Solo Ads Are Going To Die!!! Here's Why.

37 replies
Hello Everyone. I want to discuss solo ads and their possible future in the years to come. So The question is... Are solo ads dying? Or about to die? I think so. Just my theory.

You see, solo ads have been a proven non-stop stream of targeted traffic to an offer, where you would buy solo ads for pennies on the dollar from a vendor and get relatively high conversion rates. However, Solo ads might be on the steady decline, and within a year or so they may become a thing of the past. You see the industry is changing, evolving and moving forward. Email traffic is becoming a thing of the past due to the ever increasing competition in your recipient's inbox. He or she is inundated with unsolicited spam due to solo ad vendors swapping the same solo ad email offers leading to saturated list emails, thus diminishing a fresh stream of traffic and reducing conversions. And the problem is only made worse by Google consistently and strategically dominating the industry effectively eliminating as much of the competition as possible. That's why we're seeing companies like Aweber and GetResponse's policies getting stricter and stricter and their just banning accounts left and right. As a matter of fact if you have a large email list, let's say about 10 000 then those auto- responders want to see you mail content; otherwise you'll be sent an email from management informing you that your account has been terminated.
It is becoming ever more difficult to get your solo ads to convert at a decent rate and there is also increased risk of auto-responder account termination.
However the death of solo ads will not affect you if you don't use them or rely on them solely for traffic.

It's just a matter of time.
#ads #die #solo
  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Their could be some Truth to what yo say. They are not as effective as they once were.

    But for those who know how to properly take advantage of them and utilize them correctly, they will still be around and be relevant.

    At least the reputable ones

    - Robert Andrew
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      • Profile picture of the author agmccall
        Originally Posted by Mediablitz View Post

        Solo ads will be dead in the next year or so.
        Yup, been hearing that for years


        "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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      • Profile picture of the author Mehdib
        Originally Posted by Mediablitz View Post

        Solo ads will be dead in the next year or so.
        I must disagree with this statement, I don;t think they are dying but they are evolving and changing the methods. There are still many markets and segments of the market that are recipient of these ads and react quiet well to them. There needs to be adaptation though in the way they appear, design and prompt an action but dead? I don;t think so.

        Marketing dude in technology world
        Works as digital marketing manager at ID printers

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      • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
        Originally Posted by Mediablitz View Post

        Solo ads will be dead in the next year or so.
        Funny, I have been buying solo ads for the past 3 years and I keep getting better at it. I've been able to get some of my squeeze pages to convert at 55% or better and I now get a positive ROI on approximately 80% of all of my solo ad buys.

        The solo ad business is only getting bigger and bigger, and will continue to be a viable, profitable way to build a list in the "biz opp/mmo" niche.

        As far as solo ad vendors sharing the same leads, I'm sure this is true on some very small level. However, the fact is that every day THOUSANDS of new prospects are jumping online and looking to live the "laptop lifestyle," which means that there is and will always be an endless stream of of new prospects to convert into buyers, just like in niches like weight loss where there will always be thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of people deciding to lose weight every day.

        Now, there are a few things you have said that I do agree with, and that pertains to SELLING solo ads.

        I have brought this up in quite a few threads and I've been absolutely ripped apart for saying this, primarily by those who are solo ad "coaches" probably. They tell me I'm a fool, but I know lots of solo sellers, and I know this to be true.

        Bigger AR companies (and probably some smaller ones too) like Aweber & GetResponse definitely WILL terminate their relationship with you if you are caught selling solo ads or doing ad swaps. I've been told by many a solo seller recently that they have been shut down and told that they are spamming.

        Whenever I hear about this happening (which is almost every day lately), I ALWAYS ask them what reason they were given, simply because I want to know why so that if I happen to be doing the same thing I can stop immediately. The reason that seems to be commonly given by the AR companies is "directly promoting another's list."

        Correct me if I'm wrong, but that seems to encompass selling solo ads and doing ad swaps. Is that the only reason people are losing their accounts? Certainly not. There are several other ways to lose your account, and these should be common sense or at least common knowledge to anyone who wants to get started in email marketing.

