Website tanking 40% since Dec/Jan to now. Which direction to head?
Sponsors continue to come on. Likely due to a "me too" phenomenom. Currently making about $500 month from sponsors. But obviously if traffic continues to tank as it looks like it is, sponsors will also diminish.
Causes of traffic loss are due to the niche blowing up. People are flocking to their own countries blogs and micro-niche brand sites. As well, brands are setting up forums of their own.
Much of our traffic is from India, Indonesia, Malaysia (though much is also from UK and USA).
Niche is tech related, so many people using AdSense blockers. But the main concern here is loss of traffic, not necessarily loss of income.
We peaked at about 450k pageviews monthly... Now down to 200k or so and dropping fast.
Our assets include:
10,000 person Facebook group
3500 page likes
90,000 person mailing list with net growth of about 500 per week. Mailings go to inbox or Gmail tab, not to spam. Approximately 7000-9000 opens per mailing with 1500-3000 clicks per sending. Newsletter is comprised of reviews, interesting forum topics, and blog articles. Sending costs about $17 per send.
So now we're looking at how to either a) get the traffic back up or b) start heading in another direction
We've considered doing viral Facebook posts and videos. Comprised of posts and videos from a blog owned by us, as well as directly uploaded videos and content (Memes etc..) to our Facebook page. Spending money up front to build a following, then charging blogs for posts to our Facebook page.
As well as directing traffic to our content blog through our current niche.
I hear a lot of about affiliate marketing as well, but not sure where to start here.
Obviously with our pageviews and big mailing list and willingness to invest money, we can move in any direction.. The question is which way and we're pulled in many different directions..Every time we head in one direction, we have second thoughts, or new thoughts that pull us away....
We are open to suggestions, opinions....And possibly even a team up if you have something to bring to the table.
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