Question Regarding high school in United States (Target Market)

3 replies
I would like to know, in the United States... are there high school that consist of only male students? Or are all the high school are a mix of male and female students?

Second question is... do students in high school in United States study computer programming? And is it possible that some high school students who finished high school, immediately get a job as a programmer instead of going to college?
#high #question #school #states #united
  • Profile picture of the author info126
    I am asking the questions because I am trying to understand more about my target market. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    High Schools in the states are so complex and there are a million differnet types.

    Yes, there are definitely all male schools.

    Some schools definitely have computer science training.

    More specifically, there are "Trade schools" or "vocational schools" where literally 50% of the curriculum is based upon a trade.

    It might be computer science, plumbing, electrical wiring, or literally any other trade you can think of.

    I'm not sure what % of students are enrolled in a vocational High School, I know they are quite common in my home state of Massachusetts.

    Hope this helps somewhat... Maybe someone can contribute more?


    I wish you the best...

    PS: Here are some hardcore statistics on vocational students in the USA:

    (Data is somewhat old, but still a good source).
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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by info126 View Post

    I would like to know, in the United States... are there high school that consist of only male students? Or are all the high school are a mix of male and female students?

    Second question is... do students in high school in United States study computer programming? And is it possible that some high school students who finished high school, immediately get a job as a programmer instead of going to college?
    Public schools, where the vast majority of people go to school, are mixed with boys and girls. If there are any high schools that are all-girls or all-boys, they would be private. We do have colleges for all-guys and all-girls, though. I'm pretty sure all of those are private. There are some high schools that teach computer programming (depends on how much money the school has). We also have these things called magnet schools, where kids either focus science/math or the performing arts.

    Nicki Minaj, for example, went to one. There are certain magnet high schools that are really popular like if you want to get into entertainment and what not. Not only do you learn the business, but schools like that have connections, as well. To get a job like a programmer, you need some kind of training and credentials and be able to prove your ability. Getting a programming job right out of high school is not likely.

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