Worst Marketing Advice from a Reputable Source? (and Why?)
I'll get things going.
One piece of terrible marketing advice I vividly remember was on a blog for freelancers, where a guy pontificated that there wasn't a single freelancer who had built a reputation without blogging. Therefore, you must blog.
My response: Hello! I'm a successful freelancer (30+ years) by any measure of success and I do not blog.
I wrote up a long reply to this post explaining why I don't blog, why blogging might not suit certain people and what one could do instead.
They wouldn't publish my reply! They said it was too argumentative. Duh... So I posted it on my own website. (You can read it here.)
Besides the fact that the advice was based on a provably false assumption, why else was it bad advice? In my view, just about anything in marketing phrased as a "must" is dangerously wrong. Almost always, there are alternate ways to achieve a given result. Usually there are many, many ways to achieve the result, and when you're a lone worker, you get more done with better results when you choose marketing tactics that are a fit with your lifestyle, values, preferences and personality.
Blogging isn't right for everyone. And you can succeed without it.
All right now, what's your example of lousy marketing advice from a reputable source?
Marcia Yudkin
Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison