23 replies
People lead busy lives, they don't have time to sit down and focus long and hard about what they read or hear, so you need to be able to create a clear, concise message that can be quickly be understood, this is key if you want to become an effective marketer

So you need to create something that gets people's attention
and to get people's attention it needs to be relevant
And nothing can be relevant to everyone at any given time,
so you need to make a choice
and get specific about the kind people you're looking for
then tell the people how it will help them in a way no other product could

I had to learn this the hard way, in fact if it wasn't for my stubbornness and hatred for losing, I never would have figured this out and probably be that bitter skeptic saying..."Dont fall for it....internet marketing is a scam!!!"

my affiliate business was going nowhere and the reason why was simple,

I wasn't being completely honest with myself

The truth was...for a while, I never took any real action, I started something and never finished it and lost a lot of time "brainstorming" telling myself I was on to something, but really I was just wasting money and more importantly....time

I had mad fears over what people might "say or think", which made me second guess my work, so I wouldn't release it or if I did...I would promote it with very little intent, which felt like failure in itself but somehow I still found a way to tell myself a different reason why It didn't work

I even convinced myself that the next "system" I bought would be the "breakthrough" and all the previous ones were just B.S...I was actually living in denial

As a result, things got worse...It actually took me to a pretty dark place, a lonely place that nobody around me could relate too (most of 'em were part of the work force), you just don't realize how lonely business is until your in it and the "going gets tough"

the money situation didn't get any better, I had a disillusioned girlfriend and a growing expectation as being the "business man in the family" grew larger as time went on... everyone was waiting for the "magic to happen"...this made the pressures worse

Until I met Russell, my unofficial mentor...this changed everything for me

Now I always shied away from seeking a mentor, because it reminded me of those kids in school who needed "extra help" and I was adamant I could do it on my own (stubbornness ay)

But the most successful business people have mentors even bill gates was mentored by warren buffet so nobody is "too good" to have one

Russ was a retired marketer with 40+ years in the game, he worked on some pretty big projects in his career, he wasn't very politically correct and was quite abrupt in his approach,

but he really knew his s**t when it came to the subject of marketing and advertising and although he never actually agreed to be my mentor (that's why hes unofficial), I could always get in touch for some sound advice, he even opened my eyes to some interesting concepts, principles and techniques

That ultimately helped me make money online in several different niches including health, biz op and financial markets

More importantly he taught me that the perfect plan doesn't exist, so be prepared to make changes and "getting it wrong it just part of the trade, so don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself"

Remember Action bring results and there is no substitutes

So if you're sitting around reading books, watching videos, spouting positive affirmations and "planning" for the perfect time to act, then you're kidding yourself and your probably not gonna get to where you wanna be

The decision is can put the fears and procrastination behind you, take the plunge and have belief in yourself or you can slowly wither into more bones for the graveyard of failed online marketers who came before's your choice

but don't spend too long thinking about it, because you've probably wasted enough time
#fall #itinternet #marketing #mentoring or coaching #online advertising #online marketing #scam
  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by esmarshall View Post

    The truth was…for a while, I never took any real action, I started something and never finished it and lost a lot of time “brainstorming” telling myself I was on to something, but really I was just wasting money and more importantly….time

    I had mad fears over what people might “say or think”, which made me second guess my work, so I wouldn’t release it or if I did…I would promote it with very little intent, which felt like failure in itself but somehow I still found a way to tell myself a different reason why It didn’t work

    I would venture to guess probably over 90% of us here have had this. I call it the "just Right " syndrome.

    .... everything has to be "just Right" for me to launch this new Product.

    ....everything I say in that video course has to be "just right" before I upload it as a Product

    ....the length of the PDF has to be "just right" before I offer it as a Lead in product to my List.

    The fact is this type of mentality will keep people down and out for a long time. Sometimes you can Plan and Plan and Plan and it sill won't be "just right".

    Sooner or later you have to put one step in front of the other and just do it
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  • Profile picture of the author BrittneyHonkomp
    You're telling my story, Esmarshall! I've wasted so much time and money taking very little action. Luckily I now have a mentor that led me to this forum!

    "So if you’re sitting around reading books, watching videos, spouting positive affirmations and “planning” for the perfect time to act, then you’re kidding yourself and your probably not gonna get to where you wanna be." --- That's the stage I've been in for awhile but I'm ready to take action now.

