Which Outsourcing Company is the Best?

6 replies
Hi, I have been looking into outsourcing flyer designs.

I tend to earn about $50 per 20 on Graphicriver, per.. month, and Creative Market and another one, should double that.

I figure that l need about 625 flyers initially

With about 415 getting into GR, (which is exclusive) and then doubling the rest on the other two sites that aren't exclusive.

So l have looked into Freelance, and let's just say that it is on my short list.

Then l tried this one,..https://www.upwork.com

This used to be Elance, but changed their Company name, l haven't looked into this one much yet, but this seems to be a good option.

Then this one,..http://www.virtualemployee.com

This seems like a good option, but having to pay $1000 up front, and some 15 day thing, to hire someone for a month seems a bit extreme,

I know that l can test and reject candidates, (and give them a test) but $1000 up front,....he might take the same flyer and change the background a few times, just to keep the pace up?

So, anyone out there used any of these, (especially the last one) or another company l haven't thought of.

Or is there another option?

PS already tried Fiverr, but they want $20 or more for one flyer with PSD and rights. And tried graphic artists there a while ago, to do flyers with pretty average results.
#company #outsourcing
  • Profile picture of the author armaniaryanna
    There are many freelancing site, Such as Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer & so on. You can use anyone of them, which one is more convenient for you. I have been using the Upwork since 2011. You can take a glance if you want. Thanks for your interest.
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  • Profile picture of the author shaunybb
    The one that produces the best content for me at the fairest, most honest price!

    and actually does the job!
    ====>READY To Be Successful Online? FIND OUT more!?<====
    You FAIL online because you have the WRONG information.....
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  • Profile picture of the author SSSJames
    We love Upwork. It has a huge pool of great talent to choose from for nearly any task. There are monitoring options too, if you want to keep an eye on the work that's being done.

    We find Fiverr to be better suited to small tasks - always find trusted gigs with high ratings, as a few of them without a huge track record have had trouble delivering on brief/on time for us.
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Thanks guys, l will probably stay with Upwork, but keep Fiverr in my back pocket.

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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Chapple
    for graphic designs, I prefer 99designs,com
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  • Profile picture of the author Mdshohidulislamrobin
    Upwork.com and Freelancer.com
    Besides this there is also peopleperhour.com
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