Does Anyone Still Use Q&A Sites Like Yahoo Answers to Make Money?

9 replies
Does Anyone Still Use Q&A Sites Like Yahoo Answers to Make Money?

I know that these sites used to rank high and had a decent amount of traffic that could be used to promote just about anything if they were used correctly.

I was just wondering if they are still relevant in 2016? Do they still rank well and have decent amount of traffic to be able to make it worthwhile to pursue in hiring someone to post decent questions and answers and then sprinkle in a few affiliate product links?

Any feedback or experiences would be appreciated.

#answers #make #money #qanda #sites #yahoo
  • Profile picture of the author Sam JTB
    Hard to say really...

    I would argue that there's more question and answer sites today (Quora, Reddit, etc.) so it might be more difficult to make money through Yahoo answers, because the traffic isn't as high as it once was.
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  • Profile picture of the author Omarkenawy
    I`m still using the Q&A Sites to get some traffic to my sites. The quantity plays important role. The more you answer questions, the more traffic you get.

    Quora is one of my favorite Q&A Sites, because it helps me to create backlinks as well as appear like expert in my niche.

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  • Profile picture of the author jipolis7
    Still many people use such sites to drive some traffic for sure. Quora / Reddit are good sources if you have time to post as many as possible.

    All the best!
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    I remember years ago Yahoo Answers was all the rave. Marketers started gaming it and they caught whiff of it and really cracked down hard

    - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author tomleen
    I agree with @Omarkenawy about the value of Quora because the responses there are of higher quality. You don't directly make money but you get compensated by positive PR (better online reputation may mean you land more business or get traffic to your site).

    One frequent Quora user even stated that his answers sometimes get syndicated on sites such as Time, Newsweek, Forbes, and others which in turn drives a lot of direct traffic to his sites. How valuable is that!
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  • Profile picture of the author sktravellink
    I have been using the Q & A site such as Quora , Yahoo & other Forum posting site. Beside these I use the Article submission, relevant Blog commenting site also. Even I use the Social Media site also. Thanks for your advance.
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  • Profile picture of the author Courage
    I did really well on YA a couple of years ago. Pretty 100%
    of my traffic came from there. Don't know if it works as
    well as it did then than now.

    But did you know you can advertise on YA? Google your keywords
    and if a YA comes up, advertise on that page.
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  • Profile picture of the author zdebx
    Generating sales through Yahoo Answers was never a serious business model - possibly to make a few quick sales here and there, yes, but NOT a long-term strategy.

    YA is still huge today, but instead of using it to get direct sales, utilise it as an additional traffic source for expanding your audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikeyman120
    Just bought a course on using Quora successfully so I am going to give it a try since I have been into free traffic lately usually I just with paid traffic but after some free traffic successes I am looking into more free traffic methods and this one of using the answer sites to generate traffic looks promising.
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