I even threw in a free 100-click solo to get their list going.

    I'm the type of person that believes in paying it forward. I truly feel blessed that I am able to earn a decent living from the comfort of my own home. I know how many people try to turn IM into a full-time income and fail. So I really feel that since I achieved success where so many others fail, it was pretty much my duty to help others as much as possible without charging them. I mean, it costs me nothing to spend a few minutes on Skype and help a stuggling IMer.

    Even after this person sent me this hurtful email, I still tried to help them. I was perplexed myself as to how they were failing if they were doing everything I told them. I mean, how can it work for me and not someone else?

    After receiving a reply, it was obvious why they were failing. Two of the most highly producing list building methods I had taught them were not being put into action. When I asked why, I was told that "it takes too much time and I tried it for a day or two and got no results so I quit doing it because it doesn't work. It's just more of your BS."

    From that moment on, I vowed that I was done putting myself out there and helping others for free, because I do not want to be treated that way again. Honestly, it truly hurt.

    Then I happened to come across a blog post written by a successful marketer that I respect and have been following for quite some time. It fit my situation perfectly.

    In a nutshell, the article explained that it was actually a good thing to have haters because if you do that means you are actually doing something RIGHT! The blog post explained that even blockbuster films that have thousands of good reviews will also have hundreds of bad ones. In other words, if you have haters it means that you are being noticed by people and that's a good thing.

    The bottom line is that I've realized having haters is not all bad.

    So will I quit helping people for free and giving back? Absolutely NOT! That's just what the haters want! Instead, you should "kill them with kindness," as they say. Never lose your cool, and NEVER lower yourself to petty insults. This is the reaction that the hater is expecting and wants, so don't give it to them!

    That is what would hurt your rep because they will most likely take what you have said and spread it all over the Internet, and probably use it out of context as well. So if you get a hater, keep your cool and make sure to always remain professional with them, even though you would probably like to tell them where to go!

    My message to haters is that you are all welcome to hate on me if you like, because for every hater that I have I probably have 100 people who like me!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Vodini
    why u should even think about?
    who cares? just ignore them and that's it.

    more importance u give them and more they feel satisfied
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  • Profile picture of the author MyIncomeReports
    Wow! So many great responses! Thanks for all the support everyone!
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Yeah just SCR$# those damn haters, scum of the earth, how dare they present differing points of view, question dubious statements, provide a balance in an industry where most are out to make a buck even if they have to sell their own mothers down the river, yeah Fu%$ them.... (Bunch of cry babies)

    Now that that's out of the way, damn dude "I am running an older CRT style monitor on my computer. Really???" how can you even show your face in public...

    Jokes aside, I honestly think you making a big mistake going into the "I'm new follow my progress to IM riches" route....It's done to death.... Why don't you do something you are well educated about, like your home recording idea? Podcasting / Home recording has been growing at an incredible rate since late 2013....

    Theo AKA Mr. NEG by some....
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author Sweersz
    How do you deal with haters? Easy -- you don't.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    Simple, don't waste your time on anything that doesn't help your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
    The best way to deal with haters/jealous people is to simply ignore them,don't give them any energy.
    They'll eventually get bored since you're not letting them seduce you into their drama and they'll go bother someone else. Works like gangbusters.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mehhthew

    If they're hating on you, that means you're on the right track. Keep grinding.
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  • Profile picture of the author RafaelThaGreat
    I have a single hater in my business, she's a crazy filipina I hired and then quickly fired to do social media tasks. Since I fired her in April she's been harassing me and leaving negative spam reviews on my products. All I could do is report her to and

    I plan to rule the world.... Starting Monday.

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  • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
    Not sure what to tell you about haters... I've never had any. Wrong, just Joking! In fact, that's one way I've always dealt with my haters. I've had so many I've developed my own little techniques for dealing with them.

    1. I use humor toward them, myself and almost anything that moves. That's a guaranteed stress buster if there's ever been one.

    2. Use their hate to accelerate ... past them, it's my motivation to get better, faster, stronger. In fact, that's why I always secretly Thank all my haters.

    3. Use the Ignore them and Bore Them technique - don't participate in the hate. Most haters feed off of you hating them back. I've even turned some haters into honcho's (friends) by killing them with kindness, although this technique doesn't work on everyone,every time ... it does work on many, sometimes!

