Offers for website owners ( webmasters ) ?
The website owner could be just a regular guy who's excited about his new website which is about a small business he started or a passion/hobby he's willing to put a few bucks into.
He could also be some sort of a professional service provider etc'.
Bottom line: The offer should be "generic" in terms of niche. It can't be too specific.
An example:
Google Analytics. Every website owner could truly benefit from it. Once they hear about it - they take that "offer". Because there's a NEED for it.
I'm looking for offers such as the above. A real need.
I was thinking about outsourcing SEO services - an affiliate offer would also be welcome. It's an high ticket offer with real need for some of my prospects.
My previous post was removed. It was the exact above text. Who am I risking by asking this question?? Isn't it a legitimate question?