Lets set some things straight

19 replies
I have been visiting this forum on and off now for about 4 years, in that time I have gone from making a full time living online as a freelance developer to being a full time marketer doing 7 figure a year in sales. Also during that time I have noticed that the same questions get asked over and over and over .. so I thought I would just take a moment to save some time and give answers to some of the most common ones I have often heard.

#1: Is it possible to make: $10, $50, $100 ..... $1000 a day online? Answer: Yes it is. I know from first hand experience that it is possible to make a lot of money online. In the 4 years since I stopped freelancing I have grossed just under 3 million dollars online, Ill let someone else figure out what that is a day, and I know several people doing much, much more than I.

#2: Is this all just a big scam? Answer: No its not. There are for sure scammers, there are scammers in any industry. You would not call the car business a scam because you got screwed by some shady dealership. A lot of people make a lot of money online.

#3: What is the secret trick that these people know that I don't? Answer: This question takes a lot of forms, most common people phrase it like this "If you had to start all over .... " .. but no matter what the question is always the same thing. Whats the secret? Well once and for all. THERE IS NONE! Unless you count hard work, dedication, having a plan of action etc.

#4: Will XYZ make me money? NO it wont. Nothing will make you money, you have to do it on your own. Software, training, etc are all just tools. A hammer will never build me a house. I actually have to swing it.

#5: Do I need XYZ? Answer: No. You dont need anything. Like really you dont need anything. A website would help, but you could also use a Facebook group. A Facebook group can be used .. but so can a fan page. You can make money with a fan page .. but you also can with a website .. there are a million roads to Florida and there are a million paths to online success. The important point is that you pick a frigging path and stick with it.

#6: I have tried 9674 things over the last 293 years. What am I doing wrong? Answer: There are a couple of answers that could apply here. This just might not be for you, contrary to what the 'gurus' would tell you running an online business is NOT for everyone. Or you might be bouncing around to much. Or you might just be spending to much time watching cat videos on YouTube. Who knows? Look to yourself and answer this one honestly for yourself.

#7: I have no money right now and am desperate, what can I do? Answer: Get a job. Like really, get a job. If you have a marketable skill this can be working on Fiverr or on Elance or whatever, but petes sake if your desperate for money, you need to work, save some cash, then worry about starting an online business (or any business) when you at least have some security.

Ok thats all for now. If I think of some more common ones Ill do an update (probably not actually) .. but one thing I want people to really understand is that:

A) Working online is NOT some way to get rich quick.
B) Working online takes a LOT of effort and hard work. Only you can answer if you are willing to put in that effort and hard work, largely without reward for quite a while. in order to get a payout later (answer honestly)
C) There is no trick, like really there is none
D) If your desperate, IM is not going to save you (see A)
E) While software / training are tools that can make things easier, you dont need them, in fact you dont need anything (besides a good work ethic and motivation)

Hope this post helps at least one person somehow.
#set #straight #things
  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    I agree with the majority of what you said.... Unfortunately you and i both know that it wont make much difference....
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author tscx420
    your post is motivating but I think someone just posted "where do i join i no english im new and broke just help me plz"
    so while you lay it down like were at the bar knocking a few back some people just dont get it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
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    • Profile picture of the author fasmail01
      Originally Posted by Regional Warrior View Post

      This is what you call a 3rd world problem now since FL has opened up the forum to countries that were not listed before to have access
      Sounds somehow, does that meant to say all those are asked by people from the third world? What an error in reasoning. . . !
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10983403].message }}
    • Originally Posted by Regional Warrior View Post

      This is what you call a 3rd world problem now since FL has opened up the forum to countries that were not listed before to have access
      It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt ...
      - Mark Twain

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Actually, there is a secret. An open secret, but a seeming secret just the same.

    Here it is, free of charge...

    It ain't about you. Or how much money you need/want.

    Whether it's online or IRL (In Real Life), money changes hands when parties agree to an exchange of value.

    Example: Mom A tells Mom B "I'll watch our kids if you'll pick up my groceries when you go shopping." Value exchanged for value.

    Example: "Send us $19.95 and we'll ship you a Wonder Widget..."

    Example: Fill out this form online and get a chance to win a $100 gift card.

    I could go on, but I won't.

    I'll just paraphrase the late Zig Ziglar...

