Do They Teach You Everything?

28 replies
How come when you buy a course ( PPC ,Solo ads, or Facebook Marketing) and they give you step-by-step instruction, with over -the -shoulder videos, you still can't make a dime.

You are determined at this point to succeed and try to pull out all the stops. You go over the material again and again, make sure that nothing is missed, and unfortunately spend more money than you make.

Are they leaving out a step? Can someone explain this to me. Or is it me?

When you watch the courses, and follow them on social, you see all the success that there having....Is it Real?

Thanks in Advance....Any and all comments welcome
  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Every person on this planet is different and unique.

    Our history, environment, education, skills, resources (money and time), talents, aptitudes, mindsets, and willingness to learn and to do are all different.

    Assuming that the business model you are following is profitable for some, and assuming that the course you're following is complete and "doable," then I would say there is a responsibility you have to figure out how to make your own efforts work. If you don't have the capacity to figure things out, get some help by those who do.

    You are the business and with a solo online business, you must take total responsibility for your own profitability. Some can never admit that their own business failing is no one's fault but their own.

    The best to all of you,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author kilgore
    Because you can't learn to run a business through a step-by-step process. Businesses are iterative processes not linear processes. And so you need to be able to use your own brain, judgement and experience to adjust and adapt.

    The way you run a business is not to do Step 1, followed by Step 2, followed by Step 3 and so on until you have a fat bank account. What real successful businesses do is make an educated guess -- or hypothesis -- about what may work. Then they try it out. They evaluate the results. They come up with another educated guess about what might work better. They try that out, evaluate the results and come up with yet another guess about what might work even better.

    And you do this with just about every aspect of your business -- concentrating of course on the ones that are the biggest priorities. What kinds of images play best when trying to attract followers on social media? Make a guess, try it out, evaluate the results, and then do it all over again. What's the best way to structure your sales pages? Follow the same process. What time of day should you mail your email list subscribers? Same thing: guess, test, evaluate.

    The point is you can't capture that sort of process in a sequence of steps -- and your own sequence of steps will almost certainly be different from everybody else's.

    Moreover, even if you could know all the steps, that wouldn't mean that you would be able to execute the steps. Someone could give me a blueprint to build the Empire State Building and I'd have no idea what to do with it. I don't have the background knowledge; I don't have the experience; I don't have the capital; and I don't have the tools or materials to take those plans and make them into skyscraper. And even if I did, the plans to a building that was built in 1930 in New York City just may not be applicable to my location and my time. Circumstances change. Competition emerges. Consumer tastes fluctuate. New technology emerges. Existing technology (such as Google algorithms) change. But all that doesn't mean that the blueprints are faulty.

    Finally, while the law of gravity predicts that every time you drop a rock, it'll fall to the ground, there is no similar universal law of business. It's just not true that every person should be able to start a successful business at any point in time. Sometimes the problem is the business or product: Remember Crystal Pepsi? Probably not -- and there's a reason for that! Sometimes the problem is one of timing: Youtube wouldn't have been successful in the age of dial up internet. And sometimes the problem is with the entrepreneur: Some entrepreneurs just don't have what it takes to be successful. And while I'm not saying this is necessarily you, it is true that looking for a guaranteed set of steps to a successful business isn't what successful entrepreneurs do.
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  • Profile picture of the author mattswifi
    There can be numerous reason's why you haven't made any money yet.
    Things don't just simply fall into place and although it may be taught to you that if you follow the system/rules step by step that you will succeed, sometimes its just not the case immediately. With everything in business, to get anywhere and to stand out from the crowd you need to think outside the box.
    I had the exact same problem a while ago, then all of a sudden somebody suggested a way to flip it on the head completely and look at it from a different angle. It really is that it could be as simple as a couple of minor tweaks to make something work. Providing the systems that have been taught are proven, the dedication and action taking is there, and most importantly - the product is good and is being marketed to the right people then it really is just about rinse and repeat. Don't get frustrated if things don't work out straight away, it really is a game of time..
    And remember, ever successful entrepreneur didn't get it right first time :-)

    Best of luck Marco
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  • Profile picture of the author Eden A
    I have a few things to say
    to you about that topic.

    listen to start making online
    there isn't a push button
    or some "magic trick"
    the "secret" is to keep
    on learning keep on moving search
    for the good teacher that won't bullshit

    you into a fairy tale story that it will take
    you a few weeks bla bla bla. (sorry for the

    it takes time and dedication and of course
    you need to be willing to go on the extra
    mile plus work on your mindset.

