Warrior Deals - What interests you?

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14 replies
Hey Warriors,

Marcus here. As some of you are already aware, I'm the guy hunting down great products for our Warrior Deals. It's been an exciting past couple of months with some of the offers we've been able to score and we're hoping to get ever more exciting in the coming months.

Now with that being said, I'd love to hear more from you so I can get a real first hand opinion on what deals you want.

Here's a ballpark of what I'm looking for:

- Real products you use everyday or have been itching to buy but just can't shell out for the asking price

- Products that offer true value by this, I mean products that have a function that does what it's meant to do, and is completely honest with their business

- Categories of interest this could be email marketing tools, HTML templates, Wordpress themes, landing page creators, AB testing devices, eBooks with specific niches, design tools, outreach tools etc... you name it

End of the day, I'm looking for the best tools to help you with your business and it would be great to hear first hand what you love, or what you could love.

Your voice in this would help us curate our Warrior Deals better than ever and make sure that they're as useful to you as possible.

As a disclaimer, shameless self-plugs are welcome in reply to this thread, but do note that it will borderline very closely with spam posting so be extra attentive to your pitch and be sure to nominate a true value/function it adds to the community's individual businesses.

Thanks folks! I appreciate your time and voice in advance, and it's a pleasure to e-meet you (if I haven't already!)
#warrior deals #warrior forum
  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    How about the Warrior Forum's High Voltage Video Forum...
    Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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    • Profile picture of the author vedremo
      Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

      How about the Warrior Forum's High Voltage Video Forum...
      I think it's 100% safe to say everyone with a vested interest wants their own product promoted.

      But back to what Marcus is asking:
      • Quuu
      • Followliker
      • Viral Autobots
      • SumoMe
      • Out of the Box Shopify themes
      • SEOPressor
      • Instamate
      • Freelancer credits e.g. Design contest with all the upgrades
      • Warrior Forum credits for sellers (e.g. 5 bumps for x)

      Originally Posted by webmarke View Post

      I would love to see you find a resource that delivers real high quality traffic.
      I second this.

      Quuu kind of does, but much better resources available I'm sure.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kurt
        Originally Posted by vedremo View Post

        I think it's 100% safe to say everyone with a vested interest wants their own product promoted.
        The High voltage Video Forum is also a Warrior product, as is the War Room and the Kindle forum. Suggesting the Warrior Forum promote their own products doesn't seem to be out of line to me, and would benefit the existing members of these private paid forums with more participation.

        Promoting these forums helps a number of Warrior members. More War Room members means more posted resources for all members to benefit. More Kindle and High Voltage members means more contributors.

        Promoting these sub forums also keep future customers on the Warrior Forum, unlike other products.

        But back to what Marcus is asking:
        Not to mention, WFMarcus posted the following in the OP:

        shameless self-plugs are welcome in reply to this thread,
        So back to what Marcus is asking...I'm shamelessly plugging the private Warrior sub forums to be plugged by the Warrior Forum...The War Room, the Kindle forum and the High Voltage Video Forum.
        Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
        Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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        • Profile picture of the author Marcus W K Wong
          Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

          So back to what Marcus is asking...I'm shamelessly plugging the private Warrior sub forums to be plugged by the Warrior Forum...The War Room, the Kindle forum and the High Voltage Video Forum.
          Hey Kurt, flick me a DM when you're free and we can chat further

          Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

          The OP is official staff. Warrior Forum - The #1 Internet Marketing Forum & Marketplace - The Team

          He would be Marcus W.

          Right on the money Mark, that is indeed me.

          Originally Posted by vedremo View Post

          I think it's 100% safe to say everyone with a vested interest wants their own product promoted.

          But back to what Marcus is asking:
          • Quuu
          • Followliker
          • Viral Autobots
          • SumoMe
          • Out of the Box Shopify themes
          • SEOPressor
          • Instamate
          • Freelancer credits e.g. Design contest with all the upgrades
          • Warrior Forum credits for sellers (e.g. 5 bumps for x)

          I second this.

