If you had 2 months and 30 hrs a week to build a PROFITABLE website how would you do it?

by Rob77
22 replies
If you could take roughly two months and start building a money earning website what would you do?

For example, would you pick a niche market and blog about it? Or would you build an affiliate website? Maybe something totally different? What steps would you take to monetize the website?

There are always lots of good ideas on this forum. Just curious to know if a profitable website could be built in that time frame and what some might consider the best method to do so.
#build #earn money #hrs #months #profitable #website #week
  • Profile picture of the author Nash Hagen
    If I was in this situation, I would start by creating a blog about whatever niche my product was in. I would then do a ton of keyword research as well as research for popular topics in the niche and compile a list of 45-60 blogs I could write. I would try to post a blog every day but sometimes that gets ridiculous so I would aim for at least 45 in a 2 month span. That will give you a great jump start out of the gate and allow you to have a broad range of topics covered so more people will see your site. For each blog post I would also create an accompanying video that is posted on youtube, and attempt to send that youtube traffic back to the blog. Most posts would also include affiliate links to various tools and products that I refer to in the article (in context of course).

    My blog's main purpose would #1 to provide value and build me as an expert and #2 to send visitors to download a free ebook that they will have to sign up for. The ebook would include affiliate links, so I could leverage that, but I would also add them to my personal list for later marketing efforts.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    I would start launching as many products as possible.

    Use the website as a catalog for my products, while at the same time blogging about my products each and every single day.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rob77
      What kind of products? Information based products?eBooks?
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    • Profile picture of the author Kart29
      Originally Posted by Sarevok View Post

      I would start launching as many products as possible.

      Use the website as a catalog for my products, while at the same time blogging about my products each and every single day.
      I would start building CPA sites for different programs.i would also build a site for advertising different I also would direct linking testing the two ways for CPA.
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  • Profile picture of the author Smart Income 101
    I would go with an ecommerce site. The idea (niche etc.) doesn't matter too much, just the execution of the idea. Example:

    Niche: Survival/bushcraft.

    Platform: Wordpress + shopify

    Traffic: Paid traffic (Facebook, Google), Social Media and Email marketing

    If you can't get a profitable ROI with paid (you don't have enough experience), then work to get email opt ins for an ROI over a longer period of time e.g. get a free paracord bracelet, they cover shipping (you could even work in a profit in the "shipping price"). Dropship the bracelet and promote other products to them via email.

    Paid traffic is definitely the best way for instant results.
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  • Profile picture of the author felisitie
    Personally the fastest money making website i know is a one page website called a squeeze page or lead capture page. So here is my strategy if i was given 2 months to make money;

    1. Build my lead capture page in a specific niche with a free offer like an ebook, video, software etc.
    2. Monetize my thank you page with a simple, low payout CPC offer
    3. Auto-email campaign that builds a relationship with subscribers by sending quality information, relationship building emails and promotional emails with affiliate links occasionally and broadcasts with affiliate links inside.
    4. Drive highly targeted traffic to my lead capture page using 4 traffic sources which are forum marketing (free) and if funds permit use Facebook marketing, solo ads (builds your list fast) and when my list has reached at least 3500 subscribers i do Ad swaps with someone with a similar list size (free).

    So far products in the health and weight loss category have been doing well.
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  • Profile picture of the author kilgore
    Can you build something in two months? Absolutely.
    Will you be able to cash in after building something up for two months? Almost certainly not.

    My partner and I put together a plan to create our website -- based on what we thought would be a solid Minimum Viable Product. Together we worked on the site for about 60 hours per week, she focusing more on the content side and me focusing more on the tech side. We also hired someone locally to do about 40 hours or so of data entry. We launched in two months, or after about 540 hours of work -- something I considered to be very, very fast.

    Of course, just because we launched doesn't mean our work was done. Next came the hard work of marketing our site -- and of course, we continued (and still continue) to add content and features to the site.

    I bring all this up because if you think you can just work at a part-time rate for two months and then cash in for the rest of your life, I think you're very much mistaken.

    After all the work we put in, we made something like $300 our first month. And it took over a year and a half before I was able to quit my job to work on the site exclusively.

    Our experience is pretty typical. For instance, Mark Zuckerberg coded the first version of Facebook in about a month. But it took another five years before Facebook became profitable.

    As to what sort of business you should build -- if you have to ask a bunch of random people in a public forum, in my opinion you're not ready to start a business at all.

    To be successful, you start with a need or a demand -- but you don't just start with any old need or demand. It's imperative that it's one that you'll be able to meet better than the competition does. So should you start a blog like Nash Hagen suggests? Maybe. But what are you going to do to make your blog stand out from the competition? Likewise with an ecommerce site as suggested by "Smart Income 101". Or creating products like Sarevok suggests. It all depends on your own skills, talents, and resources.

