Is Native Advertising the Future of Internet Marketing

4 replies
Native Advertising isn't a new concept, especially when you compare it with the Internet Marketing, which clearly owes its own existence to the World Wide Web. So, how can an oldie-goldie, such as native advertising, be considered as the future of the youngest marketing child - Internet marketing? Well, in order to answer this question, we have explained in a nutshell what native advertising is all about, including new challenges Internet marketing has to deal with.

More Thoughtful Advertising = Native Advertising
If you can "camouflage" your ad that it doesn't look like an ad in the first place, then you mastered the art of native advertising. Radio programs and magazines were the pioneers of native advertising. At the first glance, native advertising looks like a perfect win-win. You can advertise and your customers aren't going to be annoyed. However, this type of advertising, which perfectly "mimics" the environment where an ad appears, asks from you to be extremely careful. Most importantly, you're required to wait for a perfect moment and flawlessly suitable context for your ad to be presented.

Back to the Marketing Basics
The things have changed a lot. Nowadays, Internet marketing has to face a target audience, which has become extremely impatient and demanding. We even dare to say spoiled. In addition, the growing popularity of ad blockers has become an unavoidable limiting factor. That's why embracing native ads seems like an excellent solution for the following reasons:
- Thanks to native ads you don't have to worry about ad blocking software
- Compared to traditional or non-native advertising, native ads have a considerably stronger impact on the target audience
- Native advertising is the best and very often the only marketing option for social networks (for instance, Instagram and Twitter)

Native Internet Marketing?
So, what's going to happen next? Is native advertising going to become an invaluable ally or Internet marketing and its helping hand or its new master? Native advertising has been around since the beginning of marketing history, this way or another. It's indestructible and it will always have a place in any marketing plan or campaign. On the other side, Internet marketing has to do both survive and adapt to the new digital landscape, which has become more demanding and merciless like never before.

So far, these perfect partners in marketing crime have found a few to coexist together. Native advertising can thank the Internet marketing for its unparalleled renaissance. On the other hand, Internet marketing has found a solution for all of its burning problems in native advertising. Is native advertising a temporary compromise and merely a phase in the development of Internet marketing? Or, maybe native advertising is the very future of Internet marketing? Guess, we will have to wait and see. Either way, this looks like a historic moment where a traditional native marketing concept meets the modern Internet marketing in order to set a profitable path to the future. Enjoy it, while it lasts.
#advertising #future #internet #marketing #native
  • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
    I started using native advertising years ago. Before I even knew it existed. Got tired of all the banner blindness, ad blocking etc. Started integrating the advertising into the content and it worked extremely well.

    Almost all advertising I do now could be considered some form of native advertising. Love it.

    Rob Whisonant
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  • Profile picture of the author goindeep
    I use native ads on my site. Like you said its not new. Nothing wow about it either. You just have to be careful. I mark all mine as "sponsored" and I have a page on my site that explains what all that means.
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  • Profile picture of the author danieldesai
    Originally Posted by dansilvestre View Post

    Is native advertising a temporary compromise and merely a phase in the development of Internet marketing? Or, maybe native advertising is the very future of Internet marketing?

    Hey Dan, native advertising is here to stay, simply because of the way it works.

    It's a form of advertising that will never vanish due to industry "interrupts" - the same cannot be said for adware based options, as we've seen with ad blockers.

    As long as there are places where people are consuming relevant information, there are opportunities to seamlessly introduce native ads.

    Native advertising allows you to easily collect leads and recommend products - that is, "to sell without selling".

    On the other hand, that's not to say non-native forms of advertising don't work, such as banner ads and PPC.

    I think other forms of advertising will persist (and continue to be used to great effect by competent marketers) but it certainly doesn't hurt to start integrating native advertising into your business.

    It works, and it always will - so why not start using it now, rather than later?

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  • Profile picture of the author ANDREIS
    Native advertising is just a form of advertising. It works well for some type of websites and content while different ads will work better in case of different types of websites. Nothing so special about native ads. Yes, they are here to stay, but it's not like nothing else will ever work again besides native ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author aliadnow
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