        You should NEVER use spammy or misleading headlines in your swipes. You should never make false income claims in your swipes. You should never use link rotators in your swipes. Find out what the spam "buzz words" are and avoid using them in your swipes. Don't promote shady products or pyramid schemes. Don't promote pages or products that advocate hate speech, illegal drugs, weapons, porn, etc. Don't send more than 1 email per day. Above all, use common sense! If you do all of the above, you have a very slim chance of getting shut down. Does that mean it will never happen? Of course not. Anything is possible.

        About a year ago I started to see a change in the effectiveness of my email campaigns so I switched up my game and now I am right back on track (actually doing better than ever). The fact is that methods change and you have to change with them, or else you get left in the dust.

        If you are only using solo ads to build your list and you are not selling them you should have no problem. So that begs the question, why are all of the solo ad "coaches" still instructing people to start selling solo ads using Aweber or GetResponse? I have no idea. I would guess that they are making lots of money from it and if they had to change their coaching programs to instruct newbies to set up their own self-hosted ARs and all that goes along with that, they wouldn't have too many customers anymore.

        I guess that also begs the question, How are people selling solo ads? Well, to be honest, the majority of them are rolling the dice and still using GetResponse and Aweber. The really smart ones have set up their own self-hosted solutions, and I don't just mean setting up some AR software on VPS hosting. They are handling the whole process, which I am not qualified to speak on since I have no idea how it's done because I don't sell solo ads and never will.
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  • Profile picture of the author GillW2015
    Originally Posted by Mediablitz View Post

    Hello Everyone. I want to discuss solo ads and their possible future in the years to come. So The question is... Are solo ads dying? Or about to die? I think so. Just my theory.

    What do you think?
    Interesting! My question to you is "why do you think solo ads are dead or dying?" What is your theory? Would like to hear your thoughts on this first.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    What do I think?

    Here's what I know: they've been in their death throes for a long time.

    The business model itself is actually engineered for death.

    If you rely on Solo Ads - and you should never rely on one traffic source alone - it's time to start making alternative plans.

    On a happier note: these brownies from Starbucks are yummy!

    - Tom

    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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    • Profile picture of the author 24INVEST
      Originally Posted by Tom Addams View Post

      On a happier note: these brownies from Starbucks are yummy!

      now I'd like to give you my opinion, because I hear these death threads alot since 2012.
      Yes, Solo ads are getting worse and it's getting harder to stand out. But that does not mean they are dying...When business is going bad in my own investment business, i use my own money to do simple " solo ads -> squeeze page -> medium -> offer" marketing to get a profit and reinvest in my own business. Because, you know, forex, stocks, commodities isn't always the thing when it comes to profit...

      But if you know where to buy quality solo ads, where you can buy 10.000 clicks and you know it will be good traffic, why would business be solo ads be dead...
      How Low Is Your Interest At Your Local Bank?

      You Know There Is More Possible Online, Right?
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by Mediablitz View Post

    Email traffic is becoming a thing of the past due to the ever increasing competition in your recipient's inbox.

    This makes no sense at all . . .

    "Email traffic is becoming a thing of the past" because of the increasing competition in the inbox? The last time I looked, there was nothing in my inbox but email.

    Email is not dead and won't be next year.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

      This makes no sense at all . . .

      "Email traffic is becoming a thing of the past" because of the increasing competition in the inbox? The last time I looked, there was nothing in my inbox but email.

      Email is not dead and won't be next year.

      "Email traffic," Steve, not email. The OP isn't talking about the death of email, but the decline in the quality of traffic generated by Solo Ads. In the above sentence, the OP is talking about email traffic as a whole, not just confined to SA, but still not the death of email usage.

      Originally Posted by Raydal View Post

      I can still recall when the then new RSS technology was suppose to kill
      email marketing and many marketers were experimenting with how to
      take advantage of this new trend. It's not easy to kill email because
      every new fad seems to require that you have an email address to use it.

