Suggestion for the next step

2 replies
Right now I am looking for a good way to living with an online business online in order to pay for my current bill and for buying asset thought my incorporation business I started this year.

I am eager to learn and I have some good course that I bought on Udemy to learn news skills for a new venture that I want to start in a near future.

Right now I have started a blog in a niche that I really like, the niche in question is bitcoin and cryptocurrency.

The URL :

The blog in question have only 4 posts and I am going to post 2 posts a week and hope to monetize it google Adsense and affiliate on this specific niche. I know it will take some time to make it popular and generate enough traffic on it.

In the meantime, do you have any recommendation of a course or something else that I can generate a good income? My goal, in the beginning, will be to make between 3000$ to 5000$ CDN by month and eventually reach to 10000$. The business model I would like to implement is something that I can do in any country and need an internet connection.

Share your inspiration story, idea, your experience because I am ready to make it possible in my life, I have nothing to lose and eager to learn. The most important I have the mindset and energy to make it a reality.
#business #goals #idea #money #reality #step #suggestion
  • Profile picture of the author absolutelee
    For me blogging is a slow way to go. What worked for me was finding a niche, creating information products, and then using affiliates to sell those. That's NOT the only way to do things though. Virtually all of this stuff actually works. So, find something you're suited for and stay consistent.
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  • Profile picture of the author kilgore
    Here's the thing: courses don't generate income. Businesses do. I suppose you might take a course to help you learn how to start or run a business. But it's still the business making money -- and your own efforts, resources, skills and talents are going to be the biggest determinant of whether your business makes money, not what course or courses you took.

    All of which, leaves me a little confused...

    You just started one business, and you expect (almost certainly correctly) that it will take some time to grow into something profitable. So in the meantime, to pay the bills you want to... start another business?

    Why would you expect that this other business would pay more and faster than your first one? And if by some lucky chance it did, why would you continue to work on the first business you started? Why wouldn't you just devote your time to growing the one that's paying?

    It seems to me that you have two reasonable options. Either you can devote all your entrepreneurial efforts to your first business or -- if you don't think your first business is going to work -- you can drop your first idea and focus all your entrepreneurial efforts on getting a new business off the ground.

    If you need money while you're working on making your business a success, get a job. But starting a second business because you need money while your waiting for another to start paying (a) is unlikely to bring in much revenue -- at least in the very short term and (b) is going to split your attentions and make it that much more difficult for you to succeed with either of your businesses.
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