Do you have different Locations that you go to run your Online Biz

2 replies
Having an Internet Marketing business in many cases means that you can be very mobile in where you do your work.
A lot of people have their own personal office and some work straight from their house

I work from my home. But about 3 times a week I will take my Laptop and head on down 3 blocks from my house to the local Mickey Ds and work about 4 hours on those mornings.

I have to get out otherwise I would go crazy. I find it really stirs up my creative juices to do online work in different environments

By 10am Im downing my 3rd strong caffeine laden ice and feel like I can conquer the World LOL.

Anyway, how about any of you out there ? Do you have places you frequent to do your Online Business and mix things up a bit ??
#busi #locations #online #run
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    I go other places to get away from work


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author chemtechguru
    Yes I work from home twice a week and work from a coworking space three times per week.

    I see your in San Antonio. I just did a Google search and see there are some coworking places where you're at.

    Try seaching for: san antonio coworking space and see if that is something you might be interested in.

    Oh and by the way, working in a good coworking space is way better than working at McDonalds
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