Coming out of IM "retirement" and need your help!

by Mike63
12 replies

I have been a WF member for years and years.

Between 2004 and 2009 or so I used my IM and SEO skills to build a business (cash for gold) that made me a shitload of money.

So... starting in 2009 I started outsourcing everything one by one until I did not have to do anything except relax and spend money.

Of course, I outsourced too much, took my eye off the ball, and after a few years, between Google changes and industry and market changes, it all went to shit.

Now, I want to dust myself off and get back into the IM world, but things are so completely different than when I was last active, I am a "newbie" all over again it seems.

My question is.... does anyone have any ideas on the fastest way I can get up to speed on everything I need to know to be an internet marketer again in 2015-2016? This means the latest in SEO techniques, etc.

I plan on spending a LOT of time here on WF that tip is not needed...

Are there any CURRENT books, courses, etc that will get me up to date that is not guru bullshit?

Also, any new techniques for finding good niches?

I know this is a kind of broad, general question and plea for help, but I really need this after a long ride of a rise to the top and a humbling beating back down to close to zero.
#book #coming #marketing #niche #program #retirement #seo
  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by Mike63 View Post

    Between 2004 and 2009 or so I used my IM and SEO skills to build a business (cash for gold) that made me a shitload of money.


    I've been doing IM without any breaks since before 2004 and I can tell you that the basics and fundamentals of marketing and selling haven't changed all that much. Get back to doing what was successful for you in the good old days. You will learn what changes you need to make as you move forward.

    Sure, there are new methods, strategies, tactics and venues, (these things change all the time) but the core business of marketing and promoting is still based on finding a need in the marketplace (also called "demand") and offering the perfect solution (called "supply") in a compelling and helpful way.

    Build a list of subscribers in the niche and offer them value and a great user experience so they begin to know and trust you. Help them, nurture them, and give them more than they expect and they will buy from you.

    Finding a niche is as easy and finding online demand for a product or service that you can sell to prospects. Start with the things you know and understand or that you have a distinct passion for.

    You are already way beyond most newbies so take advantage of what you have already learned. When you have a topical question, use the search function to get your answer . . . and don't be shy about asking here in the main forum if you get stuck on something.

    Good luck to you,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author Shane Williams
      Money comes and money goes. As you mentioned you took your eye of the ball (or just dropped the ball completely) but too you're advantage you have already succeeded and so know what is possible. Many fail simply because they don't believe deep down that success is possible for them.

      As Steve B mentioned there are new methods, strategies, tactics and venues but the basic fundamentals are the same. With a little research online you will soon be up to scratch and ready to begin again. This time just keep your eye on the ball.

      Free Report: Triple Cash Explosion

      How The 'Gurus' Make Big Money Online... And How You Can Too
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      • Profile picture of the author Tonester
        Well, here's my thoughts.

        First, do not rely on SEO as your sole source of traffic. As you mentioned, the Google slap can put you out of business in 1 day. I got the Google slap a few years ago, now I use SEO as only one part (and a small part) of my traffic strategy. Most of my traffic today is paid traffic. Google Adwords, too expensive. Facebook, Twitter, other solo ad blasts.

        Also, I think one of the biggies that has changed is social media. You really need to have a presence on social media these days to succeed.

        Other than that, not sure.
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        • Profile picture of the author Thirty3Down
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          • Profile picture of the author discrat
            I think since 2009 the advent of Social Media has really sky rocketed. But as Steve B so duly noted the basic principles and foundations to do this business successfully are essentially the same as before

            - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Originally Posted by Mike63 View Post

    Now, I want to dust myself off and get back into the IM world, but things are so completely different than when I was last active,
    Not Really - You'll be surprised how little things have actually changed, talking about basics/fundamentals....
    If you were as good as you proclaim you should get back into the swing of things real fast....
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Usually, looking for the FASTEST solution is a one way ride to disappointment.

    It's much better to just get back in the swing of things and proceed one step at a time

    The basics of list building haven't changed all that much except for the fact that there are a lot more complaints about solo ad quality nowadays.

    Asides from that, things haven't basically changed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stevven1
    I think a content locker is still a great and easy way to make some cash

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Just think "direct marketing", and apply it online. Honestly.... alot of the sites that i see doing well are the sites that are email newsletter driven. Which means (including blogs)... they promote via email - or through an RSS feed whenever new content is released. Trust me, during all of this time that you were away.... you weren't missing out on anything.

    Well.... maybe except for the collapse of EzineArticles for traffic generation.
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  • Profile picture of the author ezb1
    "...Are there any CURRENT books, courses, etc that will get me up to date that is not guru bullshit?"
    This should be helpful -- Dotcom Secrets -- the underground playbook for growing your company online c.2015 by Russell Brunson
    Another would be -- from Drayton Bird via Ken McCarthy "His landmark book “Common Sense Direct and Digital Marketing” has been the bestselling book in Europe on the subject for over thirty years." The principles don't change.
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  • Profile picture of the author Thirty3Down
    Hey Mike63,

    I would suggest start by building up your email list again.It will be the best place to start if you plan on doing Internet marketing. I have come across an article on Copyblogger that has some great tips. I hope it helps and Welcome back to the IM world!

    How to Build a First-Class Email List in 30 Days -- from Scratch

    Originally Posted by Mike63 View Post


    I have been a WF member for years and years.

    Between 2004 and 2009 or so I used my IM and SEO skills to build a business (cash for gold) that made me a shitload of money.

    So... starting in 2009 I started outsourcing everything one by one until I did not have to do anything except relax and spend money.

    Of course, I outsourced too much, took my eye off the ball, and after a few years, between Google changes and industry and market changes, it all went to shit.

    Now, I want to dust myself off and get back into the IM world, but things are so completely different than when I was last active, I am a "newbie" all over again it seems.

    My question is.... does anyone have any ideas on the fastest way I can get up to speed on everything I need to know to be an internet marketer again in 2015-2016? This means the latest in SEO techniques, etc.

    I plan on spending a LOT of time here on WF that tip is not needed...

    Are there any CURRENT books, courses, etc that will get me up to date that is not guru bullshit?

    Also, any new techniques for finding good niches?

    I know this is a kind of broad, general question and plea for help, but I really need this after a long ride of a rise to the top and a humbling beating back down to close to zero.

    Want to see How I'm running a Multimillion dollar online business from a backpack? Follow my journey here.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tomas Lodén
    I've been doing this IM thing since 2002 and like you I sold my biz and took a break in 2009.. Not that much have changed really, it s more geard towards mobile marketing nowadays and this will continue to increase in 2016. Just digg in and take it from there, you'll be back on track again in a day or two. Good luck!
    6-fig affiliate marketer since 2003
    Free coaching to your first $100 dollars. DM me now..
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Iannotti
    Making money in 2016 is not different than 2005, some things never change. If you did it once, you can most definitely do it again. Good luck.
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