          Quuu kind of does, but much better resources available I'm sure.
          Thanks Vedremo! I've already reached out to the team at Quuu to explore opportunities together. They've been mentioned a few times in different circles and I believe at one stage Neil Patel had mentioned/endorsed them as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
    With a library of almost one million images and graphics of my own, of course I would like to see more image and graphics deals. Some of my own deals, preferably...

    Obviously, images and graphics are in high demand for use on social media, blogs, web sites, and in advertising and marketing campaigns.

    Value - Certainly, I can deliver tremendous value to the WF user base at very low price points.

    Real Products - Certainly, I have been in the stock image and art business professionally since 2002.
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  • Profile picture of the author webmarke
    I would love to see you find a resource that delivers real high quality traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author gotthrowaway
    AB testing devices
    Here's a vote for some of these, or an education/case study on how to properly carry a test out.

    Some tips on due diligence for potential businesses to pitch a service to would be cool too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Just curious Marcus . . .

    Do these deals carry WF affiliate links or does WF get paid a commission by the vendor? I can see a conflict of interest if your intent is to make money off these recommendations as you would be in direct competition with other Warriors and not in the best position to be objective. It could be seen as unfair competition.

    Also, if you offer deals at a significantly reduced price, does that undercut Warriors that are direct competitors in that marketplace?

    Sometimes when the platform (the enabler) also tries to become a vendor itself, some unhealthy things suddenly become issues.

    I hope you will understand what I'm trying to convey.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

      Do these deals carry WF affiliate links or does WF get paid a commission by the vendor? I can see a conflict of interest if your intent is to make money off these recommendations as you would be in direct competition with other Warriors and not in the best position to be objective. It could be seen as unfair competition.

      Also, if you offer deals at a significantly reduced price, does that undercut Warriors that are direct competitors in that marketplace?

      Sometimes when the platform (the enabler) also tries to become a vendor itself, some unhealthy things suddenly become issues.

      I hope you will understand what I'm trying to convey.

      They get paid like a high priced affiliate.

      I don't know how close to 50/50 they will go... I suppose it depends on the potential and reputation of the product and vendor. Maybe Marcus can give us a little insight on what % and price point is the norm or the average? Is the entire funnel always a consideration? Or just the front end product? What's the minimum suggested price point and/or total commission WF is looking for on a per sale basis?

      They have been doing these Warrior Deals for a year or two already. They recommend giving up over 80% via Warrior Payments to be considered. When you list your offer on WP you will see this option.

      The deals are not only listed here on the forum, but can be on vendor sites as well. This is the current one linked from the Daily Deal banner on WF. Notice the Warrior Payments buttons at the bottom of the sales page.

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    • Profile picture of the author Marcus W K Wong
      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

      Just curious Marcus . . .

      Do these deals carry WF affiliate links or does WF get paid a commission by the vendor? I can see a conflict of interest if your intent is to make money off these recommendations as you would be in direct competition with other Warriors and not in the best position to be objective. It could be seen as unfair competition.

      Also, if you offer deals at a significantly reduced price, does that undercut Warriors that are direct competitors in that marketplace?

      Sometimes when the platform (the enabler) also tries to become a vendor itself, some unhealthy things suddenly become issues.

      I hope you will understand what I'm trying to convey.

      Hi Steve!

      I definitely understand what you're conveying, and it is certainly a challenge we've acknowledged as well. To be a little more concise, what I'm looking for, are products that have never established an affiliate system / program in the past or even considered it. This way, we're able to start opening more established brands into the affiliate market and in turn, open doors for affiliates on Warrior Forum to get in on the action too.

      Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

      They get paid like a high priced affiliate.

      I don't know how close to 50/50 they will go... I suppose it depends on the potential and reputation of the product and vendor. Maybe Marcus can give us a little insight on what % and price point is the norm or the average? Is the entire funnel always a consideration? Or just the front end product? What's the minimum suggested price point and/or total commission WF is looking for on a per sale basis?
      Somewhat true. While we do have a recommended value of 80%, it's not always the case. As with any affiliate marketer, there's always have a checklist of what you'd put your name next to and why you'd put your name next to. It's always worth sending me a private message and explore potential opportunities together.
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  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
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  • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
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  • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru

    Are you the person that secured the bonuses for the Vault offer?
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