Is Internet Marketing the Biggest Dreams Selling Industry in the World?

26 replies
Forget about Hollywood, because the movie industry has reserved a crazy dream come true category for actors and fictional characters. If you want to believe all that you see in a movie that's your personal problem. The most important thing you're buying a dream for the price of a movie ticket. I called that a fair deal.

On the other side, when I see those flashing banners trying to convince me that I can make six figures in six weeks or six minutes, I'm not feeling well. There are so many self-proclaimed Internet marketing "gurus" that it's a shame they don't have some kind of a union. I believe that they would need a football stadium for a regular annual conference. Yet, no one seems to be bother with this fact. The gurus keep popping up like mushrooms after rain.

I'm not smart enough to find the right Internet marketing guru, who would enlighten and take me to a six-figure road of success. OK, I'm not offended and I can live with that. The trouble is that there's an entire army of people feeling exactly the same way I do right now.

The repackaging industry of epic proportions

I'm not a writer nor a copywriter. I would like to be called as such, but that's simply not true. I'm a rewriter. All that you can find, see, or read online is proudly presented by the rewriting industry. At least I'm honest about it. Yet, if you can invest just a little bit of your time, you could realize that my rewriting industry is a local boy's band compared to the very serious international machinery run by our friendly and thoughtful gurus.

Just have a look. I found a dozen copy/paste Internet marketing courses online. It's impossible to find the original or source course. I called this the repackaging industry. You buy, pay, attend, or whatever you do with the certain course. The next thing you know, you're selling the same thing under a different name and in a new package. So, we have an entire caste of professional marketers, who actually don't do a thing to make a living out of Internet marketing, but only sell "know-how" to desperate souls all over the world. There is no need to mention eBooks, audio or video materials. As long as you can pass Copyscape and Google plagiarism watch, you're good to go.

Online Fool's Gold

Unfortunately or luckily, I don't have enough money to conduct an experiment. Oh, I would like to spend some money to test some of the most shameless claims among the so-called Internet marketing gurus. I would like to hunt them down one by one and prove all wrong. Yet, what's the use if you don't have a place where to publish your findings? I read that a couple of British Telegraph journalists tried something similar. Do you know what happened? Well, they run out of money. They could try only a handful of courses and eBooks. Neither of them provided them with at least decent possibility to get some of the invested money back. Sadly, you can question the whole industry based on a handful of proven scammers.

The show must go on

Our desire to believe against and despite all warning signs is obviously a powerful force. I dare to say that all of these gurus are first and foremost the outstanding psychologists. They know how and where to push the right buttons, in order to get what they want.

I'm fully aware that this post won't change a thing. Yet, for what is worth, there's one fool less on their list. I believe that Good Karma principle rules the cyber Wild West of online marketing. Sooner or later we will all get what we want and search. This way or another.
Yet, I'm pretty much convinced that there would be some huge more or less pleasant surprises. Hope I will be still around to witness the fall of all Internet marketing predators.

Choose carefully, play smart and don't be greedy. That is supposed to keep you safe. At least for a while.
#biggest #dreams #guru #industry #internet #internet marketers #marketing #selling #world
  • Profile picture of the author webmarke
    Why would you single out internet marketing, when the fact is that everyone else is doing the same thing.

    This problem is way bigger than internet marketing. From the latest pill magic pill that will help you lose weight without exercise to the insurance company that claim they care about you and will be their when you need them.

    Everyone, it seems, is promising more than they can deliver.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B

    This article is the epitome of the "article dump garbage" that the members have been complaining about. It serves no good purpose.

    In fact, it suggests the people who make their living online don't do anything but hustle poor desperate souls all over the world. [ "we have an entire caste of professional marketers, who actually don't do a thing to make a living out of Internet marketing, but only sell "know-how" to desperate souls all over the world."]

    What a load of horse do-do you spew. What purpose is served by attacking IMers here at the forum? I'm guessing you are a newbie to IM and have absolutely no business experience. If you did, you would understand how damaging your rehashed articles are to those who are trying so hard to make it in IM.

    Originally Posted by neshaword View Post

    when I see those flashing banners trying to convince me that I can make six figures in six weeks or six minutes, I'm not feeling well.
    Why don't you just ignore them? You said yourself that you're not going to change them.

    Originally Posted by neshaword View Post

    There are so many self-proclaimed Internet marketing "gurus" . . . Yet, no one seems to be bother with this fact.
    Why don't you stop complaining about others and get to work on your own business? We all have the power to choose how we spend our time and who we listen to.

