Are Amazon associates allowed to attach an affiliate link to an image?

3 replies
3 questions...

1) Are Amazon associates allowed to attach an affiliate link to an image?

For instance, a picture of a hammer linked to a hammer for sale on Amazon.

2) Are there rules about how a text link must appear?

For instance, if I want to link to a hammer on Amazon, can the text link say, "Hammer nails easier than ever!", or does the text have to include particular info?

3) How do you track Amazon sales?

From what I understand Amazon doesn't want it's links altered, so I assume I can't add them to a tracking service like Improvely, etc..

If I want to include the same affiliate links on various pages on my website, how will I know which page performs the best?
#affiliate #allowed #amazon #associates #attach #image #link
  • Profile picture of the author Dave Kash

    1. Yes certainly allowed to attach an affiliate link to your Amazon associates image. In fact you are also allowed to attach the exact same image of the amazon product you are promoting directly from the Amazon page.
    Otherwise you are free to use whatever image you want to use as long as you have permission to use it.

    2. From what I can remember, No there are no rules on how the link text can be used. However it will be helpful if you include keywords in your link text.
    Because using keywords in your link text will make it a lot easier for people to find the product you are promoting on you website especially if you are relying on SEO for traffic.

    3. Amazon does automatically track your sales, but if you want to track the sales yourself and find out which pages on your website are doing the best then I do recommend installing Google Analytics on your site.

    If you want to take it a step further and get very detailed statistics then I recommend a service called Hypertracker (Do a Google search) .It will track everything on each web page you have, clicks, sales, etc...

    Hope that helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author huffdoggie
    Originally Posted by Trankuility View Post

    If I want to include the same affiliate links on various pages on my website, how will I know which page performs the best?

    To answer the last part, just set up multiple tracking ids under your main one. You can add them when you're logged into your associates account.

    Set up different ids for pages, types of links, etc. Its easy and Amazon approved.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trankuility
    Thank you Dave and Huff.
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