      -Ray Edwards
      Spurious argument; no offense, Ray. No one has actually suggested the death of email; we're talking about the decline and eventual dissolution of a service that delivers traffic via email. Imagine there is an SEO service that delivers traffic by ranking your websites. To say that the SEO service in question is in decline and headed for death is not to say that Google is likewise due a visit from the Grim Reaper.

      - Tom

      I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    I can still recall when the then new RSS technology was suppose to kill
    email marketing and many marketers were experimenting with how to
    take advantage of this new trend. It's not easy to kill email because
    every new fad seems to require that you have an email address to use it.

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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  • Profile picture of the author extrememan
    Now, I don't agree to all the points you shared. What I do agree with 100% certainty is using different traffic methods. Relying on 1 is not so smart. Driving traffic is really important! If you rely on 1 traffic source and that stops working for whatever reason. BIG TROUBLE!
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    • Profile picture of the author ghost209
      This is stupid. I hate pointless fear mongering threads like this that aren't based in reality.

      You have absolutely nothing to substantiate your claim. Just bogus reasoning.

      As long as people send and receive email, people will be using it as a medium to advertise.

      People will be using email for YEARS to come, and solo ads will be a way to advertise them. It's not going anywhere.

      It *may* change forms a little bit in the near future..

      Maybe we'll use virtual reality glasses to swipe through our email, maybe we'll project our email in front of us through our watch, or maybe we'll have robots that make us pancakes then read our email to us.. it doesn't matter lol

      Emails will still be around.. and as long as it's being used as a way to reach people, there will be advertising through it.

      Email traffic is becoming a thing of the past due to the ever increasing competition in your recipient's inbox. He or she is inundated with unsolicited spam due to solo ad vendors swapping the same solo ad email offers leading to saturated list emails, thus diminishing a fresh stream of traffic and reducing conversions.
      All what that means is that crappy solo ad vendors will be pushed out. But the same is true in ANY business. Stores with bad customer service don't last. Restaurants with terrible food, get shut down.. same thing here.

      If solo ad vendors can't deliver quality traffic, sales, and people don't open their emails.. guess what? That solo ad vendor is TOAST. lol People aren't going to keep buying from him..

      So does that mean it's the Solo ADpocalypse is nigh?! no. lol

      It just means that CRAPPY solo ad vendors' days are numbered.. But the people who have a good relationship with their list, only promote good offers to them, and don't abuse their list.. business will be BOOMING for them.

      Which will encourage everyone else to take better care of their list. so it's WIN-WIN.
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      • Profile picture of the author ghost209
        People said the internet was going to kill direct mail. It's doing fine.
        People said email was going to kill telemarketing, it's doing fine.

        Then they said webinars would kill live events, and it didn't happen. People want personal interaction.. and there's no substitute for it.

        Then they said SMS / text messaging was going to be the death of email marketing..
        And it's not true.

        The bottom line is that the sky is NOT falling, so quit with the doomsday stuff lol

        I've seen these kind of threads a thousand times. And every single time it's because someone tries something and can't get it to work.. But instead of admitting that they did something wrong, or maybe they screwed up.. It's alot easier to put the blame on something else..

        "Solo ads are dead! They don't work anymore! That's why I am not making money with this"

        No, you're not making money with it because your vendor sucks, copy sucks, offer sucks, funnel blows, email sequence is garbage, and you're not testing/tracking..

        Chances are, one (or all) of those are your REAL problem..

        And you can either whine about solo ads and say they are dead.. or get back on the horse and get over it.

        There are obviously LOTS of people out there that are making money with solo ads right now.. Find out what they are doing differently.
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  • Profile picture of the author munir ahmed

    Email marketing seems to be growing day by day, Looking to join any social accounts or to become a member in any group or company you will need to have an email account,

    People come in to the internet marketing world for many reasons, one of them is to earn a living online, and many to shop, for that there are many looking for free advice or a free course or some sort where many of us provide to get hold of their emails in different niche,

    Solo ad vendors are in the same boat but as we start building that relationship and then promoting products that might be relevant to them and they might find interest in, the same way solo ad vendors are promoting our offers and courses that can help them grow their business or make a living online...

