Offline Marketers: How To Double Your Business Before Christmas

26 replies
Hey guys

Here's a couple of really quick ways you can dramatically increase your offline consulting business before the year is out.

For those of you who don't know me, I've been marketing offline for 10 years -- first as a web developer, then a copywriter, and for the last 3 years as a marketing consultant.

In that time I've figured out just about everything that doesn't work, and a couple of things that do

First let's get some basics out of the way...

There are only 3 ways to grow a business:

1. Increase new customers.
2. Increase profit per sale.
3. Increase buying frequency.

Everything you do to grow a business falls under one of those categories.

Most people focus on getting new customers -- in fact it's the #1 "offline" topic on this board -- but that's the most expensive and time consuming way to grow.

It's MUCH quicker, cheaper and easier to increase profit and increase buying frequency.

So how do you do that in your consulting business?

Actually it's really easy...

1. Raise your prices.

Almost every new consultant I've talked to has seriously undervalued what they bring to the table. Even people who have been at this for 5+ years are often charging less than half what they should.

If you're in the ballpark of "$500 for a website and $50 a month for SEO", try multiplying your fee by 10 on the next job and see what happens.

If you're at "$5000 + $1000" multiply that by 10 for your next job. You might just get it.

If you're already getting projects for $20,000+ then add a performance-based fee on top. 5 - 20% is a good place to start, depending on the project.

"But my clients won't pay that much". OK... 1) You don't know that until you ask them. 2) Get better clients.

As long as you continue to demonstrate your value is much more than your fee, the sky is the limit on what you can charge.

2. Get offline projects.

Everyone is focused on online stuff -- websites, autoresponders, SEO etc. That's ok, it's where your skills are, it's "sexy". I get it.

But think about this:

The upside potential for most of your clients online projects is in the low to mid 6-figures. Maybe less. So they're willing to spend a certain amount to see those profits.

Whereas the upside potential for their offline projects -- like fixing their direct mail, scripting their sales processes, putting headlines on their space ads, adding upsells & cross sells to their marketing systems... that can easily be in worth millions to them. And they're willing to spend a lot more to see those profits

The best part is the offline stuff is usually less work for you and has a better chance of success than online projects.

So when you get a website or autoresponder project ask questions, find out what else they need help with. You should always be looking for the next project and actively moving them towards it.

3. Do ONE thing at a time!

I made this mistake myself for years. You get a client, ask a bunch of questons, find out everything they need help with, then launch one big MEGA project where you fix it all.

Hey, it looks impressive to them and you can get big fees doing it this way.

But you'll soon find this type of working arrangement leads to the dreaded "feast or famine" routine where you're REALLY busy for 2 months then haven't got a client in sight or the next 2. Plus you bog yourself down in multiple "mini projects" and it can be difficult to execute them all to the best of your ability.

Instead what I find works best, is you ask all your questions like normal... but then propose just ONE project to fix their most pressing problem. Focus all your energy and resources on that project, get a quick win and a happy client, then move them on to the next project.

Doing it this way you can charge almost the same amount for one project that you used to charge for the entire bunch, you'll do better work and because you're not multi tasking as much you'll get it done quicker. Plus clients like it better because they get a quick win and start seeing results faster.

Do those three things and you WILL double your business before Christmas.

Talk soon
#business #christmas #double #marketers #offline
  • Profile picture of the author Bruce NewMedia
    Really, really, valuable info, Kyle.....

    Especially item #3 about doing one project at a time. I have made that mistake of trying to tackle everything at once. Usually leads to just what you describe as 'feast or famine' (mostly famine).

    Your way, the client becomes much more 'locked in to you' and each success causes them to want to continue retaining you. ....good stuff!
    Bruce Ruby
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    • Profile picture of the author Kyle Tully
      Originally Posted by brucerby View Post

      Really, really, valuable info, Kyle.....

      Especially item #3 about doing one project at a time. I have made that mistake of trying to tackle everything at once. Usually leads to just what you describe as 'feast or famine' (mostly famine).

      Your way, the client becomes much more 'locked in to you' and each success causes them to want to continue retaining you. ....good stuff!
      Bruce Ruby
      Right on Bruce, and you can get creative with how you work with clients... it doesn't have to be done on a project-by-project basis.

      E.g. You could setup a proprietary 12-month step-by-step curriculum you walk your clients through. Charge them a monthly fee to execute each of the steps and you take a one-off client to a year-long client, and a 4-figure project to a 5 or 6 figure series of projects.

      You really don't need many clients when you setup your business the right way from the start.

      Think BIG!
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    • Profile picture of the author beninewie
      Hi Kyle,

      Great post! I really agree with your point about getting new customers being the most expensive and time consuming way to grow.

      I would rather have a smaller number of high value clients, than lots of low value ones.

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      • Profile picture of the author Kyle Tully
        Originally Posted by beninewie View Post

        I would rather have a smaller number of high value clients, than lots of low value ones.

        I think one of the biggest things holding people back from charging more is simply understanding that they can.

        If you've never asked for $5000... or $10,000... or $50,000 before, then there is a bit of a mental leap you need to make before you'll be confident enough to ask.

        The way most people do it is they struggle with low paying clients for years, until they finally build enough confidence to actually ask for what they really want. Then they see how easy it was and wonder why they didn't start charging more sooner!

        But you don't have to wait years before you can charge high fees. There are NO rules. It's your business.

        Charge what you want and be confident in your ability to deliver -- you'll have a better business, work with better clients, do better work, and be a LOT happier.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ken Nubo
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    • Profile picture of the author Kyle Tully
      Originally Posted by Ken Nubo View Post

      I was about to do offline consulting, but then I realize I can't meet them in my underwear.

