So you need to create something that gets people's attention
and to get people's attention it needs to be relevant
And nothing can be relevant to everyone at any given time,
so you need to make a choice
and get specific about the kind people you're looking for
then tell the people how it will help them in a way no other product could
I had to learn this the hard way, in fact if it wasn't for my stubbornness and hatred for losing, I never would have figured this out and probably be that bitter skeptic saying..."Dont fall for it....internet marketing is a scam!!!"
my affiliate business was going nowhere and the reason why was simple,
I wasn't being completely honest with myself
The truth was...for a while, I never took any real action, I started something and never finished it and lost a lot of time "brainstorming" telling myself I was on to something, but really I was just wasting money and more importantly....time
I had mad fears over what people might "say or think", which made me second guess my work, so I wouldn't release it or if I did...I would promote it with very little intent, which felt like failure in itself but somehow I still found a way to tell myself a different reason why It didn't work
I even convinced myself that the next "system" I bought would be the "breakthrough" and all the previous ones were just B.S...I was actually living in denial
As a result, things got worse...It actually took me to a pretty dark place, a lonely place that nobody around me could relate too (most of 'em were part of the work force), you just don't realize how lonely business is until your in it and the "going gets tough"
the money situation didn't get any better, I had a disillusioned girlfriend and a growing expectation as being the "business man in the family" grew larger as time went on... everyone was waiting for the "magic to happen"...this made the pressures worse
Until I met Russell, my unofficial mentor...this changed everything for me
Now I always shied away from seeking a mentor, because it reminded me of those kids in school who needed "extra help" and I was adamant I could do it on my own (stubbornness ay)
But the most successful business people have mentors even bill gates was mentored by warren buffet so nobody is "too good" to have one
Russ was a retired marketer with 40+ years in the game, he worked on some pretty big projects in his career, he wasn't very politically correct and was quite abrupt in his approach,
but he really knew his s**t when it came to the subject of marketing and advertising and although he never actually agreed to be my mentor (that's why hes unofficial), I could always get in touch for some sound advice, he even opened my eyes to some interesting concepts, principles and techniques
That ultimately helped me make money online in several different niches including health, biz op and financial markets
More importantly he taught me that the perfect plan doesn't exist, so be prepared to make changes and "getting it wrong it just part of the trade, so don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself"
Remember Action bring results and there is no substitutes
So if you're sitting around reading books, watching videos, spouting positive affirmations and "planning" for the perfect time to act, then you're kidding yourself and your probably not gonna get to where you wanna be
The decision is yours...you can put the fears and procrastination behind you, take the plunge and have belief in yourself or you can slowly wither into more bones for the graveyard of failed online marketers who came before you...it's your choice
but don't spend too long thinking about it, because you've probably wasted enough time
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