    For solo ad to go down or die means that the whole system failure because we are all chained up,

    If solo ad dies down then so will many people business who rely on solo ads, but the reason for them to die down is that people will stop opting in to their L-P and if that's the case people will also stop opting in to our optin and landing pages as well, In this complicated scenario i don't think solo are dying by next year or even the next few years yet...

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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    maybe for sucky marketers who dont know how to write copy or elicit a response from their target market.
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiasThomsen
    Email will continue working for years to come. What do you think will replace email?
    People check their email more than they have ever done before.
    I can only see email grow bigger.
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  • Profile picture of the author J50
    Of course they're going to die off somewhat, I am bored of getting emails now. I've just unsubscribed from a lot of lists today, getting far too much junk from people who just plug stuff day in day out.

    Those who are innovating their email marketing activities from just peddling products still have my attention, but that's it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Teravel
    The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

    Oh wait... It's just another "[Insert Advertising Method] is Dead/Dying" click-bait thread in the Warrior Forum.

    What if the problem isn't the solo ads, but:
    * Where you send them?
    * Who you buy from?
    * The products you promote?
    * How you communicate with your list?

    Maybe... Just maybe... It's how your landing page offers a free report on Traffic Generation, yet the actual report is just another PLR e-book on creating landing pages.

    No, it couldn't be any of those logical reasons. It must be that solo ads and email marketing are no longer viable options.

    "Failure is feedback. Feedback is the breakfast of champions." -Fortune Cookie

    PLR Packages - WSO

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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      Of course, we're all speculating here because we're discussing the future and what we think will happen.

      But it's my opinion that the decline in the quality of traffic generated by solo ads is a function of the way solo ad sellers handle and "share" their lists. If you abuse your list, of course it's going to become harder to convert your subscribers. But for those that are sensitive to how they treat their list, I see no evidence of diminished conversions. When what you send your list is relevant, high quality, and what they are asking for, solo ads still work very well.

      Any marketer that has a responsive list would be stupid to
      1. Sell solo ads over and over again that target the same subscribers,
      2. Sell solo ads for non-relevant or worthless junk (typical spam),
      3. Sell solo ads and target those that don't want 3rd party offers.
      But this is nothing new . . . it's the way solo ads have existed for many years.

      Originally Posted by Mediablitz View Post

      You see, solo ads have been a proven non-stop stream of targeted traffic to an offer

      Such blanket statements don't take into account the market, the offer, or the vendor. Solo ads aren't a panacea and they don't always prove successful.

      Originally Posted by Mediablitz View Post

      He or she is inundated with unsolicited spam due to solo ad vendors swapping the same solo ad email offers

      My guess is . . . a very very small percentage of everything called spam is attributable to purchased solo ads. They are not the source of most spam these days - not when compared to the high volume spammers that send millions of emails a day disguised as genuine offers. These guys don't buy solo ads to do their spamming.

      Originally Posted by Mediablitz View Post

      That's why we're seeing companies like Aweber and GetResponse's policies getting stricter and stricter and their just banning accounts left and right. As a matter of fact if you have a large email list, let's say about 10 000 then those auto- responders want to see you mail content; otherwise you'll be sent an email from management informing you that your account has been terminated.
      I have seen no evidence of this in my own businesses or with any of my client's businesses whatsoever. I have never been contacted by aWeber's management (that's who I use) asking to see my content and I don't know anyone who has.

      It's like anything else . . . when a marketing technique is abused, it tends to lose it's effectiveness for the abuser but that doesn't mean it still won't work for those who do it properly. Those who play the game ethically should still do quite well with email marketing.

      If marketers would just wake up and market ethically . . . how they would want to be marketed to . . . "the death of __________" would never be discussed except in the case of methods rendered obsolete due to new technologies.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Oh wait... It's just another "[Insert Advertising Method] is Dead/Dying" click-bait thread in the Warrior Forum.
    Convenient that the sig. solves the problem of solo ads dying.

    As long as new people keep getting into the MMO space (they are not slowing) there will be solo ads. The quality solo sellers generate their subs through targeted PPC. They sell clicks from those fresh prospects to people who don't know how to generate their own PPC subs at a profit.