    It's okay to say this "mentor" is not for
    me, and yes there are frauds and fakes.
    like in every place and in every business.

    But, and that's a big but.. if you let
    that discourage you and blame some
    else that's it you are done for.

    You got to get a grip on yourself, see what you have done right
    and where you got it wrong and try a new path
    try a new thing find a better "mentor"
    find a better course and focus on one field,
    and don't go around and try to find shortcuts
    that won't work.

    and remember keep on digging until you
    will find your diamonds in the end
    of the tunnel!

    (Picture for inspiration)

    Wish you good luck- Eden
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  • Profile picture of the author matteomatt
    Most of the time, the methods people sell for cheap end up being well known, or just something they decided they didn't want anymore or just got banned, so its a way of squeezing out a last dollar.

    At the same time, in my experience the short term clever type methods were not good long term business models, but that doesn't mean they aren't out there. Lots of marketers use the same tactics when selling to other marketers, such as ridiculous, pulled out of the ass valuations for their videos, even if sometimes they are selling good courses.

    The bottom line is you need more than just a push button method to succeed, you need a basic business foundation, a logical look at your strategy and options, as well as your own talents and life experience.

    Then you have to figure out the best way to take what you have and create content out of it, or find ways to get traffic based on what you know. Having a general idea and general list of ways to get traffic does help, as well as the ability to write content and build landing pages.

    Once you have an idea of what you can do, consider if you should promote your own e-book, your own product, or someone elses digital product, e-book, product, or CPA offer. The truth is internet marketing is a vast world, with endless niches, products and offers, so the toughest part is targeting something you can use.

    But once again without the business foundation, knowing basics, and having some play around time with it all, its hard to truly take off even after learning a method.

    If you would like some basic tutorials and useful info, please visit my site at

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  • Profile picture of the author marco929
    I guess I should have been more clear... I have been very successful in standard business. I have bought , sold, and Taught how to operate, to a very high and profitable degree..
    This is all new, and somehow thought that the same rules apply. .I understand that showing someone how to do something also entails that some thought process is necessary to be profitable

    Thanks for all your comments
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  • Profile picture of the author .X.
    Marketing is part art and part science.

    The reason so much attention is given to tracking and testing is because many little things add up to a whole.

    If one little thing is off, the whole thing may be off. But that doesn't mean the whole thing is wrong. And often people are closer than they think they are.

    There simply is A) no replicatable formula that will work for anyone and everyone, and B) the know-how gets you started but the experiences are the hard-won details you believe have been left out.

    I can show you how to throw and catch a baseball, but until you've done it a thousand times it's not going to work very well.

    And realistically, people are going to show you what they want you to see and what they want you to see are the successes that make it look easy. Guaranteed they have failures too.

    All the best to you - John
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    same reason why in shop class, we all saw how the teacher made a chair

    ...but only a few of us could actually replicate the result..

    -Ike Paz
    >> 2018 Money Making Method Video Guides [NO OPTIN] <<
    80% Of These Proven Guides Are Free... ]
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by marco929 View Post

    How come when you buy a course ( PPC ,Solo ads, or Facebook Marketing) and they give you step-by-step instruction, with over -the -shoulder videos, you still can't make a dime.

    You are determined at this point to succeed and try to pull out all the stops. You go over the material again and again, make sure that nothing is missed, and unfortunately spend more money than you make.

    Are they leaving out a step? Can someone explain this to me. Or is it me?

    When you watch the courses, and follow them on social, you see all the success that there having....Is it Real?

