Why would competitors try to claim copyright over your video when I can prove I own everything?

12 replies
I have been told about how envious competitors may start using tactics again you, like bots to click on your ads and claim copyright over your videos. This is why im about paranoid about Adsense and I was considering a network so they can deal with this, but honestly it sucks to pay them extra money so I im going for Adsense.

Im not doing anything fishy, im doing animations that I have constructed myself and the music I use is copyright free, so how are they going to report my video when I have all the proof needed to prove it's me? The videos have a watermark which has the registered name I used on twitter, instagram etc, I own the project files and so on and so on.

How would they claim copyright over that? I can simply reply back and prove that I own the rights and im the original creator and they would get in deep legal shit by trying to being assholes, I don't think they have much to gain.

Then there's the bots thing. Well I have over 1 million views per month and im just started, if things keep growing, an enemy would need to invest a ridiculous amount on bots to click on my ads.

Maybe once im a validated account (with the "v" thing) and I have over 100K subs, all those tactics would be useless since I would be a stablished name. Im guessing as you grow you get a special treatment by Adsense. That Perezhilton guy uses Adsense and has a special TOS since has tons of traffic for example, and im sure someone has tried to attack his site since a lot of people hate him, and he is still doing fine.
#claim #competitors #copyright #prove #video
  • Profile picture of the author KennyAmy
    Hey man, I feel you LOL.
    The reason is simple and obvious: They can't come up with a video better than yours!

    Kenny Wong
    Brought to you by: KennyRecommends.com
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I am totally confused.

    Are you saying a competitor IS causing you problems.
    Is someone IN REALITY trying to claim copyright over your videos?
    Has anyone ACTUALLY click bombs your ads?

    Or are you looking at all the things that could/might happen or that "people" warn about? If that's the case, my advice is to deal with a problem when there IS a problem.

    so how are they going to report my video when I have all the proof needed to prove it's me?
    Who is "they"?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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    • Profile picture of the author merlinnn
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      I am totally confused.

      Are you saying a competitor IS causing you problems.
      Is someone IN REALITY trying to claim copyright over your videos?
      Has anyone ACTUALLY click bombs your ads?

      Or are you looking at all the things that could/might happen or that "people" warn about? If that's the case, my advice is to deal with a problem when there IS a problem.

      Who is "they"?
      No, no one has tried to claim copyright over me, but i've already seen a couple of people re-uploading my stuff. I haven't claimed copyright over them already because it barely has any views and I don't like the idea of random people knowing my real name (apparently when you claim copyright over someone, they give you their real name).

      Im just trying to predict what could potential happen to know how to deal with it before it happens.

      Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

      Are you materials DERIVATIVE materials?

      That's one of the scenarios that comes to mind.

      Either that or your competitors just have lousy lawyers.

      All of my stuff is copyright free, parodies etc. As "derivative", I sometimes used characters from a known tv series but it's all drawn by me, so it's pretty stupid that they would try to claim copyright over that. I mean imagine the PR disaster if Toei Animation (the creators of dragon ball) tried to claim copyright over something like this:

      or this

      Or the creators of Naruto claiming rights over this:

      Just to give you examples.

      All im using is all done by me or copyright free (music) so im not really worried about someone trying to claim rights over me, even the creators of those brands would have a hard time trying to claim copyright about someone using a Minecraft skin of their character (for example), I mean it would be a ridiculously negative PR story for them.

      And again nobody has tried to claim rights, im just trying to predict a scenario to know how to act, since im using only Adsense and not a network so im alone against any problems of that nature.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10518412].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Are you materials DERIVATIVE materials?

    That's one of the scenarios that comes to mind.

    Either that or your competitors just have lousy lawyers.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10517746].message }}
  • The answer is obvious: They are clearly afraid of you, and want to go to any lengths to get rid of you as their "competition". You're currently kicking their butts, and they don't like that. They feel threatened by your existence!

    Is there a way for you to block the IP of their click bots, so they can't click on your ads?
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    • Profile picture of the author merlinnn
      Originally Posted by NewLifestyleMentor View Post

      The answer is obvious: They are clearly afraid of you, and want to go to any lengths to get rid of you as their "competition". You're currently kicking their butts, and they don't like that. They feel threatened by your existence!