    So take a good look at yourself. And figure out how you personally can help fill a need better than anybody else.

    What are you good at? Can you write? Can you code? Do you have a lot of knowledge in a particular subject area? Do you have a really innovative idea and the means to implement it? Do you have experience creating effective PPC campaigns? Do you know how to create viral memes on Facebook?

    You better have something going for you, because I guarantee that your competition is proficient in one or more of these areas.
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    • Profile picture of the author irawr
      Originally Posted by kilgore View Post

      After all the work we put in, we made something like $300 our first month. And it took over a year and a half before I was able to quit my job to work on the site exclusively.

      Our experience is pretty typical. For instance, Mark Zuckerberg coded the first version of Facebook in about a month. But it took another five years before Facebook became profitable.
      It took me a year of running an ecommerce business, dumping all profits from that into my IM buisness, plus a ton of time. I honestly don't know when it became profitable if you think about your time as money. 2 years? Maybe 3? A few of my sites are kind of silly now though. I can spend 50$ on a piece of content, post it, and I've made money off that piece of content in a week or two, just off the advertising revenue it generates from the social media accounts & email list.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    I would create a landing page and start building leads in a high demand market. Less than 2% will buy on the first contact. It takes on average 5 to 12 visits before somebody will buy from you.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    If you could take roughly two months and start building a money earning website what would you do?
    I would take a day or two to set up a sales funnel. Then I would buy some targeted advertising.

    If you intend to chase Google traffic...good luck!
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    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author irawr
    Originally Posted by Rob77 View Post

    If you could take roughly two months and start building a money earning website what would you do?

    For example, would you pick a niche market and blog about it? Or would you build an affiliate website? Maybe something totally different? What steps would you take to monetize the website?

    There are always lots of good ideas on this forum. Just curious to know if a profitable website could be built in that time frame and what some might consider the best method to do so.
    I would pick a niche and build a niche site.

    I would make a list of 100 topics to write about, I would do keyword research with the Google Keyword Planner to get search volume. Since it's a short time line, I would throw each keyword into Google with mozbar on and look for keywords where there are low DA domains showing up in the top 10.

    I would put 600$ into textbroker, have 40 500-600 word articles written from 4 star writers and try to write 2 articles a day, posting 1-2 times a day.

    I would try to get a guest post at least 2-3 times a week, build as many followed links that I could by hand that make sense. So links from relevant sites, no spammy links at all. If it's an abandoned blog with followed comments and autoapprove, nope that's spam. Move on.

    I would sit on social media 6 hours a day trying to build up my fanpage, twitter, and g+ accounts (possibly pinterest.)

    Can a site be built in that timeframe? Sure why not? If you have experience, you could get a 10-20 page site up in a day with 5-10k words worth of content. I don't think you could do that writing it all yourself but it's definitely doable. I edited and posted 20 articles today to my sites, still had time to do a bunch of keyword research and run an ecommece business. Can most people do that? Absolutely not, I've been doing this for a long time and I know what to expect and I use a ton of tricks to make it go faster while staying organized.

    In 2 months would it be profitable? Probably not, but it would have traffic and it would be headed in the right direction.

    I think what you're missing here is, how much marketing is going to be done to the site? Social media is pretty insanely powerful, if you build up fans fast enough it could be profitable in a week. With SEO, building quality links takes time. If you are ever wondering if you should use some "magic solution" to build links the answer is of course not.
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    I would build a lead generation site with in a vertical that has mass appeal and you can monetize all the thank you page traffic. I would be extremely mindful that a large portion of the traffic will be mobile and make sure that is accounted for.

    I would go out and find a buyer for the leads and give them a discount if needed, so that you can start running traffic to the page and optimizing it and have someone that is going to buy the leads while doing it. Research what the top EPC's are for the vertical and learn from what they are doing and strive to beat them

    Then work to get more buyers and get affiliates. Getting affiliates for lead generation when you have top EPC's is not hard. I can tell you that from experience, as I'm what everyone refers as a super affiliate and have been generating leads for 16+ years. I have also built out many offers, but have always been closed minded and greedy, that I built them out for my own personal gain and rarely, if ever sought affiliates. Which was a huge mistake!

    Just go slow and build your capital reserves, so that you can always make your payments to affiliates, even if buyers are late paying or worse, don't pay, which happens to everyone at some point that owns lead gen offers.

    Also keep in mind that you get to keep a copy of all the data that is being generated and you can then monetize it as well, by promoting other lead gen offers to them.

    Then move on and build out another offers. Over time you can potentially build a multi million dollar business. This is where I now devote a bunch of resources to.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
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    • Profile picture of the author write247
      I do not believe 2 months is nearly enough. It will obviously depend on your experience and how much resources you can put into it.

