Article Marketing Alternative: Get on Google News...Get *Massive* Traffic

20 replies
Did you know you could build a website and have it appear on Google News?

There are certain requirements...but it's very possible and not that hard to get accepted.

Here's a list of official Google requirements you'll need checked off before submitting your site to Google News.

In a nutshell, you'll need "10 authors" (think "pen names"), approximately 100 live articles, approximately 3-6 months of age and 1-2 new, fresh articles per day.

You'll also need a CMS that can meet their requirements. Although you can use Drupal or Joomla, I got curious and dug around to see what actual news sites were using. I found this very robust CMS called Vivvo that's already Google News compliant.

Now, Article Marketers....allow me to challenge your thinking:

Most article marketers are submitting their articles to EZA. They'll jam out 10-20 per day and make some cash. But there's a problem with're building someone else's virtual real estate.

If EZA goes do you.
If EZA rankings do yours.

What if you take 5 of those 10-20 original articles and submit them to your own news site using varous pen names. Simply use current events to spin new articles and publish. In 3-6 months, submit the site for inclusion on Google News.

Once accepted, you can monetize the hell out of the site. Want to put up CPA ads? Go ahead. Want to monetize with problem. From what I've researched, you can expect very significant traffic and revenue (Adsense=$100-$200 daily). And you can write about damn near anything. Ofcourse, keeping up with Hot Trends and making articles catchy will help your rise to the top.

Hell, the Vivvo software even allows paid memberships.

So existing article marketers can potentially go from 40 views per day to massive traffic. Or if you prefer numbers, 8000 visits for one article, in one day, for one keyword (source).

And no matter what happens, you're building your own virtual real estate that you can grow or sell with time. And as money rolls in, you can pay for unique articles/authors and focus on the management.

Think about it....
#alternative #article #article marketing #google #google news #listed #marketers #massive #newsget #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author JohnHuizinga
    I've never seen Ezinearticles on Google News.

    "you got to keep fighting, keep believing and never give up in order to succeed"
    Tim Gorman

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  • Profile picture of the author Darrel Hawes

    I'll be the first to ask... what about Wordpress?

    Take a look:

    WordPress › Google News Sitemap Generator WordPress Plugins
    Darrel Hawes - Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Hall
    Google News is an absolutely awesome source of traffic as demonstrated in that blog. Get your sitemaps done and get them submitted, if you don't you're missing out on some massive traffic potential!

    I couldn't believe it when I saw this thread! :-)

    I'm actually working on a WSO that exploits this method in-depth, it's quite similar to a tactic in one of my most recent WSO's.

    Create an automated news aggregation website with PHP RSS Reader, click here.

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  • Profile picture of the author Chuck Evans
    We use Google News and have our "newsfeeder" set up with Google. Every article we publish is on Google News in a matter of minutes...we had our platform built by one of our IT guys and it works great!

    If you want you can check it out. Golf News Update

    Chuck Evans - Golf Magazine Top 100 Teacher
    Learn How To Play Your Best Golf

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  • Profile picture of the author acedalright
    I wasn't aware any article directories appeared in Google news?
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  • Profile picture of the author blessing2006
    The point made by bluesquare is valid.

    If you build your online credibility solely on the reputation of other web sites, when those web sites lose their reputation or go down, you go with them.

    The alternative of creating a CMS driven web site as suggested is tasking. 100 articles on news site and 2 new articles daily - most likely not for someone who has a full time job that is draining (the rat race)

    The solution is to find a balance in-between

    Post Nigeria real estate classified ads free in the Nigeria market

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1190806].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author matrixong
      The idea is excellent! Thanks for sharing. Anyway, I assume that your sites already included in Google News. Thus please advice how many unique visitors you get per day and per month?
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Diamond
    Originally Posted by BlueSquares View Post

    In a nutshell, you'll need "10 authors" (think "pen names"), approximately 100 live articles, approximately 3-6 months of age and 1-2 new, fresh articles per day.
    Thanks for the excellent post. It's a great idea.

    However, I apparently need help with my eyeglasses or reading comprehension skills, because I couldn't find a reference to any of your nutshell requirements on the Google specifications and help pages. Can you post links to those specific points?


