Don't Avoid ________ . It's a Critical Marketing Skill.

22 replies
If you know how to do it, you will have all the content, products, and online help a business owner could ever ask for.

Anyone can do it. Most newbies avoid it. It takes some effort, but it gets easier every time you do it. It's a skill that has literally made people millions! Seriously.

We learned it's basic steps in elementary school (if you paid attention), practiced it a lot in high school, and refined it in college.

Here's a hint if you haven't figured out what this skill is:

According to Samuel Johnson, "Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it."

The answer is . . . drum roll . . . research!

Nowhere is the lack of this skill (or at least the willingness to do it) more evident than right here at the Warrior Forum. Members avoid it at all costs.

Just post a thread - ask a question(s) - then believe the various answers you get from random people, 90% of whom have never owned a business, made any money online, or had first hand experience in the subject at hand.

Posting a forum thread is the fast and easy alternative to doing your own research! Let others do your business marketing homework!

Let me tell you this (of which I'm 100% certain): If forum members would do their own research first, before posting questions here, they would
  • Get a more sure (authoritative) answer to their query
  • Benefit immensely from the actual process of "digging" for an answer
  • Become exposed to both (or many) sides of the question so as to enhance their understanding
  • Learn a lot about related or peripheral issues that affect the subject so as to be better informed and well rounded on the subject
  • Learn what doesn't work or what has failed in the past (things about the subject to avoid)
  • In the end, become a better and more knowledgeable business owner because of what they learned
  • Never be at a loss for content, blog posts, articles, information products, or help in solving a business problem
If you've done your research, and are still stumped, or would like to consider others' opinions on the topic . . . then is the time to post your thread.

How do you do research? Excellent question.

Why don't you go research that subject.

After you've had a chance at personal discovery, I'll come back with a few ideas and tips of my own.

To your online business success,

#avoid #critical #marketing #skill
  • Profile picture of the author BradVert2013
    My favorite one is when people post about problems with Amazon, for example, wanting to know why their affiliate account was banned. The email tells them exactly why it got banned. If they want any more info than that, message Amazon directly. You'll get a better answer from them anyway.

    I notice a lot of people here post speculation about stuff, but never go right to the source. Another example, Google spells out exactly how they deal with duplicate content in their help pages. Yet, ask a question here and you'll get 20 different answers and no one will even bother looking at what Google says they do.

    My biggest pet peeve: legal questions. TALK TO A LAWYER IN YOUR AREA! The law is complex. The state I live in has different laws than other states. And law in the US is different than other countries. Relying on legal advice from strangers on a forum is a disaster waiting to happen. And it's no defense if you get in trouble.

    That said, there is some really good information on this forum and I've learned a lot from other people's experiences. But some come here looking for quick, easy answers. There really are no shortcuts in this business.
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    • Profile picture of the author hopeworks
      That was one of the first things I had to learn. There really are NO quick ways of learning any of this as overall, it can sound easy, but there's so much more to it plus if you give someone the answer in this forum, then that is a perfect example of someone not wanting to do their own work, and if truth be known, they're really missing out if they do get the answer as they've missed everything they may have stumbled across by doing their own research.


      Corinne Larimore

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      • Profile picture of the author hopeworks
        I also meant to add that big time Imers may do well without keyword research or any kind of research for that matter, but who know how much more they could make and/or know if they did take the time to do research. I still say without research, any kind of research, you're missing out and it is hurting you, be it money wise or knowledge wise. Just saying ..........

        Corinne Larimore

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  • Profile picture of the author kindsvater

    Just tell me what it is so I don't have to research it.

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  • Profile picture of the author webmarke
    Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

    If you know how to do it, you will have all the content, products, and online help a business owner could ever ask for.

    Anyone can do it. Most newbies avoid it. It takes some effort, but it gets easier every time you do it. It's a skill that has literally made people millions! Seriously.

    We learned it's basic steps in elementary school (if you paid attention), practiced it a lot in high school, and refined it in college.

    Here's a hint if you haven't figured out what this skill is:

    According to Samuel Johnson, "Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it."

    The answer is . . . drum roll . . . research!

    Nowhere is the lack of this skill (or at least the willingness to do it) more evident than right here at the Warrior Forum. Members avoid it at all costs.

    Just post a thread - ask a question(s) - then believe the various answers you get from random people, 90% of whom have never owned a business, made any money online, or had first hand experience in the subject at hand.

    Posting a forum thread is the fast and easy alternative to doing your own research! Let others do your business marketing homework!

    Let me tell you this (of which I'm 100% certain): If forum members would do their own research first, before posting questions here, they would
    • Get a more sure (authoritative) answer to their query
    • Benefit immensely from the actual process of "digging" for an answer
    • Become exposed to both (or many) sides of the question so as to enhance their understanding
    • Learn a lot about related or peripheral issues that affect the subject so as to be better informed and well rounded on the subject
    • Learn what doesn't work or what has failed in the past (things about the subject to avoid)
    • In the end, become a better and more knowledgeable business owner because of what they learned
    • Never be at a loss for content, blog posts, articles, information products, or help in solving a business problem
    If you've done your research, and are still stumped, or would like to consider others' opinions on the topic . . . then is the time to post your thread.