    Is it just a dreary Monday or is everything "dying" today?
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author eugenedm
    Well, yes and no..... I actually say the same... That some people might have a HUGE problem next year... Now, the strongest and fittest will survive...

    So go and train yourself, learn, get better at it... and you will be alright...

    But for newbies - tough luck... unless you study hard... I mean HARD!

    Good luck to all!

    WARNING: A 50 Million Dollar Man Taught Me His Secret... Which Resulted 6,000 Sign-ups on My Email List.

    "It's easier than you think..."

    => Watch this video here...
    Build Your List to 6,000 Subscribers

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  • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
    I also thought pointless "controversial" threads started all in the hopes of getting lots of clicks to the OP's sig file were dead too, but here we are...

    "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

    Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

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  • Profile picture of the author Big Al
    I was just thinking I could grow and continue to build my list, only sell my own stuff...

    Then every now and then sell a solo ad to someone who had an offer I thought was valuable and I'm sure it would get clicks.

    So I don't really see how they can ever die.

    Solo ads are just the email version of flyers through the post. Unless email dies, I don't see solo ads dying.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    The best way to build a list is to build it yourself.


    As the word gets out that solo ads are too expensive in light of the results they deliver (assuming you bought from a legit seller), the best way to build your list is to DIY

    There are so many ways to build a list.

    It's not rocket science.
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  • Profile picture of the author LegacyBossLife
    You make some good points. However, I do believe that eventually solo ads will be a thing of the past and a new way to generate traffic and conversions will be utilized. The internet marketing community will always have a new way to build a business with quality traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author movemaker
      False...Email marketing will never die. It has become a staple in our everyday lives. It takes crazy innovation to get rid of something that is used by consumers on a daily basis.

      At best it will get crowded and we will be competing for space and "ATTENTION".

      Especially for the people who use the most common deceiving email copy. But I must admit that there will always be suckers who fall for that type of sales copy.

      But email is not going anywhere no tine soon. Just about every app if not all require an email address. Billion dollar tech start ups are built on the basis on email as means of communication.

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  • Profile picture of the author ReneMadmanGlasow
    Originally Posted by Mediablitz View Post

    Just my theory.
    Is this really your theory or the theory of a well kown solo ad vendor and brilliant list building coach, who is promoting a new traffic source at the moment?
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  • Profile picture of the author jordel
    solo ads die every year or every time a new marketing strategy is out there

    have good one!

    [FREE] Top Solo Ads Vendor list - Stop buying Fake and Low Quality Traffic.
    >> Check It Out Here! <<

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Hess
    I'm not going to say people who buy solo ad's are suckers, but I know the quality of subscriber they will bring you and why people sell solo ads in the first place and how people teach other people to sell solo ads...

    There are much better (and cheaper) ways to build a list in this niche...

    One example using the Warrior Forum classified ad section...

    Your typical solo ad will run you about .20 - .40 per click, not per subscriber, just clicks for people to see your squeeze page.

    So say you buy 400 clicks for $80...

    The last 10 Warrior Classified ads I've run racked up a total of 7,212 views (a 'click' for the most part) and I spent $200. (I ran classified ads for bonus offers and not list building but, the views are what's important).

    How many subscribers do you think you would get out of 7,212 thread views?

    And if you place a Facebook custom audience pixel on your squeeze page, you can build a highly targeted custom audience (even if they don't optin at the time) that you can retarget and create a lookalike audience from then run FB ads which will grow your list even more.

    You would be surprised at the number of buyers that are in the classified section, I wouldn't run bonus offers in there if it wasn't profitable (and since all the offers I promote are on JVZoo, I'm building a list of buyers who purchase through my affiliate link using JVZoo's built-in feature and a GetResponse account).

    This all can scale up quickly and is a better way to spend your money. At the very least, you are getting the same quality of traffic solo ad providers are sending you (this is better traffic) and if things don't work out with your list, you can always sell solo ads

    Just something to think about before plunking down a few hundred on solo ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author fated82
    IT WONT DIE....Here is why....

    Most people think of solo ads as traffic. You pay $40, you get 100 people going to your website.