      Is there a way for you to block the IP of their click bots, so they can't click on your ads?
      I have no idea how would I do that.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10518422].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
        Originally Posted by merlinnn View Post

        No, no one has tried to claim copyright over me, but i've already seen a couple of people re-uploading my stuff. I haven't claimed copyright over them already because it barely has any views and I don't like the idea of random people knowing my real name (apparently when you claim copyright over someone, they give you their real name).
        So here's what you do if you are that paranoid of this happening.

        Your watermark to put on the videos should be an actual link to your website.

        Do a subtle transparency on all your videos for pretty much the whole duration of the video.

        At that point I'd invite people to steal them, lol, because they all point back to you and it's free traffic.

        Otherwise, if you associate your own voice or face some how on all these videos that too will kick others out of your park.

        "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10518431].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author merlinnn
          Originally Posted by Jill Carpenter View Post

          So here's what you do if you are that paranoid of this happening.

          Your watermark to put on the videos should be an actual link to your website.

          Do a subtle transparency on all your videos for pretty much the whole duration of the video.

          At that point I'd invite people to steal them, lol, because they all point back to you and it's free traffic.

          Otherwise, if you associate your own voice or face some how on all these videos that too will kick others out of your park.
          I already use a watermark which is not my url because it would look ugly tbh, but its my twitter handle which is the most authoritative (nobody pays attention to youtube URL's anymore after Google ruined it)

          If they wanted to copy my video, they can resize it, or put a watermark on top of mine anyway.

          And this is not the main problem, my main concern is dealing with stuff like ad-clicking bots.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10518443].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
            Originally Posted by merlinnn View Post

            If they wanted to copy my video, they can resize it, or put a watermark on top of mine anyway.
            Yes, and you still have the original source file which you'd simply at that point call them out and get it removed.

            If you've watermarked then just move on.

            "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10518516].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Kay King
              Jill - I think it may be more than that.

              From the videos, the OP seems to be used "famous" names as his titles. I have no doubt he's creating his music and the videos are his own....I think the names used as titles and as the script may be trademarked by other companies.

              Could be wrong but I'm thinking that may be why some have "warned him" about it.
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              • Profile picture of the author merlinnn
                I think i've been clear enough with the fact that im just being cautions and no one has tried to attack my channel in any way, and im pretty confident I would win any copyright refutals.

                About trademark... there are a million videos on Youtube with people using figures of Naruto, Dragon Ball and so on to create animations with character names on titles, there are also a million kids playing Minecraft using Dragon Ball characters as there is a mod called "Dragon Block" that uses those skins and even character names, including Goku, Cell, Vegeta or Freezer. I don't think Toei Animation is going to sue those guys. Btw all those names are generic japanese names, there's a brand called "Vegeta" that sells seafood for example. So again I don't think they simply can claim copyright or anything over some kids using a skin, or a figure for their video.

                I mean imagine Toei Animation making a cease and desist of that mod (which by the way includes sounds and music for the original series), or animations with stick figures or something like that, the bad press would be huge and it would actually ruin their brand by being cunts. These guys get millions of views and nothing has happened so the conclusion is, as long as you aren't ripping off actual content from the TV series it should be ok.

                As far as independent competition, they have everything to lose because I have the original project files and can prove all the music is copyright free. So if someone tries to claim copyright over me I'll **** them over since if you claim copyright without proof to back it off, you can suffer serious consequences, so I don't think they'll risk that.

                Therefore my major concern is defending against ad-clicking bots.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        The threads sounds very frightened of what "might or could" happen...but then I read the comment above.

        Could it be the "warnings" are ONLY due to the subject matter/content you have put on the site?????

        As "derivative", I sometimes used characters from a known tv series but it's all drawn by me, so it's pretty stupid that they would try to claim copyright over that.
        That would not be "copyright" - but "trademark". If you are using trademark brand names to build your site and content...then "yes" - the company owning the trademark registration may contact you about it.

        That would not be be attacking you - but protecting their "brand".
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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