    How do you do research? Excellent question.

    Why don't you go research that subject.

    After you've had a chance at personal discovery, I'll come back with a few ideas and tips of my own.

    To your online business success,

    Once again Steve B you have hit the nail right on the head.

    People who simply ask questions on this forum before researching themselves, should think about this....

    What will result in a more suitable answer to your question?

    #1 - Asking a question on this forum and getting answers from people who are are mostly drive by commenting?


    #2 - Searching the forum and getting the answer from someone who actually took the time to create a thread that answers your questions.

    I would choose #2 because you are more likely to get a more detailed thought out answer.
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  • Profile picture of the author hopeworks
    What an incredible article!! You should never take anyone's word that a certain company is the bomb and you need to join it. Everyone is different, has different goals, skills, limits, and in my case, I have neck pain that slows me down some days. Taking someone else's word is simply being just a little bit lazy ... no offense to anyone .... as research is work but you HAVE to do your own, and your article did a great job of explaining that!!

    Corinne Larimore

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  • Profile picture of the author danieldesai
    Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

    The answer is . . . drum roll . . . research!

    Nowhere is the lack of this skill (or at least the willingness to do it) more evident than right here at the Warrior Forum. Members avoid it at all costs.
    And this is exactly why most people will remain clueless, and without anything to show for it.

    They refuse to take the time and effort to actually educate themselves on how to do well online, then expect someone else to do it for them.

    Research is what can take you from not knowing anything about marketing or your target market, to the point where you're actually running a successful business (provided you implement what you learn, of course).

    Thanks for highlighting this, Steve.

    Most people on this forum should have your post plastered to their computer screen.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10703923].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
      Originally Posted by danieldesai View Post

      And this is exactly why most people will remain clueless, and without anything to show for it.

      They refuse to take the time and effort to actually educate themselves on how to do well online, then expect someone else to do it for them.

      Research is what can take you from not knowing anything about marketing or your target market, to the point where you're actually running a successful business (provided you implement what you learn, of course).

      Thanks for highlighting this, Steve.

      Most people on this forum should have your post plastered to their computer screen.


      Part of the problem is that the usual suspects answer most of the threads so why would a newbie do any research?? all they get to know is that the question will be answered so no need to research I will get an answer if i post a question!

      I don't know the amount of times where some of the older warriors have tried to get people to use search tab or use google and then the usual suspects start giving answers. I mean how do you give the tough love when this happens?

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  • Profile picture of the author Zodiax
    I think this happens on all forums.

    People want quick answers- which is why Quora is so popular.

    'I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion'
    -Muhammad Ali

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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    A lot of the profitable ideas I've had were stumbled upon while researching something else.

    People are always having problems with niches or what to sell. Get out there and dig around. You will come up with more ideas then you have time for.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Thanks Steve.
    Don't Avoid ________ . It's a Critical Marketing Skill.
    I also like this one. It's pretty much common sense and can be applied to all facets of Life and being Successful.Strangely enough some NEVER get it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Doug
    Indeed research requires discipline, few would disagree. It is a skill, not just for marketing.

    Saying that, one basic human desire is relationship, and the need to be accepted... I reckon that is the reason many ask the same questions over, and over.

    And while it can be annoying, all these like questions being asked, this is a forum, people interact in a forum type setting. Google is a business model developed for research, and given Google is a business, their end game all along was making money.

    And since this is a forum all about people learning and sharing about making money, embrace their questions.

    Besides, going with the flow is often easier than trying to be the wind of change.

    Be change where it truly matters...
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      Originally Posted by Doug View Post

      It is a skill, not just for marketing.


      This was really the impetus behind my post. Knowing how to do research as a business owner can help you in so many ways. It is crucial when deciding upon a niche, when creating a product, when trying to understand and respond to your audience, when looking for ideas for a blog, and on and on.

      But beyond being important to marketing, doing research can help a person make critical decisions in every aspect of his/her life. Understanding how to search for and find specific information, how to evaluate alternatives, how to weigh options . . . all of it . . . is a very worthwhile skill to develop for anyone!

      When I was in college and graduate school, one of the most important things I learned that I will use for the rest of my life is how to do research.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author annyabanana
    People nowadays tend to be lazier. They want an instant solution to their problem. As much as possible if they can afford, they'll pay other people just to find answers for their questions. There are really few people who do research nowadays.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10705575].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author hopeworks
      Originally Posted by annyabanana View Post

      People nowadays tend to be lazier. They want an instant solution to their problem. As much as possible if they can afford, they'll pay other people just to find answers for their questions. There are really few people who do research nowadays.
      People may be lazier but I also think despite all the great inventions we've had, our lives are busier now than they ever were. If I tried to do what my Mother did years ago, it's a sure bet no one does that now. But back then wives weren't expected to work out of the home, though they kept busy making home made food, cleaning their house without any of the fancy gadgets we have now, and yet they kept busy all day long too, so even with the help of the microwave and all that, we couldn't live without them now, yet I feel like I'm busier than my Mother ever was even though she worked all day long.