    Originally Posted by neshaword View Post

    I'm not smart enough to find the right Internet marketing guru, who would enlighten and take me to a six-figure road of success.
    That being the case, maybe some day you will realize that IM is not about finding "the right Internet marketing guru" who can take you to a six figure income. Take some personal responsibility and understand that successful business owners empower themselves by learning, research, experimentation, hard work and persistence.

    Originally Posted by neshaword View Post

    I'm not a writer nor a copywriter. I would like to be called as such, but that's simply not true. I'm a rewriter.
    The fact that you're flooding this forum with your re-writing garbage is obvious to us all. It is not helpful. It is not promoting useful discussion.

    Originally Posted by neshaword View Post

    Sadly, you can question the whole industry based on a handful of proven scammers.
    And what purpose is served by doing that? How does that help any legitimate business person move forward and create a viable, profitable business online?

    If FL is paying you for this dribble, you are stealing from someone.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post


      This article is the epitome of the "article dump garbage" that the members have been complaining about. It serves no good purpose.

      In fact, it suggests the people who make their living online don't do anything but hustle poor desperate souls all over the world. [ "we have an entire caste of professional marketers, who actually don't do a thing to make a living out of Internet marketing, but only sell "know-how" to desperate souls all over the world."]

      What a load of horse do-do you spew. What purpose is served by attacking IMers here at the forum? I'm guessing you are a newbie to IM and have absolutely no business experience. If you did, you would understand how damaging your rehashed articles are to those who are trying so hard to make it in IM.

      Why don't you just ignore them? You said yourself that you're not going to change them.

      Why don't you stop complaining about others and get to work on your own business? We all have the power to choose how we spend our time and who we listen to.

      That being the case, maybe some day you will realize that IM is not about finding "the right Internet marketing guru" who can take you to a six figure income. Take some personal responsibility and understand that successful business owners empower themselves by learning, research, experimentation, hard work and persistence.

      The fact that you're flooding this forum with your re-writing garbage is obvious to us all. It is not helpful. It is not promoting useful discussion.

      And what purpose is served by doing that? How does that help any legitimate business person move forward and create a viable, profitable business online?

      If FL is paying you for this dribble, you are stealing from someone.

      I agree 100% with what you posted Steve. In fact, I'm seeing a lot of these types of "rehashed article" posts from lots of different members with relatively new profiles.

      Makes me wonder if somebody is out there selling a course teaching people to do it

      The articles are a little different, but all have pretty much the same characteristics. 300-400 words of "controversial" type content with 3-4 bold paragraph headers.
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      • Profile picture of the author Leonhart
        Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

        The articles are a little different, but all have pretty much the same characteristics. 300-400 words of "controversial" type content with 3-4 bold paragraph headers.
        Been seeing those articles being posted here on the forum for the past few weeks. Same style, same font, different user.

        Don't see any value in them.

        Feels like reading the ezine articles back in the day lol

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        • Profile picture of the author Jeremusic
          Originally Posted by Leonhart View Post

          Been seeing those articles being posted here on the forum for the past few weeks. Same style, same font, different user.

          Don't see any value in them.

          Feels like reading the ezine articles back in the day lol

          It seems someone has determined that WF is a great place to post regurgitated 'spun' articles, to get backlinks? or engagement? But I've gotten savy to the way real poeple write, (like I am here) and the spun article syntax 'sound'. But in the same way, any product is copied over and over in forever decreasing quality and cost, it seems real-world articles, written by real people, who actually write real articles and say what they think, is a dying art. I suppose I never thought it would come to this as I tinkered away on my ZX81, back in the day...... (All spelling errors left in for that real-person feel)(oh poop, now the bots are going to add in 0.03% misspellings?.......

          But to provide some real sense in this wishy-washy world. IM does exactly what ANY marketing ever did. It "creates want". Want a Lamborghini, or want a new house, or want the sexy girl.... except on the internet you can get bombarded by thousands of ads daily, instead of the few hundred we put up with on paper or on the radio back then. However, It's not all bad, by a long, long way, and that is because 80% of people are trying to make the world better somehow, finding pleasure in life through some means, and YOUR job as an IMer is to get people connected to what they want, and get then get them to want it enough to buy it!

