can you please answer this three 3 simple questions

5 replies
Can you please answer this 3 questions :

1) What is the best solution for huge amount of traffic vps or just webhosting can do the job?

2) If i bought a vps and a domain name, then the domain is blacklisted, do i need to change the vps too, or just buy an other domain name ?

3) Can you use smtp to send for your subscribers ?
#answer #questions #simple
  • Profile picture of the author Francisco PIW
    1. For me personally I changed to VPS when I went above 300,000 page views per month.

    2. You don't need to change VPS, just change domain name.

    3. I don't know what is smtp.
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  • Profile picture of the author cw311
    3) SMTP is just protocol like pop3, you need script or web service to do mail delivery.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
    Blacklisted for what? Spamming?
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    • Profile picture of the author hisoka222
      Originally Posted by Brad Gosse View Post

      Blacklisted for what? Spamming?
      No, i didn't get blacklisted, i'm just asking to what should someone do if he gets his ip blacklisted...

      I'm not doing any spamming thing, but i heard that alot of people get thier ips blacklisted, is this true brad gosse ?
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  • Profile picture of the author time4vps
    Your IP address may be blacklisted for several reasons. Your IP may only be listed on a single blacklist, or it could be listed on multiple blacklists. Each IP blacklist is maintained separately and not governed by a central source. Each may have different standards for listing/delisting IP addresses.

    If you have an IP address and you're not a spammer and don't have a virus, it's possible that the person who had your IP address before you was, or the person who had it before them, or the person who had it before them.

    Always check if your VPS has clean ip addresses before ordering any services.
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