Taking baby steps: niche research

by sanba
8 replies
Please tell me if I'm on the right path.

I want to start learning about internet marketing and after reading lots of articles, posts, and courses, the first step always seems to be: niche research.

What is the best way I could learn how to do this right?

I have Long Tail Pro and Semrush but I'm a total newbie and it's overwhelming all the data this software provides. I want to be able to understand and interpret all those numbers.

Do I have to master SEO first? Maybe there is another way to do niche research like Facebook Insights or something. I'm really lost.

Please advice.

Thank you.
#baby #niche #research #steps #taking
  • Profile picture of the author tich
    Originally Posted by sanba View Post

    Please tell me if I'm on the right path.

    I want to start learning about internet marketing and after reading lots of articles, posts, and courses, the first step always seems to be: niche research.

    What is the best way I could learn how to do this right?

    I have Long Tail Pro and Semrush but I'm a total newbie and it's overwhelming all the data this software provides. I want to be able to understand and interpret all those numbers.

    Do I have to master SEO first? Maybe there is another way to do niche research like Facebook Insights or something. I'm really lost.

    Please advice.

    Thank you.
    This is what I recommend...
    Don't spend too much time learning. You will only learn from actually doing something.
    Do this instead...
    1. Find a converting product on one of the affiliate sites like this one.
    2. Place a couple of top banner ads here and see your results and make improvements
    3. Place a small solo ad maybe a $100 ad
    4. Place a facebook ad spend $10 a day.
    You will need an autoresponder to collect leads.
    Email those leads daily but don't just send offers.

    P.s You make money based on the value you bring to the marketplace.

    Hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author Olavski
    Originally Posted by sanba View Post

    Please tell me if I'm on the right path.

    I want to start learning about internet marketing and after reading lots of articles, posts, and courses, the first step always seems to be: niche research.

    What is the best way I could learn how to do this right?

    I have Long Tail Pro and Semrush but I'm a total newbie and it's overwhelming all the data this software provides. I want to be able to understand and interpret all those numbers.

    Do I have to master SEO first? Maybe there is another way to do niche research like Facebook Insights or something. I'm really lost.

    Please advice.

    Thank you.
    1. Find a converting product in a niche you are passionate about.
    2. Write down the needs and problems your niche has, if you are passionate about your niche you know this already.
    3. take a course in market research

    Niche / market research doesn't have anything to do with LTP or semrush, nor FB audience insights. It's better to learn it from a business professional, I did that before I opened a restaurant, 2 months after I sold the restaurant with great profit and started in the online world. But that course I took was a great advantage.
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  • Profile picture of the author AnthonyKell
    I would start by finding a product in an area that either:

    A) You have experience in

    B) you are passionate about


    C) both of the above.

    Then build a small website around the topic. Write 5 articles of 500 words about the problems that people encounter in this area.

    Set up an email opt in box with a nice freebie.

    Email your list excellent advice and offers about the product you chose.

    In the meantime, keep updating your website with new articles and make it more authoritative.

    Hope this helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author EelKat
    SEO doesn't require a lot of research. Nor do you need to spend money on courses for it. It's very simple, really. If you want to learn SEO, here's what you do:

    #1: Type a descriptive title, that is accurate, and has meaning for the human searching for your page/book/product/video/whatever

    #2: Type a descriptive description, that is accurate, and has meaning for the humaning search for your page/book/product/video/whatever

    #3: Type descriptive keywords/tags, that are accurate, and have meaning for the human searching for your page/book/product/video/whatever

    and if you write articles online: #4: Type a descriptive article, that is accurate, and has meaning for the human searching for your article.


    That's it.

    That's EVERYTHING you need to know about SEO and I didn't charge you a penny for it.

    Remember - while computers show the results, it's the HUMANS who type the search terms, scan the search results, and click on the page. Cater to humans not computers.

    The goal of a search engine, is to try to give people what they want to search for. Google wants to make people happy be giving them what they are searching for. Google constantly changes to try to better give HUMANS what they want. So for SEO, think about what people search for, and why, and how, and what words do they use? Aim at giving PEOPLE what they want. Type your titles, descriptions, and keywords for PEOPLE not computers, and that's all there really is to successful SEO.

    For niche research, ask yourself these questions:

    What car do I drive? Why? Do I like it? Why? Why not?

