Matt Furey...People here could learn a thing or two from Him !!

6 replies
I have been following him for years now.

He's the real deal and is someone that many around here should study and take a look at.

He is very eccentric and a NCAA Champion in Wrestling (167lbs) . He also has that rare combination of having MAJOR success in both MMO and a Non-MMO Niche.

Good stuff

Matt Furey - Zen Master of the Internet

- Robert Andrew
#furey #fureypeople #learn #matt #thing
  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by discrat View Post

    He is very eccentric

    Sometimes it's the whacked out, over the top, love him or hate him personalities that garner huge followings on the Internet.

    Even though there may be a lot of haters, there are still enough lovers of weirdness and "tell it like it is" worshippers that a huge audience can still be gathered from folks who gravitate toward such charisma and funkiness.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Gallag97
    everybody loves a person who can bring some excitement to the table.
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  • Profile picture of the author CityCowboy
    Even though his website looks like 1997's , he looks very interesting and it's really surprising that he claims it's better to train without any equipment and that weight training is dangerous,
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  • Profile picture of the author danieldesai
    I have to agree wholeheartedly that Matt Furey is someone you should study...

    Especially when it comes to email marketing.

    He's mastered the art of storytelling in his email follow-up, and has been a major influence on me.

    And as Steve mentioned, his eccentricity is actually one of his biggest selling points.

    Nice share, Robert.

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  • Profile picture of the author -seomaster-
    I was introduced to him in 2005 when he had done a private workshop for his email copywriting course. Took his advice and now I am making 6 figures just because of his original email marketing course. I still go through his recording every now and then . Still find gold nuggets.

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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Wilson
    Originally Posted by discrat View Post

    I have been following him for years now.

    He's the real deal and is someone that many around here should study and take a look at.

    He is very eccentric and a NCAA Champion in Wrestling (167lbs) . He also has that rare combination of having MAJOR success in both MMO and a Non-MMO Niche.

    Good stuff

    Matt Furey - Zen Master of the Internet

    - Robert Andrew
    Hey Robert,

    What's your biggest takeaway from Matt Furey's work?

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