    Thanks for sharing your story.
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  • Profile picture of the author William Waltham
    It's like how people say there's no "just right" time for having a baby. If you wait until things are "just right," you'll never do it. The same thing applies to IM, or any method of making money online, or any goal you have in general. Don't wait until things are "just right." They likely never will be. Just jump in and do SOMETHING, anything, to get started, put action behind your words and intentions, and you will get there. You'll create your own "just right" conditions or situation simply by taking action. You'll make mistakes and have a learning curve along the way, but just keep putting one foot in front of the other, taking things one day and one step at a time, and you can make magic happen.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    I totally identify with just about everything the OP has written.

    I was so stubborn about building a list that I told myself for almost 2 years that I could make just as much money, if not more, by doing article marketing and running a blog than I could by building a list.

    I would dispute every Warrior who told me to build a list. I would dispute every marketer who I was friends with who told me. Heck, I would have even disagreed with Frank Kern if he PERSONALLY called me on the phone and told me "the money is in in the list!"

    Finally, I gave up on being a stubborn know-it-all ass and I relented and started to build a list.

    The rest is, as they say, "history."

    I started building my list in 2010 and I now have a list with over 100K subscribers and I am a very successful Affiliate Marketer and I'm loving it!

    However, even though I finally relented and listened to those who knew what they were talking about, I still kick myself all the time for wasting 2 WHOLE YEARS of my life because I was such a stubborn fool and thought I knew it all!

    Guess what I learned from that experience? NOBODY knows it all, and that's why we need to learn from each other and let others into our lives. However, the relationships have to be mutual. Don't just expect someone to give you all the information you want and not have anything to offer them.

    I also want to thank the OP, because this has been one of the most refreshing threads I've seen here in quite a while!

    It's a good reminder that we need to come down to planet Earth and always BE HONEST WITH OURSELVES!
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  • Profile picture of the author esmarshall
    It's a real obstacle for alot of people in the online don't realise how much time you lose stuck in this little really do have to fail fast, theres no room to play it safe in business

    hopefully this can give these "overwhelmed minds" a boost like i got and stop waitin for the perfect time and just get started

    action brings results
    $900 off a fully active gold member MOBE account (full price $2000)...message me if your interested
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Burritt
    There's a big difference in "Ready, Aim, Fire" and "Ready, Fire, Aim."

    It's a fundamental mindset shift. I know it well. Glad like OP that I made the shift.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Ray
    Originally Posted by esmarshall View Post

    The decision is can put the fears and procrastination behind you, take the plunge and have belief in yourself or you can slowly wither into more bones for the graveyard of failed online marketers who came before you…it’s your choice
    If you have the choice to put your fears behind you, why do you have these fears in the first place. Who put them there? Didn't you have the choice NOT to have them?

    This is not logical. If you actually had the power (choice) to just magically get rid of all your fears, why did you chose to have them in the first place.

    Or, "Russell, your unofficial mentor" is really a Guru in a real sense of the word? Is Russell a "Buddha", a "High Priest" or whatever... who not only advised you about IM but actually helped you with your spiritual evolution so you can achieve Nirvana?

    Is this s**t turning into a religion?

    In any case, this sounds more like a whistle in the dark.
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  • Profile picture of the author esmarshall
    Joe i don't know if your trying to be funny or your just plain stupid

    but to answer your is a choice, because its all in your head
    False Evidence Appearing Real (Fear)

    theres nothing religious or magical about it
    its just about having self belief to step out of your comfort zone and get on with it
    $900 off a fully active gold member MOBE account (full price $2000)...message me if your interested
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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Ray
      Originally Posted by esmarshall View Post

      Joe i don't know if your trying to be funny or your just plain stupid
      You might want to refrain from calling people "stupid" on this forum.

      No need to reply to this one...
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    • Profile picture of the author George Schwab
      Originally Posted by esmarshall View Post

      its just about having self belief to step out of your comfort zone and get on with it
      yes, but this one is someting everyone has to learn

      the second time you do it: Its easier, the 3rd time: easy

      The first time: suffering is involved, you suffer and get bored with your OLD way of life, then you basically have to make yourself believe there is a better way. Then you have to force yourself to quit the old way, then you are ready and willing to try the new way.