    Thanks in Advance....Any and all comments welcome
    There should ALWAYS be a disclosure at the beginning of the Course ( if not , then turn around and run) that says there are not guarantees for success. And that the person's success making this video may not be the same for you.

    TRUE STORY : about 11 years ago I joined a trading group for like $150 month. It was a Live streaming trading group. In other words, the head person was a vey famous,successful Trader and we were Trading Futures . So he would sit there and tell you precisely when to Sell and when to Buy as it was happening. I thought to myself this is a sure way to make a lot of money. Just follow his Buy and Sell signals as they were happening, and it was LIVE. And BOOM pocket major money !!

    How could people lose, right ??

    Well, once I joined I realized that his skill sets and his experience weres different than Mine. Even though he told us EXACTLY when to Sell and Buy.... the Markets were so damn quick when I tried to implement the Sell it had already gone down a few points. And I lost.

    So just because someone else shows you EXACTLY how to do it does not equate in you being able to do it.

    That's just LIfe

    Robert Andrew
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    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Originally Posted by discrat View Post

      There should ALWAYS be a disclosure at the beginning of the Course ( if not , then turn around and run) that says there are not guarantees for success. And that the person's success making this video may not be the same for you.
      I believe this should be posted on the sales page or the sales page should at least post a link to the disclaimer. Putting it in the product is too late, since it's only seen after the product is purchased.

      This can also be taken care of with a refund period offered with the product, assuming the refund period is at least as long as the time it would take to see success using the product.
      Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
      Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    Originally Posted by marco929 View Post

    How come when you buy a course ( PPC ,Solo ads, or Facebook Marketing) and they give you step-by-step instruction, with over -the -shoulder videos, you still can't make a dime.
    I'll give you everything right here you need to make a dime. People say you can't possibly guarantee an income online and its false. What you can't do is make an unconditional promise or one that requires no work.

    So Saddle up - here it is

    Learn a skill that everyone doesn't or cannot do that many people need to have done. Learn how to do it until you are one of or near the best at it.

    the end - You WILL make a dime.

    Here's the problem with many courses in IM. they are showing you a technique that might have been just luck (or the right timing) for them, They are showing you how to do something that at the end of the day not many people need to be done (or not for long), or they are showing to do something that anyone can do (which means too many will).

    In all those cases their success WILL NOT translate to you. We see that in many MLM startups. Early guys make a ton of money and then they tell you it will never get saturated - lie. Everyone knows a Mary Kay person, someone into Amway. I'm not saying no one can make it with those anymore but marketing101 says that when you are one or only a few that offer something people want its easier to make a buck off it than it is if there are a lot of other people selling it.

    Many many years ago when I was in college I took a job as a courier - fast and easy job to get - license and car and you are hired. You get paid around half of what the company charged for delivery. Problem is anyone could get it and so they hired everyone that wanted to. So guess what? - most hours there were more drivers than there were deliveries - dead time - making no money at all.

    RULE NUMBER ONE - anything that everyone can do and make money will soon have too many people doing it.

    AS a senior member here in SEO/Development people approach me with sites by PM all the time, Heres the thing. OVERWHELMINGLY most are doing the same thing.

    Amazon, dating, lose weight - basic MMO (with the occasional dog training ebook).

    You are one person/site in tens of thousands doing that - are you all going to duplicate the success of someone else? nope. If you are looking to get traffic - can you all rank on the front page of Google? How cheap will your PPC be if all those people find your keywords (And everyone always watches everyone else)?

    Look for things with BARRIERS that stop many people from competing with you. Learn a skill that few can master get really good at it and you ALWAYS make money. Problem is most people on this forum are looking for the things with NO barriers.

    Setup for total failure

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    • Profile picture of the author kilgore
      Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

      Learn a skill that everyone doesn't or cannot do that many people need to have done. Learn how to do it until you are one of or near the best at it.
      Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

      Look for things with BARRIERS that stop many people from competing with you.
      I wish I could like this twice.

      The problem, of course, is that to learn something where you're near the best of something is takes time. And it also takes a certain amount of natural talent. In other words, not everyone can do it for every skill or business type.