    What food do I eat? Why?

    Where do I shop? Why?

    What do I buy when I shop? Why?

    Cats or dogs? Why?

    A blue box of Mac & Cheese or a 5 course meal at Gordon Ramsey's? Why?

    Summer or winter? Why?

    Chocolate or vanilla?

    Red or blue?

    Fork or spoon? Or is there no spoon at all?

    Now do a Google search for "The 100 Question YouTube Tag" Take that list of questions (Which includes questions like "Has you ever pooped in the forest?" and "Would you ever steal a stop sign?") and answer all 100 of them too.

    Sit down and write an article 1,000 words or more, for each question. No, not to publish. For you to RESEARCH. Research what? Why yourself of course!

    Yep. you need to research who you are and what makes you tick. Figure out what you like to do. What you don't like to do. What irritates you. What excites you. What you enjoy. What you avoid.

    No, I'm not joking. I'm very serious. Do this. Sit down and answer those questions, write out your answers. Fill up an entire notebook. Then spend a few weeks studying and analyzing your answers. Really look deep inside of yourself and figure out who you are and what you like best in life.

    Yes, I did do this.

    My results?

    The three C's of life: Cats, Cars, and Comics. Yep. In every single answer I kept talking about cats and cars and comic books. My answers were always "Well, I like this because it's not tested on animals, my cats wouldn't approve..." and "I'd do this over that, because I can do this with my cats..." and "I choose this one because I once read in a comic book..." and "Oh, I did that to my car once..."

    What makes me tick? Cats, Cars, and Comics.

    How does this help you in internet marketing nich research?

    Uhm... well - it helped me to come up with the name of my store (Thirteen Black Cats) and the products.

    In reading my answers to the 100+ questions, I found out, I liked cheaper things in life and avoided luxury items. I found out chopsticks beat out both forks and spoons that weren't there.

    I found out that I have very specific reasons for where I shop, and I had never realized it before.

    I found out some of my hobbies were far more then hobbies and borders on obsessions.

    And most importantly (in terms of nich research) I discovered the ideal online career for myself:

    Writing non-fiction articles about my life (publishing on SBI), filming slice of life vlogs about my life (publishing on YouTube), writing Yaoi (fiction genre, publishing on Kindle), and casting spells, teaching others how to cast spells, and drop shipping spell casting supplies (on Shopify)

    By researching, not the internet, but rather instead researching myself, I was able to pinpoint just exactly what it was I liked to do best of all, what things I enjoyed doing in my life, and then, once I knew what it was I loved doing, then and only then, did I go online and set out to search specifically for ways to make money doing what I love.

    That is my battle cry: Do the thing you love to do, the thing you would do anyways, even if no one paid you to d it, and then take that thing you love to do, and find a way to make money doing it.

    Hope that helps you out. Best of luck to you!

    Hugs from EK

    My review of Flamboyant Nipples: The Site That Supports KKK Anti-Gay Terrorist Crimes
    Info on my Novels is HERE. History of Stephen King's Thinner Gypsies is HERE.

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  • Profile picture of the author sanba
    Thank you for your responses.
    I never thought about it this way.
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  • Profile picture of the author anhtt265
    If you are a newbie you can follow NicheHacks - Niche Domination Shortcuts... to study about the niche researching.
    It seem that you want to build an affiliate site, SEO is for a long term and use Facebook Ads if you have a good budget. Don't read so much. It's better follow authority course until you're successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jasmine Carter
    I just started the same niche 3 years ago and I did it the wrong way I started trying to learn everything about the niche and never actually did anything to start getting experience to start teaching others and helping others. In this field you have to know what your talking about to really make it. Now that I am actually teaching I am making sales and its all because I stopped buying other peoples info product in this niche and actually started putting it all into practice. I started a blog first and now I am trying to use all social platforms to integrate them together. Many don't know how to do this so after I learn how to use the social platforms I am going to create a product on how I made .... dollars advertising on social platforms. Get it It starts with action and learning from your actions even if they are failures.
    How to make $1000 commission and recurring income so that you can fire your boss!
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  • Profile picture of the author naffynaff
    Just make yourself be familiar with Internet marketing and niches and all else will follow. It's not that you have to know everything instantly. While you're on the process you'll gonna learn and discover more.
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