      First you have to learn to be a good quitter. lol. Then you have the energy for life to quit stuff that went bad and always believe there is a NEW and BETTER way. Then, as little nike said: Just do it!

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  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    "Action brings results and there are no substitutes".

    Amen to that brother.
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    your headline for this thread is master marketing..

    you got yourself a great unofficial mentor..

    to your success,
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    80% Of These Proven Guides Are Free... ]
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  • Profile picture of the author esmarshall
    Nicely put george, like the saying goes

    "first times always the hardest"
    $900 off a fully active gold member MOBE account (full price $2000)...message me if your interested
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  • Profile picture of the author ramblinman
    There is never a just right time, first time around I did all the reading and learning and never really followed anything through enough, "oh no I have spent a week on this and nothing has happened, onto the next thing". I think that probably happens to most people. It is those of us who for one reason or another decide to actually take action and then do it consistently and don't stray into other things all the time that eventually find rewards.
    Too many strive for perfection before they are willing to do anything, by the time that they feel good enough they find nothing happens quickly enough and they lose heart. The simplest thing is to just start, do stuff, learn as you go on, fail, succeed, fail again, but keep going. It is hard work but it should and is fun work.
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  • Profile picture of the author esmarshall
    @ramblinman, mainly just comes down to lack of belief that you can actually do it
    i think the world in general is run that way
    people always tell themselves they're gonna do stuff and it just never happens, from simple things like going to gym to quitting a job and "doing what what they dreamed of"

    but for most people, they just never quite get there and i think that's the saddest part
    hopefully these collection of experiences can give the newbies the kick up the ass they need so they don't get stuck in this vicious cycle
    $900 off a fully active gold member MOBE account (full price $2000)...message me if your interested
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  • Profile picture of the author apollo gabriel
    I have learned that it's luck, patience, knowledge, and sincerity to what you are doing and you will be successful! I have seen people and friends who succeed in internet marketing! sometimes I am being tease, and tempted to join because of thier success but I realized that I can never mirror thier success because I have a doubt! it's just up to people how they see the business and it's stracture!
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  • Profile picture of the author marks2424
    I like your story and think you got lucky in finding a mentor, I see people tell there stories here a lot and it seems like most of them are going it alone, trying to get help here. I don't think most of them fail because they don't take action I think they give up because they have tested and tested and tried this and that and it didn't work and they don't know what else to do or try and don't know who to ask so often they just give up. There isn't a step by step guide that is a one niche fits all but the same basic concept can be modified to work for many things the problem is most people don't know how or what part of their program to modify and that is where it would be great if everyone could have access to a mentor.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    False Evidence Appearing Real (Fear)
    ...would be paranoia.

    Fear is both prudent and evolutionary. It lets you know you are in danger.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10794753].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
    Curious did the OP mean MMO and not IM because they are two very different beasts or maybe the OP stupidly forgot the difference!
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    • Profile picture of the author aizaku
      Originally Posted by Regional Warrior View Post

      Curious did the OP mean MMO and not IM because they are two very different beasts or maybe the OP stupidly forgot the difference!
      Is this your MO?

      jumping onto a thread being snarky and adding nothing of value then bouncing off

      ive seen you do this a number of times.
      >> 2018 Money Making Method Video Guides [NO OPTIN] <<
      80% Of These Proven Guides Are Free... ]
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10794891].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
        Originally Posted by aizaku View Post

        Is this your MO?

        jumping onto a thread being snarky and adding nothing of value then bouncing off

        ive seen you do this a number of times.
        No not at all maybe asked Joe Ray ! calling someone stupid is like stupidity is as stupid does

        We all have an opinion and people get all this my thread you cant say that, well thats BS this is open forum and we can all post a reply like it or not...!
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  • Profile picture of the author reachintan
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  • Profile picture of the author esmarshall
    Wait...This is a community for internet marketing and a chance to share experiences and help each other progress and since people have a hard time its good to connect

    so why all the negatives??? this is why people are scared to speak up because theres always that tiny group who have to lower the tone *sigh*

    P.S i didnt call anyone stupid...if you read properly
    "Joe i don't know if your trying to be funny or your just plain stupid "

    I said "I don't know"...nobody called any1 stupid outright, so rein it in
    $900 off a fully active gold member MOBE account (full price $2000)...message me if your interested
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  • Profile picture of the author menatekero
    making money with no effort is just lame these days
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