Best Avenues to sell Audio Programs?

by dolius
1 replies
Hi Warriors, I'm currently testing sales mechanisms for an Audio program product which is based in binaural audio and Neuro Linguistic Programming, essentially an audio program designed to teach people to achieve deep focus states and improve concentration. So far I made a test and got 1 sale out of 150 page views on the product download page. I'm about to drop some good coin in advertising but not sure how to channel this strategy, any of you have experience selling audio programs and mp3 info-products? what recommendations you guys have in terms of promotions, media etc? - Are mp3 products a good format to sell and where?
#audio #audio products #audio programs #avenues #mp3 #programs #sell #selling audio
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    the format of the product matters very little in terms of marketing. Just follow whatever marketing strategy you feel most comfortable with


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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