    I have many more but those are my top 3.
    Download "Free 80 Page E-Book"
    "201 Ways To Live Better On Less Money".
    "Because The Easiest Way To Make Money is ... ... By Saving Some First!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Write Now
    You can't please everyone. That's what you need to keep in mind. Continue to improve and learn to separate the legit criticism from the nonsense.
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  • Profile picture of the author leandred
    The first thing is to ignore the haters and second is to understand that haters are not evil or bad.
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  • Profile picture of the author Med Man
    Do a test and check out bestselling books or ebooks on Amazon. It's really interesting to see the number of 1 star reviews some of them get, and still continue to sell very well. Check out for example Joe Konrath who has many books out and a very influential blog. He talks about 1 star reviews and haters on his blog often, really good insight.

    On the practical side, it might be a good idea to ask the big name artists you worked with for testimonials you can put on your blog etc. That ends the discussion right there when potential clients would see those.

    The fact of life is, haters come with the territory, unfortunately. Best is really to ignore them. And be aware, these may easily be your competitors from whom you started winning business or traffic over. So they resort to damaging you in any way they know. But it's all good news for you!

    Hope this helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      I simply say, "Welcome to my fan club."

      Cheers. - Frank
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  • Originally Posted by MyIncomeReports View Post

    ... it seems to me that no matter what you're trying to do, some insecure person has to find some kind of problem with it.
    You hit the nail right on the head with that statement. I simply ignore them. I might respond sometimes, maybe once, maybe twice, but generally, I either end up ignoring them or I never even pay it any mind in the first place.

    But others are right when they say that if you have no haters, then you're doing something that no one sees or cares about so you must be doing something right.

    Make no mistake that someone is online right now hating on McDonalds, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Michael Jordan, Einstein, Ghandi, Dalai Lama, and Christ himself, so don't worry, you're in good company!
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    aww the naysayers you mean!!! They are everywhere we turn these day's aren't they? Everybody seems to have the answers but yet these are the same people that are usually broke and unhappy themselves.

    How to I deal with the haters and naysayers? I think about my goals! It's as simple as that. See I know the direction I am going and your right.... If you sit around too long the naysayers and haters start to get on you. Another words the weeds start to grow.

    I spent over three years studying and spending my money on learning IM and have had a lot of people give up on me. The ones that stood behind me are my family! Everybody else.... We'll lets just say they are still doing the same thing. Bitching and complaining about everything.

    Me on the other hand now....

    I'm so glad I stood behind what I believed in and continued to pursue my goals because the person it has caused me to become by associating with other successful people and leaving the naysayers and haters behind has changed my life. To be honest with you money is no longer a problem!

    its not that I am making over 200 hundred dollars per day with IM but my mindset is such now that all I do is see opportunity and solutions.

    My neighbor for example needed some more lawn mowing contracts and I was able to get him 5 new contracts within a two week period. I did that for free to him because I like the guy and I don't need the money but my point is if you want to make money and earn more you need to become worth more to the marketplace! Not to be negative but what I see is if people need something rather than going out and getting it themselves they turn to public assistance.

    You want to get ahead? Learn to set goals and plans to achieve those goals...

    Out of years of studying personal development and becoming better myself this is the number one trait they all have in common is the ability to see what they want and then go get it! They also hang around other successful people and not the complainers and blammers.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author trickshot
    You should disengage yourself from both positive and negative feedback and continue your pursuit with the goal of providing the best possible service you can give!

    That will bring the best results
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  • Profile picture of the author Hackbridge
    I've not had the experience you talk about, but I had an incident regarding a video I posted. Can't even remember what it was, but a comment on the video which had nothing to do with the content was racist. I burned for a few minutes, but in the end I simply deleted the comment and chose to forgive the person.

    Simply put some people are ignorant. I prayed a blessing on them, and released myself from negative feelings toward them. It's not the answer for everyone but I have a life to live, and haters can be like a mill stone around your neck if you let them hang on.

    You're the better person if you ignore them and get on with your life. Loved what NicheBlogger75 had to say.

    All the best everyone.

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  • Profile picture of the author F5K
    Post another picture but with your new monitor...

    But add a picture of a GIANT CRT in it.. I mean really big!! LOL

    If you don't think too good, don't think too much..

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  • Profile picture of the author alexchen23
    Just IGNORE THEM. One way you can deal with a snobby, jealous person is to simply ignore them. i know you've heard this whole "ignore it and the pest will go away" thing before, but sometimes it actually does hurt the person if they think that the person they are jealous of doesn't care about them
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