          Jez Feldmesser - "Your entrepreneur friend" My self-made entrepreneur blog

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      • Profile picture of the author agmccall
        Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

        I agree 100% with what you posted Steve. In fact, I'm seeing a lot of these types of "rehashed article" posts from lots of different members with relatively new profiles.

        Makes me wonder if somebody is out there selling a course teaching people to do it

        The articles are a little different, but all have pretty much the same characteristics. 300-400 words of "controversial" type content with 3-4 bold paragraph headers.
        Lets not forget the lapdogs that follow shortly after the article is dumped that post things like. "I can't wait to try this" "I have been waiting for information like this for a long time" or some similar platitude to make the rest of us think that this new article dumper is the newest greatest guru to make his presence known here at the forum


        "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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        • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
          Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

          Lets not forget the lapdogs that follow shortly after the article is dumped that post things like. "I can't wait to try this" "I have been waiting for information like this for a long time" or some similar platitude to make the rest of us think that this new article dumper is the newest greatest guru to make his presence known here at the forum

          Oh yes. There is certainly no shortage of them around.

          For instance, they would reply to your post with something like, "That's an interesting point of view. Never thought of it that way," or some other one line piece of garbage.

          They honestly believe that upping up their post count is going to get more clicks on their signature link, which I'm coming to realize is the main reason why 75% of the people in this forum post anymore.

          I guess they don't realize that people won't click on their sig link unless they have something worthwhile to say anyway.

          I honestly think WF should just do away with the sig link or else make it a paid feature. That would weed out all of the "sig whores."
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10728867].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Leonhart
            Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

            I honestly think WF should just do away with the sig link or else make it a paid feature. That would weed out all of the "sig whores."
            I second that.

            They should've done it a long time ago.

            Just when Warrior Forum was at his peek, if they'd done what you just suggested back then, maybe the traffic wouldn't decrease as much as it did.

            It's just crazy how people post totally stupid and sometimes even unreleated replies just to get their post rank higher.

            If it wasn't for the signature, maybe we wouldn't have as many of those spammers around.

            So I would love to see a fee for posting a signature, even better, removing signatures altogether.

            Until these folks understand how to properly use them.

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          • Profile picture of the author agmccall
            Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

            I honestly think WF should just do away with the sig link or else make it a paid feature. That would weed out all of the "sig whores."
            They would actually just give a free sig to all their article dumpers and make the rest of us pay


            "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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            • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
              Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

              They would actually just give a free sig to all their article dumpers and make the rest of us pay

              You think they are paying people to post these articles? Jeez it doesn't seem likely...

              But anything is possible I guess.

              I still think this is a great forum, and I would love for it to come back to it's former level of activity.

              I'm not sure why it has decreased the way it has.

              I don't see that many changes that they came out and made. I mean, there are a few, but mostly I think the place pretty much stayed the same.

              I don't know, but I sure wish it would build up again. There were so many opportunities to meet awesome people and develop relationships, etc.

              I really hope it turns around...
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              • Profile picture of the author agmccall
                Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

                You think they are paying people to post these articles? Jeez it doesn't seem likely...
                No, I don't think they are paying them, I think they are encouraging their freelancers to do it. And I would not be surprised if they are linking to their articles here as part of their portfolios.


                "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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                • Profile picture of the author neshaword
                  Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

                  No, I don't think they are paying them, I think they are encouraging their freelancers to do it. And I would not be surprised if they are linking to their articles here as part of their portfolios.

                  1) Yes, I would like to be paid, please, LOL
                  2) "Encouraging" with no financial "stimulus" doesn't seem like a good idea.
                  3) Yes, I'm using some of threads as references of my work and research skills.
                  4) No, some articles were like, oh dear, what I've been thinking.
                  5) I think I begin to realize what it takes to be a true warrior.

                  Don't give up on me, LOL.
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  • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
    The list of dream selling is pretty much infinite.

    Sexy girls standing next to new Cars, any Abs Machine infomercial, Cosmetic surgery, and have to include anything coming out of a politicians mouth.

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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    This is the best article I've never read.
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  • Profile picture of the author PatrickTaylor1
    Why did you even take the time to post that?

    Sounds like you're bitter about something. Have you tried and failed at IM?

    Instead of going negative on us here in an IM forum, why don't you follow your own passion or dream?

    What do you want to do? How do you define your own success? Instead of whining or complaining, simply follow your dreams and make them happen. Chip away at your goals day by day until you are where you are.

    From your post I can tell you one thing: You're not moving closer to success in any field.

