How can I research this niche or area of interest?

by asc
10 replies
A project that I would like to work on is related to helping small offline businesses get online, get a website etc.

For a small firm, say a building, or maybe a driving instructor that would not need all the complication of ecommerce or massive databases....the type of companies that a wordpress site would more than suffice rather than going to a web company.

I would like to offer simple and straightforward, as jargon free advice as possible about the basics, tags, getting simple banners and content without the expense of going to the 'professionals'.

I hope you get the idea of who I aiming to help. Since I have been interested in online and web topics I have have a number of people asking for a website, and have helped them out and they have been very happy...helping them register domains and configure WP. These are the type of people I want to aim for and am sure there are lots of people all over the world that would rather go through the learning process with help, rather than paying a company to do it.

But HOW would I research this? Searching keywords such as 'small online business' or 'getting my business online' just brings all manners of internet marketing and web design companies - and with this massive competition - but these are not the areas that I want to aim for.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!
#area #interest #niche #research
  • Profile picture of the author michaeljonescsuk
    you could always pull off a list of sole traders or companies that have just started up who don't have a website, that you could contact and offer your services too?

    if that helps

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    • Profile picture of the author asc
      Originally Posted by michaeljonescsuk View Post

      you could always pull off a list of sole traders or companies that have just started up who don't have a website, that you could contact and offer your services too?

      if that helps

      Very good idea thanks!!

      To be honest though I was thinking more of an advice site, rather than selling direct services that I provide, but the list might be a very good idea of who to promote a site too
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  • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
    You can get traffic to this by setting it up as a local web consulting company - because that is what you will be essentially.

    While the information is pertinent to ALL local type businesses that don't want to pay an arm and a leg, you get your foot in the door by testing a specific local market first.

    From there it can be altered in the future to spread into further and further away locations - likely with a script.

    So I stick up this kind of site, I then target a specific location with local ads (here in the US I'd do a craigslist thing) and when I've confirmed there is a market that will buy into this I add on a script that will automagically change the landing page to say:

    "Online web consulting in "your state/city here" "- which "your state here" will change based on IP address.

    But pick a good location to test this on first.

    "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by asc View Post

    But HOW would I research this? Searching keywords such as 'small online business' or 'getting my business online' just brings all manners of internet marketing and web design companies - and with this massive competition - but these are not the areas that I want to aim for.
    It's pretty straightforward . . . if "small online business" and "getting my business online" are keyword phrases that aren't giving you the results you want . . . then you need to change those phrases to more accurately describe your perfect customer.

    Phrases like "small online business" are way too broad, IMO.

    Sure, your perfect customer fits within that definition, but so do 95% of all the businesses online. You've got to get way more deeply niched than that! Drill down until you find the sweet spot of what you plan to offer. Be very specific. The goal is to identify an audience that desires exactly what you offer - no more, no less. When you gather that audience, your marketing to them will be 100% targeted.

    Before you can decide on the most appropriate keyword phrases, you need to narrowly define exactly what you plan to sell. I don't think you have done that yet because you are struggling to narrow your best keywords to fit your business.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author asc
      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

      It's pretty straightforward . . . if "small online business" and "getting my business online" are keyword phrases that aren't giving you the results you want . . . then you need to change those phrases to more accurately describe your perfect customer.

      Phrases like "small online business" are way too broad, IMO.

      Sure, your perfect customer fits within that definition, but so do 95% of all the businesses online. You've got to get way more deeply niched than that! Drill down until you find the sweet spot of what you plan to offer. Be very specific. The goal is to identify an audience that desires exactly what you offer - no more, no less. When you gather that audience, your marketing to them will be 100% targeted.

      Before you can decide on the most appropriate keyword phrases, you need to narrowly define exactly what you plan to sell. I don't think you have done that yet because you are struggling to narrow your best keywords to fit your business.

      Thanks for the advice.

      I use market samurai for keyword research...not sure how familiar you are with the software but they offer some parameters for a 'worthy' niche - things like limiting results to keywords that only have x amount of searches or x amount of competition etc...ive tried reducing and eliminating set parameters but very very little traffic searches....

      but I shall look again at more specific keywords and drill deeper...thanks
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    • Hi,

      I did this kind of work, and was able to say goodbye to my J-O-B a couple of years ago. Oh, I use Market Samurai, too!

      Here are a few keywords that I found with a lot of searches:
      how to build a website
      how to make a wordpress website
      how to blog
      create a website free

      I use Wordpress exclusively to build responsive websites that work well on desktops, as well as smartphones and tablets. (You can see my personal site as an example,

      I hope that helps.

      All the best,
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      • Profile picture of the author SiteNameSales
        I have been editing a video on finding niche markets and just added an article on the subject. The advice would probably be similar to what you are looking for.

        Visit sites like Amazon, Clickbank, Stumbleupon, Yahoo Answers, Warrior Forum and, of particular interest to your query would be to visit Internet Businesses And Websites For Sale on Ebay.

        Find out what's hot, what people are interested in and talking about and see if you can find forums or facebook groups where you might be able to connect.
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  • Profile picture of the author asc
    Sorry to revive this but I am still seeking advice on this area as it is something that I am quite passionate about. Since finding the many friends who want or know someone who wants a basic website, or just simple guidance on how they can go and do it for themselves, I am thinking there HAS to me far more on the web....but long-tails seem to bring up just so little searches - 1-2 per day potential traffic if reached 1 in google....

    I am not looking to do advanced advice, just the basics that I know and am comfortable teaching...wp installation and config, banner creation and other basics that the average sole trader may wish for.

    Any thoughts on this niche would be appreciated.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Yeah your keywords are way to broad!

    You are giving yourself some niches to target. Banner advertising for example. Hosting, Domain names, Creating the website.

    You can click on your competition websites and see what the current interest is that is being talked about in the marketplace.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Where are these people going for info now? That's where you want to be.

    Buy some ads on sites where your target market is most likely to be.
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