      Look at women, and men, who have to hold down a job and still come home and have to jump on the computer as it's the only time they have to do so.

      I don't know what the answer is but we still have plenty of work to do despite our nice houses and gadgets and as Steve put it, if you want to do it right, you should really do your own research, but forums are also for questions for those of us that truly don't have the time for research. I can remember with Windows XP and even Windows Vista, I didn't know how well off I was as now I probably spend more time trying to keep my PC running and free of anti-viruses than I did with my other two PCs combined and then some.

      Corinne Larimore

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  • Profile picture of the author Reddevil007
    Agreed keyword research makes or breaks your IM career.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by Reddevil007 View Post

      Agreed keyword research makes or breaks your IM career.
      Interesting because some highly effective IMers do not know the first thing about KYs. Not saying it cannot be invaluable. I think it can be beneficial for most people to learn how to do effectviely.

      But still some do not even fool with it and it hasn't broken their IM career

      - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Agreed that keyword research is important, but to me at least, it is just one subset of market research in your niche, the focus of my post.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author hopeworks
      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

      Agreed that keyword research is important, but to me at least, it is just one subset of market research in your niche, the focus of my post.

      Thank you for pointing that out as i will admit I didn't get the focus of your post like I thought I had. My contribution is even if you're a newbie, you shoud do all sorts of research as that's how you learn things you wouldn't otherwise learn, as I'm a living example of that. i hope to learn more from you as you really seem to know what you'rer talking about and I need that versus vague remarks about how someone made their first million by selling 10,000 mops. That kind of content doesn't do me any good.


      Corinne Larimore

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  • Profile picture of the author CpvTrafficPro
    EXACTLY - it blows my mind how many people believe in this get rich over night crap. It takes hard work and lots of dedicated time for research and development.

    Thanks for the post
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  • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
    I agree with everything Steve B just said. I never understood why people want their answers given to them on a silver platter when we have big search engines like YouTube and Google. Doing research must be a lost art or something.

    Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

    If you know how to do it, you will have all the content, products, and online help a business owner could ever ask for.

    Anyone can do it. Most newbies avoid it. It takes some effort, but it gets easier every time you do it. It's a skill that has literally made people millions! Seriously.

    We learned it's basic steps in elementary school (if you paid attention), practiced it a lot in high school, and refined it in college.

    Here's a hint if you haven't figured out what this skill is:

    According to Samuel Johnson, "Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it."

    The answer is . . . drum roll . . . research!

    Nowhere is the lack of this skill (or at least the willingness to do it) more evident than right here at the Warrior Forum. Members avoid it at all costs.

    Just post a thread - ask a question(s) - then believe the various answers you get from random people, 90% of whom have never owned a business, made any money online, or had first hand experience in the subject at hand.

    Posting a forum thread is the fast and easy alternative to doing your own research! Let others do your business marketing homework!

    Let me tell you this (of which I'm 100% certain): If forum members would do their own research first, before posting questions here, they would
    • Get a more sure (authoritative) answer to their query
    • Benefit immensely from the actual process of "digging" for an answer
    • Become exposed to both (or many) sides of the question so as to enhance their understanding
    • Learn a lot about related or peripheral issues that affect the subject so as to be better informed and well rounded on the subject
    • Learn what doesn't work or what has failed in the past (things about the subject to avoid)
    • In the end, become a better and more knowledgeable business owner because of what they learned
    • Never be at a loss for content, blog posts, articles, information products, or help in solving a business problem
    If you've done your research, and are still stumped, or would like to consider others' opinions on the topic . . . then is the time to post your thread.

    How do you do research? Excellent question.

    Why don't you go research that subject.

    After you've had a chance at personal discovery, I'll come back with a few ideas and tips of my own.

    To your online business success,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10712792].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ScooterDaMan
    I couldn't agree more. One of the primary traits I see in people who are successful with website businesses and those who fail is that the successful people search and search hard for answers to their questions. They don't automatically go with the first answer they see, either. Sure, forums may be one place to look but there are so many others. When I am writing a piece that I have limited knowledge of, I typically have to read ten or more different articles to get a true sense of what it is that I am writing about. I learned SEO, how to contact potential suppliers, how to edit images, create logos and banners, even things as basic as Word and Excel from research. There isn't a day where I don't have to research at least three new things and expand my knowledge (and that, admittedly, takes quite a bit of time). Everything you learn is another tool in your belt that you can use forever.
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