    "The prospect has my money in his pocket. But that's okay. I have the benefit he really wants in my case. We just have to get together and make the trade."
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10983937].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ACandi
      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

      Actually, there is a secret. An open secret, but a seeming secret just the same.

      Here it is, free of charge...

      It ain't about you. Or how much money you need/want.

      Whether it's online or IRL (In Real Life), money changes hands when parties agree to an exchange of value.

      Example: Mom A tells Mom B "I'll watch our kids if you'll pick up my groceries when you go shopping." Value exchanged for value.

      Example: "Send us $19.95 and we'll ship you a Wonder Widget..."

      Example: Fill out this form online and get a chance to win a $100 gift card.

      I could go on, but I won't.

      I'll just paraphrase the late Zig Ziglar...

      "The prospect has my money in his pocket. But that's okay. I have the benefit he really wants in my case. We just have to get together and make the trade."

      Nice post Brutecky,

      I would however second JohnMcCabe comment about the secret (see quote) and add your colourful statement about finding a path and sticking to it (STAY FOCUSSED).

      So developing those two ideas = find a problem lots of people want to solve, provide a solution and don't get distracted by the "shiny objects" that will surely come across your email pathways.


      Turn $50 into $500!
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    The important point is that you pick a frigging path and stick with it.
    Even if it gets rough, rocky, steep, muddy...
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author shmol
    Great post!

    I wish someone would have pounded this into my head when I was just starting out.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Excellent thread Brutecky . . . I wish every new IMer had to read and memorize your points - and was then tested on them once a year for life.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Michael
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    • Profile picture of the author johndetlefs
      Originally Posted by Robert Michael View Post

      To me, this post just screams "Give me thanks!!" while contributing nothing of actual value.
      While I get what you mean, if you check out the OPs previous threads you'll see this one is an anomaly, and I suspect it's sincere. It certainly has some good info for those who are just starting out in the game of IM.

      There's too much cynicism on this forum these days!

      You only get one shot at life - make it awesome.

      Everyone else also gets just one crack at it - help make theirs awesome too... or, politely step out of their way.

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    • Profile picture of the author brutecky
      Originally Posted by Robert Michael View Post

      To me, this post just screams "Give me thanks!!" while contributing nothing of actual value.
      What do you know. 250 years later and Lincon is still correct. Someone will always find some reason to bitch. Guess your sad that this post didn't give you the magic secret that does not exist Sorry about that.

      FYI: The trolling is a large part of the reason many people actually making money online don't come here anymore.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10984250].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Originally Posted by brutecky View Post

        What do you know. 250 years later and Lincon is still correct. Someone will always find some reason to bitch. Guess your sad that this post didn't give you the magic secret that does not exist Sorry about that.

        FYI: The trolling is a large part of the reason many people actually making money online don't come here anymore.
        Although I know exactly how you feel, it's not even worth the time responding to these haters.
        Everyone else will take care of them for you
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10984974].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      Originally Posted by Robert Michael View Post

      To me, this post just screams "Give me thanks!!" while contributing nothing of actual value.

      Sorry Robert, but this post was not made just for you. Obviously from the feedback, many here have found the thread helpful and motivating. Most people coming to this forum don't know everything there is to know about IM like you do.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author mak1403
    That's a pretty motivating. If only someone said this to me a few years ago... Actually scratch that, if someone said that to me a few years ago I still wouldn't listen.

    Ive been trying to 'hustle' online for a few years and failed quite a lot.
    I was impatient and my main problem was not following through.

    It took a lot of learning and patience to get where I am now, I'm not making millions but I am starting to see results and the main reasons is due to Following through to the end and patience.

    But as someone said: People just don't get it.
    Tech News Authority. Tech news, reviews and more.
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  • Profile picture of the author saki
    Nice summary, thanks

    Make an offer for UniPixel.com, GoodOccasion.com, EnglishKitchen.co.uk on Sedo.com. For more domain news, follow me on Twitter @namesuseek.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    To me, this post just screams "Give me thanks!!" while contributing nothing of actual value.
    When the majority of "thanks" is from long time members who are successful marketers...just maybe it's info to read and heed.

    The trolling is a large part of the reason many people actually making money online don't come here anymore.
    It sure is.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author oholymike
    Very well said. Thanks!
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