4 replies
Let's discuss! How do you close your prospects?

Here's what I do. I listen and ask questions. I find out why she interested in the business, the need she is looking to fill and how my opportunity can help her. I also ask her how serious she is about all of this.

I like to keep it about her, keep it simple and validate what she is saying. Then I show a third party video or website to give her brief information. Hopefully the questions will continue on and our dialogue begins!

What do you do?
#closing #money #prospects #retirement #sahm #wahm #working mom
  • Originally Posted by rachaelgorbutt View Post

    Let's discuss! How do you close your prospects?

    Here's what I do. I listen and ask questions. I find out why she interested in the business, the need she is looking to fill and how my opportunity can help her. I also ask her how serious she is about all of this.

    I like to keep it about her, keep it simple and validate what she is saying. Then I show a third party video or website to give her brief information. Hopefully the questions will continue on and our dialogue begins!

    What do you do?
    Yes, the world is moving forward more and more of a RELATIONSHIP SELLING approach to selling.

    Selling through relationship building.

    And the world is moving away from direct, in-your-face, pushy, salesy SELLING.

    I do whatever I can too adapt that in my marketing & selling.. both one-on-one selling and automated selling.

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  • Profile picture of the author rachaelgorbutt
    Thank you! Too many are salesy. Relationship building is the wave of the times. I am glad there are networkers out there like you! Brava.

    Rachael Gorbutt

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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Yeah in short its being able to solve thier problem and relaying to them how they are going to feel after they it's done. Emotions driven.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author JasmineIPassmore
    How do I personally close my prospects? To be honest, I say whatever I have to say. I know that sounds bad on the surface but after I get to know a potential buyer, I am in the customer service industry which is all about meeting needs and that my friend, comes in many shapes and sizes.
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