      The other problem is that the same barriers that apply to everyone else, also probably apply to you. So again, it's not like everyone can jump past any type of barrier or create any type of business. If they could, they wouldn't be barriers...
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      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
        Originally Posted by kilgore View Post

        The other problem is that the same barriers that apply to everyone else, also probably apply to you. So again, it's not like everyone can jump past any type of barrier or create any type of business. If they could, they wouldn't be barriers...
        You are right but there usually IS something you have an aptitude for that you can get good at.

        I'm not very good at graphic design - don't think I'll ever master that but I am half decent at acquiring technical information.

        Some people can teach very well other suck at it

        Some people have made a career out of having a good stomach. What my plumber does sometime would make me hurl.

        So your addition is true - The barriers may be real for you as well on some things but not for everything - and there you go. You don't have to stay with services either you can turn that experience and skill into a product.

        My plumber can give other plumbers PRACTICAL training on how to clear out a severely backed up toilet system that I will never be able to give.

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      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Originally Posted by kilgore View Post

        I wish I could like this twice.

        The problem, of course, is that to learn something where you're near the best of something is takes time. And it also takes a certain amount of natural talent. In other words, not everyone can do it for every skill or business type.
        Yeah I agree, but I will say that in some instances it's not that they can't it's that they refuse to.

        People in this Tech world we live in seem to become averse to Work lol
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    • Profile picture of the author zdebx
      Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

      I'll give you everything right here you need to make a dime. People say you can't possibly guarantee an income online and its false. What you can't do is make an unconditional promise or one that requires no work.

      So Saddle up - here it is

      Learn a skill that everyone doesn't or cannot do that many people need to have done. Learn how to do it until you are one of or near the best at it.

      the end - You WILL make a dime.

      Here's the problem with many courses in IM. they are showing you a technique that might have been just luck (or the right timing) for them, They are showing you how to do something that at the end of the day not many people need to be done (or not for long), or they are showing to do something that anyone can do (which means too many will).

      In all those cases their success WILL NOT translate to you. We see that in many MLM startups. Early guys make a ton of money and then they tell you it will never get saturated - lie. Everyone knows a Mary Kay person, someone into Amway. I'm not saying no one can make it with those anymore but marketing101 says that when you are one or only a few that offer something people want its easier to make a buck off it than it is if there are a lot of other people selling it.

      Many many years ago when I was in college I took a job as a courier - fast and easy job to get - license and car and you are hired. You get paid around half of what the company charged for delivery. Problem is anyone could get it and so they hired everyone that wanted to. So guess what? - most hours there were more drivers than there were deliveries - dead time - making no money at all.

      RULE NUMBER ONE - anything that everyone can do and make money will soon have too many people doing it.

      AS a senior member here in SEO/Development people approach me with sites by PM all the time, Heres the thing. OVERWHELMINGLY most are doing the same thing.

      Amazon, dating, lose weight - basic MMO (with the occasional dog training ebook).

      You are one person/site in tens of thousands doing that - are you all going to duplicate the success of someone else? nope. If you are looking to get traffic - can you all rank on the front page of Google? How cheap will your PPC be if all those people find your keywords (And everyone always watches everyone else)?

      Look for things with BARRIERS that stop many people from competing with you. Learn a skill that few can master get really good at it and you ALWAYS make money. Problem is most people on this forum are looking for the things with NO barriers.

      Setup for total failure
      When you mentioned "barriers", it immediately reminded me of the book by MJ DeMarco - The Millionaire Fastlane. He discussed pretty much exactly the same thing.

      If every John, Barry and Michael can do what you are doing, then you are up against some crazy competition. Also how much VALUE do you actually provide with your work? If someone can easily find another person who will do the same thing for even cheaper, then why not?

      Talking about value, there's an excellent book everyone should read by Paul McKeena - I Can Make You Rich.

      I remember a great quote from there based on a story of how someone was being "ripped off" by an engineer for the work he completed, where the guy described his charges as: "To tap with a hammer = $1, knowing where to tap = $1000".