    But the smart marketers, the ones that really knows what they are doing knows that they are not buying just traffic. They are buying goodwill/reputation of the vendor.

    The vendors are the key towards the success of your solo ads purchase because if the vendor doesn't build goodwill, doesn't provide value, then the list would be mundane and unresponsive.

    On the other hand, if the vendor builds goodwill, provide value to his subscribers, then what you are really buying is the goodwill and reputation he has build over the years.

    Just so you know, the major solo ads sellers aren't interested in ad swaps, clickbanking etc, they spend big money on media buys, FB ads etc. That is where their real traffic comes from. And that is why there will always be buyers in those list.

    So, problem doesn't lies in the solo ads industry or that solo ads is dying. The problem lies in most people not doing their due diligent and then says that something is not working.

    It's like getting burn in the stock market and then go out saying the stock market is going to crash.
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    • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
      Originally Posted by fated82 View Post

      IT WONT DIE....Here is why....

      Most people think of solo ads as traffic. You pay $40, you get 100 people going to your website.

      But the smart marketers, the ones that really knows what they are doing knows that they are not buying just traffic. They are buying goodwill/reputation of the vendor.

      The vendors are the key towards the success of your solo ads purchase because if the vendor doesn't build goodwill, doesn't provide value, then the list would be mundane and unresponsive.

      On the other hand, if the vendor builds goodwill, provide value to his subscribers, then what you are really buying is the goodwill and reputation he has build over the years.

      Just so you know, the major solo ads sellers aren't interested in ad swaps, clickbanking etc, they spend big money on media buys, FB ads etc. That is where their real traffic comes from. And that is why there will always be buyers in those list.

      So, problem doesn't lies in the solo ads industry or that solo ads is dying. The problem lies in most people not doing their due diligent and then says that something is not working.

      It's like getting burn in the stock market and then go out saying the stock market is going to crash.
      People who buy solo ads need to pay attention to the quoted post. I am a big buyer of solo ads and the reason I do so well with them is exactly the reason stated in this post. The vendors that I buy from have quality lists that are not filled with freebie seekers from ad swaps, click banking, JV giveaways, etc. Most of the vendors I buy from are spending big money to build their list through PPC, PPV, CPL, etc. Most of them also charge at least .75 per click. They have to if they are to run a profitable business and still maintain their current spends on new traffic.

      Does that mean I have never bought from vendors with crappy lists? Of course not. I try new vendors once in a while to see if they are any good. However, I have this down to a science and I know how my funnel should convert. If the solo ad does not perform well, I know it's their traffic and NOT my funnel. Those vendors do not get any more business from me and they go on my "do not buy" list. The vendors who bought a $30 course from a solo "coach" and were taught to build their list with click banking and then start selling as soon as they can get 50-100 clicks per mailing will never get repeat business from me.

      Also, I have great relationships with the vendors I buy from. I chat with many of them on FB and Skype on a daily or weekly basis, not just when I am looking to buy. Lots of times we don't even talk about IM, but other things like hobbies we have, sports, family issues, etc. It's really cool to talk with some of the vendors that live in other countries like Australia, China, Philippines, Singapore, Israel, etc, because I find other countries customs and cultures very interesting. Not only that, I've learned so many different ways to build my list them it's physically impossible to take action on all of them.

      I can't speak for the OP, so I have absolutely no idea where he/she came up with this ridiculous idea that solo ads are dying. All I know is my bank account proves otherwise.
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  • Profile picture of the author @tjr
    Solo Ads Are Going To Die
    If it happens, dibs on the dead guy's stuff. If it doesn't, be here to make fun of you in a year.
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  • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
    I do not agree with your theory, solo ad sellers are those with a big subscriber lists, which means persons who subscribed to be on that list. The only problem is if the solo ad vendor is flooding his list with offers instead of offering some valuable info. However solo ads are usually expensive because of the quality of the list, that is why you should be beware of those who are selling solo ads at a cheap price.
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  • Profile picture of the author FromCook2King
    lol this is nonsense. Solo ads and email marketing isn't going to die. Nobody listen to this guy.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10321469].message }}

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