    Mindfulness training & coaching online
    Reduce stress | Stay focused | Keep positive and balanced
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  • Profile picture of the author seoessex
    How do you get around the 3 numbers in each url rule? I have an established blog that just posts 'normal' urls...
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    • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
      Originally Posted by blessing2006 View Post

      The alternative of creating a CMS driven web site as suggested is tasking. 100 articles on news site and 2 new articles daily - most likely not for someone who has a full time job that is draining (the rat race)

      The solution is to find a balance in-between
      Completely agreed. Not easy at all. But I do see people jamming out 10 articles daily. So why not segregate 2 of the 10 for your own VRE and start building an authoritative site? Or better yet, start a small "group" that can push their respective websites in author bios? After all, you can "queue" up articles that have been pre-written.

      Originally Posted by matrixong View Post

      The idea is excellent! Thanks for sharing. Anyway, I assume that your sites already included in Google News. Thus please advice how many unique visitors you get per day and per month?
      I have no sites in Google News...yet. If you Google for'll see the search potential.

      Originally Posted by Steve Diamond View Post

      Thanks for the excellent post. It's a great idea.

      However, I apparently need help with my eyeglasses or reading comprehension skills, because I couldn't find a reference to any of your nutshell requirements on the Google specifications and help pages. Can you post links to those specific points?


      Steve, here's the link.
      Technical Requirements - Google News (publishers) Help

      Just click on the various links to each area to see the requirements.

      Originally Posted by seoessex View Post

      How do you get around the 3 numbers in each url rule? I have an established blog that just posts 'normal' urls...
      You can adjust Wordpress' permalink structure to include numbers. Read more here.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1191568].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Steve Diamond
        Originally Posted by BlueSquares View Post

        Steve, here's the link.
        Technical Requirements - Google News (publishers) Help

        Just click on the various links to each area to see the requirements.
        I already did that, and I found nothing about number of authors, number of articles, age of site, or articles per day. That's why I doubted my eyesight , and that's why I asked for specific sources.

        Mindfulness training & coaching online
        Reduce stress | Stay focused | Keep positive and balanced
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1192320].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
          Originally Posted by Steve Diamond View Post

          I already did that, and I found nothing about number of authors, number of articles, age of site, or articles per day. That's why I doubted my eyesight , and that's why I asked for specific sources.

          This particular information is theory based on articles I read along the way. Specifically, this story. Google does not divulge exact details about what it looks for when including sites. That would invite spammers quickly.

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          • Profile picture of the author Llewelyn
            Excellent Post. Thanks for sharing.
            Something I plan on looking into.
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          • Profile picture of the author Steve Diamond
            Originally Posted by BlueSquares View Post

            This particular information is theory...Google does not divulge exact details about what it looks for when including sites. That would invite spammers quickly.
            Thanks, that clears it up. In other words there's a flourishing rumor mill on the subject.

            Reminds me of the situation regarding effective SEO practices. Google gives only the vaguest guidelines, and so we see an army of self-appointed experts offering contradictory advice based on theory or on singular examples (e.g. spammy backlinks, duplicate content, keyword-rich URLs, quick masses of backlinks: do any of these hurt or help?).

            Your "nutshell" list looks sensible. Thanks for offering a summary of the available advice. But I think it's important to know that those guidelines are unofficial.

            Mindfulness training & coaching online
            Reduce stress | Stay focused | Keep positive and balanced
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1192670].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jhongren
    Great post...first time learning this...

    It is important to build own virtual estate.

    Thanks for sharing! =)

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  • Sometimes Google News finds you. It happened to me and brought about 6,000 visitors in one day.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alminc
      I purchased Vivvo developer license about two years ago
      when they didn't have the paid user option, and I hired one of their
      programmers to build a plugin for amember pro in order to have
      paid option. Everything worked fine with Vivvo and amember pro.

      I think that was Vivvo 3.2 then. Today they have version 4.x

      I was very happy about Vivvo cms features, templates were
      very good looking and the system had some very strong seo advantages.

      I started to build the site using my custom template and I loaded
      it with about 100 original articles, but then my site got hacked.

      I soon discovered that the software had vulnerabilities, and they
      were issuing new security patches rather often.

      I gave up Vivvo after about six months. Maybe it's time to check
      if the security of Vivvo is improved and build a news site again.
      No links :)
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