Electronic device that takes pictures and send them to Twitter in real time

2 replies
I developed an electronic device that is capable of taking high definition photos on demand or automatically every X minutes or hours (without user interaction), and sent them automatically and in real time to a Twitter account. In addition it can activate real world devices, like lights, sirens (like the ones above jackpot machines).

I have applications for it in security, but marketing is an area that I have always wanted to cover with my products.

The product is less expensive and more robust than a camera with WiFi shooter, and with the access to real world devices it beats a cell phone with an app.

Do you see value in such a device applied in marketing activities, like taking photos of the attendance to an event? Do you imagine other applications for it?

Thanks a lot for your replies, they are very valuable to me.

David Diaz
Electronic engineer + MBA
#device #electronic #pictures #real #send #takes #time #twitter
  • Profile picture of the author mickyl
    Hi David, can this product send the images to other social networks such as Instagram or Facebook? or does it limited to twitter only?
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    • Profile picture of the author rprieto60
      I was thinking of the same question

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