    So, decide what it IS you want to do and get on with it!

    I get that Internet marketing may not be your thing. So what IS your thing? Do THAT then...

    The Internet is simply an alternative to the brick and mortar world. It does take a specialized skill set in order to take advantage of online marketing. Just like any other medium there is training. And just like in the brick and mortar world, you can get training from the Harvard School of Business, or Fred's Business School.

    But to flat out call everything associated with IM a "scam" is counterproductive to your own mindset.

    Do something positive today to propel yourself toward a good goal.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10726951].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Volodymyr Ulitovskyy
      Originally Posted by PatrickTaylor1 View Post

      Why did you even take the time to post that?

      Sounds like you're bitter about something. Have you tried and failed at IM?

      Instead of going negative on us here in an IM forum, why don't you follow your own passion or dream?

      What do you want to do? How do you define your own success? Instead of whining or complaining, simply follow your dreams and make them happen. Chip away at your goals day by day until you are where you are.

      From your post I can tell you one thing: You're not moving closer to success in any field.

      So, decide what it IS you want to do and get on with it!

      I get that Internet marketing may not be your thing. So what IS your thing? Do THAT then...

      The Internet is simply an alternative to the brick and mortar world. It does take a specialized skill set in order to take advantage of online marketing. Just like any other medium there is training. And just like in the brick and mortar world, you can get training from the Harvard School of Business, or Fred's Business School.

      But to flat out call everything associated with IM a "scam" is counterproductive to your own mindset.

      Do something positive today to propel yourself toward a good goal.

      I agree 100%, very well thought answer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Been seeing those articles being posted here on the forum for the past few weeks. Same style, same font, different user.

    Don't see any value in them.
    Desperate times...

    I wonder if FL ever considered this option:

    #1 Be straight with us. (not holding my breath)

    #2 Do what it takes to put in place some experienced, competent moderators.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author DRP
    Is Internet Marketing the Biggest Dreams Selling Industry in the World?
    Yes, but so is religion. Religion, new age, new wage, and self(ish) help are the biggest sectors of the "selling dreams" industry.
    I'd rather tell you an ugly truth than a pretty lie.
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  • Profile picture of the author jobdollarr
    I appreciate everything.
    I do not care what it's about tricking or name.

    We are on the internet to make money, and build a business.
    Big business will bring happiness to life
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  • Profile picture of the author Brash Wisdom
    Brilliant synopsis of what is going on currently on the web. Digital Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Whatever Marketing is the new Pick Up Artist movement. These gurus give you a little bit of information that may sound viable but make a majority of their money from you buying products that may and mostly may not work. Then there are book sales and paying for them to speak.
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  • Profile picture of the author [RyanMilligan]
    I dont see how its any different than any other profession.

    Sports - as a kid you have big dreams of being a professional world class athlete in your favourite sport and on top of that you are told that you can do anything you want 'when you grow up.'

    How many people actually make it to the NFL, premier league football teams (UK) and absolute tiny amount of people actually get there.

    How many people make it on wall street?

    How many people are told they can make the world a better place but just aren't able to.

    It's all around us, we dream that we can make it big and be #1. It's natural to crave success no matter what our motives are or what field they are focused on. Some people just are not made for some things.

    Do you tell a child santa clause isn't real because it's the truth and you shouldn't lie to people, or do you lie to bring them joy?

    Everything is over sold in life, whether it's paid for in fiat currency or other means.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robscom
    Why would you post an article bashing a huge IM forum?
    "Do. Or do not. There is no 'try.'" -- Yoda
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  • Profile picture of the author Gallag97
    internet marketing is home to a lot of money. theres a killing to be made if done right.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gallag97
    its not scamming people out of their money. its only a easier way to access products and have them delivered to your door.
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  • Profile picture of the author gabrielrala
    I guess IM is really promising and it is the trend now why bashing people and looking on things that is not really necessary, I guess the best thing for everyone is to be cautious and have time to read, and check the background and reviews of the particular service, product and also you know if it is false advertising
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  • Profile picture of the author George Schwab
    It's not a scam - if it works.

    At moment i do a few different things, and one of the sites went offline a few days ago.....

    could be a scam, lets give the guys a chance to fix it.

    The new one i promote is a completely different kind of company, open, transparent, big,
    got huge clients already, got good reviews from the Europeans, all straight up no BS guys.
    So now we're talking!

    The dream just real, already ordered my MC Platinum.

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