      OP: Don't look for shortcuts, do your research, read and DO it. You WILL fail, not once, but many times. The question is, how bad do you want it?

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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Look for things with BARRIERS that stop many people from competing with you.
    When Fiverr was new, I rewrote articles for a time. I had one person offer me extra to rewrite "sexual" articles. These were not erotica, but completely clinical, for a health site.

    As words don't bother me, I had no problem with the task. According to my customer, they had a lot of trouble finding someone "comfortable" with the subject and so were having to pay more.

    Do tasks others are squeamish about and the word will spread...
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10886626].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

      As words don't bother me, I had no problem with the task. According to my customer, they had a lot of trouble finding someone "comfortable" with the subject and so were having to pay more.
      I just met someone whose particularly skill in the medical field is that she deals with death well (which just might mean she is a cold son of ...) . Its opening doors for her because she's fine closing coffin ones.

      Some people are exceptional at making fools of themselves than the rest of and they are doing well on Youtube.

      at any rate if you are always looking for something easy you are looking for something that generally makes no money long term. What job offline pays good money that anyone can do with a day training , no certification, no degree and just a drivers license and a SS number? - none - unless you very well might die doing it.

      But the dream sold by a thousand crappy products is that you can read what generally is already available on the internet and be ready to be a millionaire in the next month.

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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Try to see what you are not doing. Are you sending the right traffic, does your landing page convert? Take it one step at a time and don't try to start at the end result first!
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author Double Tei
    Don't rush too much at the beginning. Just follow the guide step by step. If you have any question, post it into the forum. Consistency is the most important
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  • Profile picture of the author jcp
    Hey marco929,

    What i realize is that most people don't really know what skills set to have and what to improve in order to become successful.

    A lot of people also don't look at this as a business and they don't do assessments to try to figure out where they can improve or what they are missing.

    Not saying that this is your case but the majority falls on this.

    For example: What most people doing PPC , Solo Ads, Facebook Ads give you as a system might work. You just need to do A with B to get C.

    What they don't tell you is that in a system with a lot of moving parts you need to be good at a lot of different stuff (or to outsource it).

    - You have the traffic but if you don't have a good AD copy --- FAIL
    - You Have good ad copy and get the clicks..but you don't have a nice looking Landing page congruent to you ad----FAIL
    - You have all that but you don't have an engagement email sequence (that really engages your audience) ----- FAIL
    - You have all that perfect but you don't have a good offer for that specific audience ---- FAIL
    - You have everything and a good offer but you don't quite match the right audience for the product ---- FAIL

    These are just some examples that they might talk about but they don't focus on and in my experience they are Key.

    Focus on your skills, your limitations, work on them or outsource it to someone that can really help you improve your funnels and business.

    Hope it helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author ANDREIS

    1.Find the one single thing that can earn money online and it should be the method you'd really like to see happen for you.

    2.Then find people who are already making money with that method. Contact them

    3.Pay people who are already doing it to show you what and how it is done. Don't be reluctant to pay for the real thing. It will be the cheapest and fastest way for you to see how money is really made. Avoid gurus..they are making money by professionally taking your money. Instead find people who you see yourself have something real online and are making money.

    4.Pay ONLY for very concrete and specific things. Don't pay for general info. Pay only for the very concrete info...what specific offers, what exact traffic sources and what step by step needs to be done

    5. Apply that for yourself and ramp it up

    6.That's it
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  • Back in the early days, there was a lot of ebooks about Adwords. These were from what I saw, telling you to click here to create a new campaign, now enter your keywords, now create an ad and you're basically done.

    That is not what PPC is about. It's easy to open an account, click a button to do something and enter whatever. It's quite another thing to really understand how things work, the keywords to use and what your ads should say which is the most important thing as well as your landing page to close that sale. I've never seen a good book about that, even from the Perry Marshall crowd where one book says on the cover to be up and running in 10 minutes. So to me that's the missing step. You haven't been told what really needs to have successful campaigns.

