"Gullible" removed from dictionaries, but not from the forum
Every day I see threads such as "I knew nothing and now I make $10,000 a week" or "How I made "$150,000 in 3 weeks".
Those threads appeal to many Warriors and that is evident by the number of gushing replies that appear, and the threads sometimes take on a life of their own, running into a number of pages of appreciative comments.
No evidence is provided. No proof is given. On some occasions a screen shot showing sales figures will be posted, but apparently the gullible ones don't know that they can very easily be faked. They are sitting ducks for the marketer who then decides that with so many people eager to learn how he or she did it, they can sell a "How To" course.
If the gullible people all disappeared from the forum, how would those "successful" Warriors sell their courses?
I know people have dreams and I wish all Warriors success, but I urge all members to be wary of big earnings claims.
Walter Hay
Mike Allen - Discover the one trick to force Google to send you buyers
― George Carlin
All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!