      No experience and no resources - I do not think you can do much in 2 months.

      Experience and resources - what you choose will depend on your background but for sure you can build something profitable in 2 months.

      If you have little experience - why not try the new Shopify dropshipping method.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Originally Posted by Rob77 View Post

    If you could take roughly two months and start building a money earning website what would you do?
    What do you mean by money earning anyway?

    - 100 cents?

    -100 dollars?

    -100 thousand?

    And do you mean one time sales or consistent income?

    What happens after your two month deadline?
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    • Profile picture of the author Rob77
      Originally Posted by Rory Singh View Post

      What do you mean by money earning anyway?

      - 100 cents?

      -100 dollars?

      -100 thousand?

      And do you mean one time sales or consistent income?

      What happens after your two month deadline?
      In two months time, the world will still go on. There really is not a deadline. I had an idea in mind and put the question out there to see if maybe I m missing out on something and simply out of curiosity.

      With this post I wanted to generate some ideas. On and off, I come to the forum, read some of the post, get good insight, and learn a bit more about what works and what doesn't work.

      The responses so far are interesting. Some are really helpful and some I think, no, that's not for me but...it seems that in 2 months you can lay the ground work for a site that generates consistent income month after month. At least that is the impression I get. In terms of "earning money", let's say 500-1000 a month. Again, what would you do to earn that kind of money in a short time frame? Is it possible?

      And in terms of experience, I have had some very mild success (and yes, my definition of success differs from each and every one of you so don't bother pointing that out), meaning every month I make affiliate sales and product sales but there is still a long way to go and tons to learn!
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  • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
    Aim to create 3 information products around a niche desire in the marketplace.

    Steps would be:

    1. Research niches, narrow down to a very specific target opportunity where you will help market achieve a desired transformation or outcome in their life
    2. Develop a quick report or video on the topic and test it via ads - with $50 or so you can guage the interest in the guide AND split test a few ads to get a sense for which headlines convert best - this also implies you have a landing page for people to subscribe and download your report or video
    3. Based on your feedback from 2 - create a higher-end product (ebook, video course, membership site, consulting offer, coaching offer, service package, etc...) that will become your core product priced anywhere from $47-$97 range (in most cases)
    4. Create your sales page - test it with some initial traffic from one or a combination of organic traffic (blog, articles, social), affiliate referral traffic and/or ad traffic - I like to use a mix to get a good sense of how the page is converting
    5. Begin to build a partnership list so you can launch with 15-20 solid partners (more if you really dig in...more is always better), develop some pre-launch content and set a date for your launch

    That should get you some very nice up-front subscribers and customers (revenue) - from there you expand out you improve your conversions, build out your traffic and guage from your market where best bang is on a high-end product (>$100 - ideally closer to $1K) so you can beef up your revenues and partner incentives for promoting your business

    Hope that helps

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    • Profile picture of the author pawandave
      That is good time ...start with niche ..you really passionate with ...+++ they have money . You know what i mean
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  • Profile picture of the author Christian Morfaw
    Originally Posted by Rob77 View Post

    If you could take roughly two months and start building a money earning website what would you do?

    For example, would you pick a niche market and blog about it? Or would you build an affiliate website? Maybe something totally different? What steps would you take to monetize the website?

    There are always lots of good ideas on this forum. Just curious to know if a profitable website could be built in that time frame and what some might consider the best method to do so.

    I get the inclination that by website, you're specifically referring to something like a blog. If not, then hands down without a shadow of a doubt(since time is of the essence), I would build a squeeze page(one page website) in a specific niche and load up my autoresponder series with about 30 email messages or so.

    These messages would comprise of valuable content to designed to help my subscribers in that niche. I would older include affiliate links to products I recommend that again I believe would help the subscriber.

    Next I would start driving targeted traffic to the page to capture leads to build my subscriber base. In the course of sending traffic to my page, I would continue to extend my autoresponder series with more valuable content.

    I would be very unlikely for you to not have earned money in two months especially if you are consistently gaining at least tens of subscribers on a daily basis.

    Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    It would probably take me less than 7 days to start making money from a brand new site. They say the 2nd million is faster than the 1st. So everything that i know now can be instantly applied to any niche. But you should know that my model of making money online is driven primarily through paid advertising. It's just fast, and even though you have to invest money, you can easily recoup your money with backend selling (selling to past customers).
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    30 hrs a week to build a PROFITABLE website? No, I would think like this:

    $30 a day on ads and track conversions. Send people to my website where they can opt in and then follow up with them with value and offers.
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  • Profile picture of the author reachintan
    I would suggest you to select a niche and blog about it. This is the most comprehensive guide How to Make Money Blogging - Guide for 2015 that I have personally recommended to most people.


    Chintan Mehta

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