      (not worth it)

      Screw the, don't need their money anyways.
      In 10 years I have met with 3 of my clients in person.

      And 1 of those was a family friend, so kinda hard to avoid

      99% of my consulting work is done by phone.
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      • Profile picture of the author MacFreddie
        Originally Posted by Kyle Tully View Post

        In 10 years I have met with 3 of my clients in person.

        And 1 of those was a family friend, so kinda hard to avoid

        99% of my consulting work is done by phone.
        I was just going to say that. Who meets with clients with Offline Marketing?

        Warm them up with a Direct Mail piece, Ad Banner, Print Media, etc...

        Have them call a Toll Free Number to get their Free Report, leave email.

        Start Drip campaign. Educate them over time.

        Do a Teleseminar.

        Then Webinar.

        Make offer with sense of Urgency, Limited, etc... and phone will ring.

        Why would I leave the office???
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      • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
        Originally Posted by Kyle Tully View Post

        In 10 years I have met with 3 of my clients in person.

        And 1 of those was a family friend, so kinda hard to avoid

        99% of my consulting work is done by phone.
        Wow. How are you connecting with them? Cold calling? Craiglist?

        Project HERE.

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        • Profile picture of the author Kyle Tully
          Originally Posted by thunderbird View Post

          Wow. How are you connecting with them? Cold calling? Craiglist?
          Direct mail.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adamthedecider
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  • Profile picture of the author roots
    Hey Kyle. Very useful. Thanks a lot.
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  • Profile picture of the author James Schramko
    I'm going to tweet a link to this post when Twitter comes back on.

    Clever stuff Kyle!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Maria Gudelis
    Kyle - ditto too with James Schramko - will tweet this thread!

    Love the #1 - Increase your prices...I doubled my prices after 3 months!

    Brand NEW: How To Dominate Facebook SEO - LIVE Coaching - Closes SOON! Get In Now Click Here

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    • Profile picture of the author Kyle Tully
      Thanks for all the great feedback everyone, really appreciated

      Originally Posted by Maria Gudelis View Post

      Love the #1 - Increase your prices...I doubled my prices after 3 months!
      Nice one Maria! Raising prices is just about the simplest thing you can do to increase the profitability of your business. Most people have no idea just how much they could actually be charging.

      I was lucky in that when I first started out as a web developer I worked for a company that created one of Australia's first ecommerce stores. Not only did I get exposed to this stuff years before most people even knew about it, I also got to see how much they charged for a website!

      $30k... $50k... $100k...

      And these weren't huge corporations. The $30k job was a butcher. The designers we worked with -- who just provided graphic templates and not even fully functional websites -- charged about $20k.

      Even back then you could find students who would build you a website for peanuts. But I learned real quick businesses will go to great lengths and pay a lot of money to avoid monkeys


      p.s. You can also instantly increase your client's profits by raising their prices! Big business regularly raise their prices to keep up with inflation etc, but you'll find a lot of smaller businesses haven't raised prices in YEARS for fear of losing customers. Get them over that mental hurdle (perhaps with a small test on a specific product) and you can increase their bottom line by double digit percentages overnight.
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  • Profile picture of the author Maria Gudelis
    Originally Posted by Ken Nubo View Post

    I'm making a killing teaching old people how to search up for free "adult videos" on the internet.
    I am ROFL Ken!

    Brand NEW: How To Dominate Facebook SEO - LIVE Coaching - Closes SOON! Get In Now Click Here

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    • Profile picture of the author DiamondPed
      Hey Kyle,

      Thanks for sharing this great stuff with us ......

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      • Profile picture of the author Jillian Slack
        Fabulous information, Kyle.

        Most people focus on getting new customers -- in fact it's the #1 "offline" topic on this board -- but that's the most expensive and time consuming way to grow.

        It's MUCH quicker, cheaper and easier to increase profit and increase buying frequency.
        Concentrate on keeping your clients happy and they'll want more. Such a brilliantly simple concept.

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  • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
    Originally Posted by Ken Nubo View Post

    I'm making a killing teaching old people how to search up for free "adult videos" on the internet.

    Ha, ha, ha, , would you care to elaborate :confused:

    Just happened to stumble upon a link to this woman's link (and I SWEAR, was not looking for ANYTHING like that) with some kind of a potion, cream, lotion, whatever, that if I promoted it, would make $20 per sale .

    Well, after reading the sales letter, got me seriously into WANTING it, lol (not that I ever thought that I needed it) .

    Thanks for the thread.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1062786].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Lagarde
    <<3. Do ONE thing at a time!>>
    Smart way to stay focused - both you and the client.
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  • Profile picture of the author Doublejm
    Great Stuff Kyle... I was amazed that when I doubled my Prices my conversions only went down a little. I was afraid to do it, but it works!!
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  • Profile picture of the author sblackburn
    Kyle - Great post - thank you for all of your insights.

    Do you Need WordPress Themes for your Offline Clients??

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  • Profile picture of the author jasonbird
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    • Profile picture of the author Doo
      Yes, I don't think add the price is a good way...

      Sometimes your competitors will still keep in a low price... will lost your long stands customer....

      And I agree the third:increasing buying frequency....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1066199].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kyle Tully
        Originally Posted by Doo View Post

        Yes, I don't think add the price is a good way...

        Sometimes your competitors will still keep in a low price... will lost your long stands customer....
        If the only reason your customers buy from you is price then you're in trouble

        Studies show only like 5% of people consider price to be the #1 factor in buying decisions -- everyone else uses things like VALUE to make up their mind.

        In fact, everything I do in my business -- and everything I teach my students -- is value-based. If you deliver value and show that value to your clients your fee becomes one of the last things they worry about.
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