    Kilgore I think said it best and I like his building analogy. Business is not a step-by-step process and advertising in any form is not either. It sounds so simple, a self-serve advertising platform where you are in control. But the fact is, most of us have no inkling of what makes good advertising, we don't understand how the system works. That's why you have many complaining it doesn't work for them, a lot going as far as saying that Adwords is a scam.
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  • Profile picture of the author PolicyMaker
    You will not Believe it until you try and make your first sale...
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  • Profile picture of the author gouravynr2010
    Everyone who succeed to make something work out of those courses has spend a lot of time for testing and implementing the strategies taught to them. You can't rely on the actual blueprint they are sharing, because the reason is that if you are good in one niche its not possible for another person to have the same impact in same niche. So, You need to figure out what actually works for you or what not. Consider that series of videos as an example that how this can work and try to figure out your own way by testing again and again.
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  • Profile picture of the author shaunybb
    Hey there this is quite a statement your making!

    No offence to you and I am not singling you out but I am getting really fed up of people questioning this make money online business!

    This is a real business, the problem is most people DONT WANT TO DO THE WORK. Sure they see the course seller has made $1,000,000 but what most people won't

    see is the fact that it took him five years and 12 hours a day to achieve this, not to mention the investment in knowledge and key, important tools!.

    For example there is enough free information on here that you can easily make $10,000 or 20,000 a month with, however most people will do this:

    • They will look at 2 threads and give up...
    • They will question this business..."does it really work? Why can't I have it all for free? I don't have money for hosting"?
    • They scared, success scares most people and hence they walk away!
    • They waste time being rude to actual people that make money!
    Even just look on this thread we have excellent and experience marketers on here, steve b, mike antony discrat etc etc and most people won't read their REAL ADVICE

    They will choose to read the post that says "yeah cool thread man, check out my affiliate link".

    FOR GOD SAKE PEOPLE money can be made online, you need a process, you need some money to start and you need to be consistent!!

    Thank you to all the long term members for their very detailed reponses

    Have a great day!
    ====>READY To Be Successful Online? FIND OUT more!?<====
    You FAIL online because you have the WRONG information.....
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  • Profile picture of the author kred7
    That's internet marketing for you, only work's for the people at the top selling "the courses".
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Energy. Energy. Energy. Energy. Energy! Energy, Marco, this is the difference maker.

    In my 2 blogging courses I devote a substantial portion to managing your energy. Which goes beyond mindset.

    Here's why: most IMers buy course with this predominant energy:

    "I am broke as hell! Or, I am greedy as hell and NEED money! Or, I need to succeed SO quickly, to make money, so people will like or love me, or so I can accept myself."

    These energies are LOW, LOW states of being, meaning, you can follow all the practical tips step by step for a decade, and you will screw up, fail, and find yourself in the same failing, unhappy space, because until you change your energy, by embracing and releasing your deepest fears and limiting beliefs, you will keep getting the same results.

    Buy a good course with a heavy emphasis on mindset, or managing your energy. Or just buy a course related to your niche with that heavy mindset component. This is THE difference maker.

    Until you uncover those deep, deep, deep, low energies (greed, desperation, fear, etc), Frank Kern can put together the ultimate IM course, with all proven tips, and it'd be like handing the keys of a Ferrari to a 3 month old LOL.

    Do the inner work. Then, you will find the practical tips that you're using will yield awesome results.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Doug Hewitt
    I totally agree with all the responses here as they all pretty much apply,

    The one thing I DO know about running any campaigns online especially if it is paid traffic....MOST of them will fail. Even the most experienced marketers have failed campaigns. That's why you hear the most successful marketers will always say "TEST TEST TEST!!" If you keep at it you will find that one campaign that really takes off. You might have 9 losers but the 10th will be a winner!

    A big part of the mindset that is needed to become successful is that you cant be afraid to lose money and you need to look at it as buying data. You need to have a budget set aside for testing paid traffic and if you don't have that budget its better to stick to using free methods or performing some kind of service in order to raise the money. I hope that helps! Doug
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